沪江英乐讯   Music Is Murder是一个单人乐队,唯一的成员达旦曾是23乐队的主唱,这只光杆乐队算是他的副业吧。23和Music Is Murder,名字都有些怪怪的,但是音乐不错,这首Lady Morning News还真是可以一大早起床的时候听听的歌。

Artist:Music Is Murder
Song:Lady Morning News

Lady morning news
i follow u, I'm chasin' u, through the tunnel
Lady morning news
i adore u, I'm stuck on u, into the void
u run, run and run
where is your daily destination?
I can not wait till dawn
for my premeditated encounter mission
Lady morning news
i follow u, I'm starin' u, I'm invisible
Lady morning news
i follow u, I'm breathin' u, in the vacuum
i wrote you a letter
but I am the exclusive reader in that winter
In the tangent universe I'm dead, I'm sad
because I've changed my routine forever

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