作者:Ross Jones
2017-01-16 11:10
As Sherlock returns to our screens, here are 8 curious things you might not have known about the BBC series:
1. Despite China’s best efforts, Sherlock isn’t gay.
According to Moffat, "There's no indication in the original stories that [Holmes] was gay." However, nothing can stop millions of Chinese fans from adopting Sherlock as a gay icon, with a vast archive of literature dedicated to his romantic exploits with Watson (or ‘Curly Fu’ and ‘Peanut’, to give them their Chinese nicknames).
2. Benedict Cumberbatch doesn’t play the violin quite as well as Sherlock.
For season two’s violin scenes, Cumberbatch was taught how to play the violin by Eos Chater, a member of the classical group Bond. Although the actor played live on set, the playing heard on the soundtrack is by Chater.
3. In Japan, he’s a comic book hero.
Japan has a long tradition of Sherlock-influenced manga or anime: Young Miss Holmes, Detective Hound, and the Arthur Conan Doyle-inspired Detective Conan. But the BBC series recently received the ultimate accolade: completely faithful comic-book adaptations of the episodes.
4. And in South Korea, he’s (almost) a pop star.
K-pop pretty-boys SHINee paid tribute to the series with their 2012 hit Sherlock, and a music video full of slightly suspect Holmes-ian references (violin, shabby Victoriana decor, an ‘iWatson’ laptop).
5. ‘221b Baker Street’ actually looks like this.
The 370 sq ft one-bedroom flat above Speedy’s Cafe, which is in fact about a mile away from Baker Street.
6. Sherlock isn’t a sociopath.
In A Study In Pink, Anderson flippantly calls Holmes a psychopath. "Do your research, Anderson," comes the reply. “I'm a high-functioning sociopath.” Not true, according to psychologist Maria Konnikova, who convincingly argues that Sherlock is too loving, empathetic, and aware of his own faults to be considered a sociopath.
7. The Russians have their own Sherlock.
Freud’s Method, a crime drama produced by Russia’s Star Media, bears a striking resemblance to the BBC series. Even the opening titles look a little familiar, as Mark Gatiss noted with his tweet: "Ha! The sincerest form of flattery".
8. Benedict Cumberbatch hates Sherlock’s hair.
The actor’s preparations for looking the part of Sherlock include intense Bikram yoga sessions, swimming, and no smoking or drinking during filming. But there’s one thing he especially hates doing: growing his hair. As he told The Times, “I just think it makes me look a bit like… a woman.”