

剧情简介: Mark的女儿马上就要生了,于是全体上阵帮忙,连还在为小孩冷战的Callie和Arizona也来帮把手(让这俩帮忙接生不是火上浇油么....),做了外公的Mark还要头疼孩子的领养问题....与此同时,Derek向一位心胸外科大神Tom Evans发出了邀请,这让早已萌生去意的Teddy更加感到事业上的威胁(姐姐你就一去不回头的走吧~)。本集的特别病例是个被超大捕鲨钩刺中的渔船船长(说这是报应会不会很恶毒XD)...

Grey's Anatomy

Season 6 Episode 20 Hook, Line and Sinner

Airs: April 29, 2010

Sloan returns to Mark’s apartment, just as she’s going into labor, and Teddy, Mark and the still-fighting Callie and Arizona are there to help with the birth and to get Mark through his grandson’s pending adoption. Meanwhile Teddy sees Derek’s invitation to illustrious cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Evans’ as a threat to her future employment at the hospital, and the team works on a crab boat captain who has been stabbed with a giant shark hook.