
Andrea Ghez


the Milky Way


the Keck Telescope

Mauna Kea


Andrea Ghez has been coming to Hawaii for the last five years, trying to find out if there is a supermassive black hole in the middle of the Milky Way.
When I first started thinking about astronomy, it never occurred to me that there might be a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The idea was that galaxies rotated just around the mass of the center, which was just stars and gas and dust, nothing particularly exotic.
Andrea Ghez has been using a telescope even more powerful than Hubble, the Keck Telescope, perched 14,000 feet up on the sacred mountain of Mauna Kea. The Keck Telescope is the biggest optical telescope in the world. It has a vast mirror, ten meters across, made up of 36 segments of highly polished aluminized glass.
