2010-02-26 13:23
Any time you're fouled in the act of shooting the basketball, you get two free throws, which are worth one point apiece. Making your free throws (or foul shots) can be the difference between winning and losing a basketball game. Follow these steps from NBA great Tracy Murray to learn how to knock them down from the charity stripe.
Step 1: Setting Up
1. 准备姿势
Spread your feet the width of your shoulders with one foot slightly in front of the others. It is critical that you are completely balanced and lined up, straight on with the hoop. Keep your shoulders square to the basket. Develop a routine that you will go through before each free throw, therefore creating a solid system for you to follow. Focus on your shooting spot - either the back of the rim or just over the front of the rim.
Step 2: Take Your Best Shot
2. 投篮
You should use your legs to generate all the power for your free throws. Your arms are used to aim the basketball towards the rim. The less power that you use in your arms the more accurate your shot will be. Use your shooting hand to push the basketball, with your opposite hand as a guidance system - this should create an “L” that points straight towards the basket. Release the basketball from your fingertips, allowing them to create backspin on the basketball to provide for a softer shot.
Step 3: Follow Through
3. 后续动作
Finish your shot by extending your arm as if you are grabbing the rim. Visualize the basketball going through the rim.