<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
E: Byron and I will take turns staying with him, and hopefully we'll be able to get a handle on what's going on.      1    Okay, thanks, Jean.
B: What was that about?
E: Just letting Mike's guidance counselor know what our plan is.
B: Wait.      2    Now, does he think he's staying home next week too?
E: I told him he needed a few days that...
B: Where is he now?
E: He's in his room. Byron, wait... Before you barrel in there...
B: Why are we indulging him?
E:      3    Okay, we know why he's acting out. He made that perfectly clear to me.
B: No, listen. Ella, he did not break into a house because of you. Okay, he cannot blame his behavior on anyone but himself.
E:      4   
B: Well... he's got to get back to school.
E:      5    I spoke to a few of his teachers, and he's completely checked out.
B: Then it is our job to get him to check back in.

He should be back Thursday, maybe Friday at the latest.
Our plan was that Mike was gonna stay home from school for one day.
Because I don't think punishing him any further right now is the answer.
I'm just saying, if you want him to open up and let us know what's going on, alienating him is probably not the best approach.
I'm not sure he's there when he's there.

E: Byron 和我会轮流陪着他,希望我们能弄清楚发生了什么事吧。他周四应该会回学校,或者最晚周五。好的,谢谢,Jean。 B: 你们说什么了? E: 只是告诉 Mike 的辅导员我们的打算。 B: 等等,我们不是只打算让 Mike 请一天假吗?现在他觉得他下周也不用去学校了吗? E: 我告诉他他需要一段时间来…… B: 他在哪里? E: 他在房间。Byron, 等等……在你冲进去之前…… B: 我们为什么要纵容他? E: 因为我认为再度惩罚他也解决不了问题。好吧,我们知道他为什么这样做。他已经对我说得很清楚了。 B: 不,听着,Ella。他私闯民宅不是因为你。没有人该为他的行为负责,除了他自己。 E: 我只是说,如果你想他敞开心扉,让我们知道事情的来龙去脉,疏远他可能不是最好的方法。 B: 但他也得回学校啊。 E: 我恐怕他是人到心不到。我跟他的几个老师谈过了,他早就不去学校了。 B: 那我们的义务就是送他回学校。
