

前文中,我们已经学习,动词不定式分为“带to 不定式”和“不带to 不定式”。然而,“带to 不定式”在某些情况下,也要省略to这一符号。本篇我们来具体探讨一下to的省略问题。

1. 当and或or连接两个并列不定式时,第二个to常省。

  I plan to call him and discuss this question.


  My friend in China asked me to telephone or write to her in my free time.


2. 当两个并列to有对比意义,第二个to不能省。

  I haven’t decided to stay at home or to travel to Beijing this holiday.


  To be, or not to be, that is the question.


3. 当两个to之间无并列连词,to不可省。

  I came here not to help you, but to fright you.


4. 当三个或以上带to不定式构成排比,所有to不可省。

  Read not to contradict or confute; nor to believe and take for granted; not to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.

