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This Day in History - February 2, 1943
WWII - Battle of Stalingrad ends
In the summer of 1942, the German Sixth Army made rapid advances across the Volga River while [-----1-----]. It appeared that the Stalingrad would fall, but a 2-week military [-----2-----] to the south ordered by Hitler proved to be a huge [-----3-----]. Russian resistance [-----4-----] within the city forcing the Germans into street by street, door to door combat - sometimes fought to the death by hand. In December, the [-----5-----] Russian winter claimed 90,000 German lives. The massive counter-offensive by the Red army took 100,000 more, until to Hitler's horror, Field Marshal Friedrich Von Paulus surrendered. On February 2, 1943, the street fighting in Stalingrad ended.

Nazi air divisions pounded the Russian industrial city of Stalingrad to rubble diversion blunder stiffened brutal
