

剧情简介: Bailey让所有医生接受强制反应训练,结果就真的派上了用场。医院接收了一名重达700镑(约合318公斤)的病人(病床、手术台禁得住么....),这名患者患有多种痼疾,对每个医生不仅是技术上的考验,更是思想上的冲击和考量。同时已是一院之主的Derek不得不面对一个死因有疑问的病人家属的证言,之后还和一名心外科的病人的女儿聊了聊有关Cristina的过去阴影...

Grey's Anatomy

Season 6 Episode 21 How Insensitive

Airs: May 6, 2010

Bailey preps the team with mandatory sensitivity training prior to admitting a 700-pound patient with compounded medical issues, and the case proves to be challenging in every sense of the word. Meanwhile Derek has to come face to face with a former patient’s husband in a wrongful death deposition, and spending time with a heart patient’s daughter opens up some old wounds for Cristina.