How To Box Out And Rebound In Basketball


Dennis Rodman, one of the NBA's best all-time rebounders, described his success like this, "I'm hungrier than those other guys outthere. Every rebound is a personal challenge." Rebounding is about desire and hard work. Follow these simple steps to learn how to box out and rebound like a pro.


Step 1: Box Out When the basketball is shot, you will first want to get close to the basket and put a body on a player by boxing out. Put yourself between the basket and the defender. Bend your knees and extend your arms while planting your rear end into the defending player pushing him away from the basket. Keep them on your backside and away from the basket.

1.卡位 当有人投篮后,你必须有第一个冲到篮下并用身体卡位的意识。用身体将防守球员卡在篮筐外侧。屈膝,双臂展开,用屁股顶着防守球员,用背靠着他们,把他们挤向篮筐外侧。

Step 2: Rebound Catch the basketball at its highest point when it comes off the rim. Keep the basketball held solidly between your hands keeping the ball high above your head. If you are on offense, then put the ball back in the basket or kick it out to another player. If you are on defense, then get the basketball to your outlet player so that they can get it up the court.

2.抢篮板 当篮球磕筐而出,达到最高点时,双手举过头顶,将皮球紧紧抓在双手之间。如果抢到的是进攻篮板,那么你可以直接进攻或者将球传出去给其他队友。如果抢到的是防守篮板,那就传无球队友,以便组织进攻。

