
Jamie Dimon



I just got off the phone with these guys. Listen to these quotes. These aren't from liberals. These are hard-core Wall Street guys who, whatever the world may think of them, know what they're talking about and so do I. Jamie Dimon at Chase says, "Voting against raising the debt ceiling would be a moral disaster." The Barclays guys say, "This debate is detached from reality." My Goldman source says, "If the House Republicans continue this debate, I hope they're willing to mark the end of the dollar as a global reserve currency." Please notice that he didn't say if the House Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling. He said if the House Republicans continue this debate. That's all it takes. Just the uncertainty. That's why the Dow's gonna close down 230 points today. Because just the debate, just the doubt, just the possibility that the House Majority might commit the most self-inflicted damage to the country since the secession of the South has caused billions in value to disappear.

我刚与他们通话,听听他们的原话,他们可不是自由派,而是华尔街的中坚分子。不管世界对他们的看法,他们知道自己在说什么,我也是。摩根大通的杰米•戴蒙说:"投票反对提高债务上限 将成为道德灾难。"巴莱克的人说:"这一争论简直脱离现实。"高盛的人说:
"如果众议院共和党人继续这一争论,希望他们准备好面对美元终结,作为全球储备货币的那一天。"请注意,他说的不是"如果不提高债务上限",而是 "如果继续争论"。仅此而已,仅仅因为这不确定性道琼斯指数就暴跌了230点,仅仅因为这争论,这怀疑,仅仅因为众议院多数派有可能犯下自南北战争以来对国家造成的最自作自受的损失,造成数十亿损失。
