

The Committee on Foreign Investment

All the president has to do is pick up the phone and the bridge is approved.
If the President had wanted to be involved, he would have already made that call.
It's his initiative, Linda.
Was his initiative.We're in a trade war now.
But doesn't mean we have to abandon good policy.
It's inconsistent with his current stance.
The Committee on Foreign Investment has 30 days to approve. There's only six days left. They won't act without a directive from the Presidents of the United States.
I'm confused, you've been the biggest proponent of a strong position against China.
That is not true. I advocate the opposite early on.
You seen fixated on this bridge. Is something else going on here?
Unemployment is at nine-point-two, inflation is skyrocketing. We're on the verge of losing our majority. The president needs to offer a piece of good news.
A bridge? That's a drop in the bucket.
Jobs, infrastructure, deficit reduction.
You're still not being straight with me.
I have no ulterior motive here, but if you feel that strongly and the president feels that strongly, then I'll back off. I won't mention it again.
I think that's a wise decision. We should be a united front.
I couldn't agree more.
Thank you.
Why does everything have to be struggle? Can't some people just say “yes" for once?
I need the president's schedule for the next two days.
She change her mind?
What do you think?
