Tightrope walking at the age of 3-not something most parents would encourage, especially 9 metres above a tiger enclosure.

3岁就去走钢丝-相信大多数父母都不会鼓励自己的孩子那样去做,特别是在一群老虎的头上9米走钢 丝。

But 3-year-old Xiao Yanzi has been doing this since the age of 1. She says, "I'm afraid of the tigers standing below, as they can bite."


And when asked if she likes tightrope walking, she says ,"yes, because I started from a very young age."

当被问到是否喜欢走钢 丝时,她说,“喜欢。因为我从小就练这个。”

Thankfully she is attached to a thin safety wire, so when the worst happens, the tigers could only watch.


Along with a slightly nervous crowd, when she falls again, her father is less than impressed. "She walked to my 60 metres yesterday when we did the training. "

在场的人们都替这小孩儿捏把汗,她的爸爸也在人群中。当她又一次滑落时,她爸爸一点儿 都没在意。他说,“昨天训练的时候她都走到了60米。”

"She didn't do so well today", he says. The zoo in China where Xiao Yan performs is all perfectly safe. But even her father seems to have his doubts. " I was a bit worried ",he says, "people say tigers can't clime trees but one of the tigers jumped and another one climbed onto the tree yesterday. I was so scared .


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