• 《疑犯追踪》季终剧透:终点还是起点?

    Look for another major download of answers about Finch's past, including [w]exactly[/w] what tragedy befell his former partner Nathan Ingram and how that moment led Finch to take up Nathan's mantle with regards to doing the work of The Machine. But given Finch's alleged recent betrayals of Reese, is their partnership also destined to end in flames? Also, in the race to save The Machine, expect more resolution than your [w]traditional[/w] cliff-hanger. "At the end of this 24-hour period, someone is going to control The Machine, and the identity of that someone is something of a surprise," creator Jonathan Nolan says. "We consider this finale the end of one chapter. Next season is a brave new world." 【沪江美剧】据TVGuide网站爆料,在本周四播出的《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第二季最后一集中,宅总芬奇(Finch)过往的秘密将被一一揭晓。其中包括他的前任搭档内森·英格兰姆(Nathan Ingram)到底遭受了怎样的厄运以及芬奇接手内森未竟之业,利用机器救人的真正原因。 然而鉴于芬奇曾“疑似背叛”过里瑟(Reese),他们俩的关系是否会走向结束呢? 与此同时,在争分夺秒保护机器的过程中,暴露出的问题之多绝对超过你的想象。“机器开启“上帝模式”后的24小时的最后时刻,某人将完全掌握机器,这个人的身份十分出人意料,”《疑犯追踪》的主创乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)表示,“我们认为第二季的结局是一个章节的终点,第三季将是构思大胆的全新一页。”

  • 《疑犯追踪》第二季:《迷失》演员再聚首

    There will be a "Lost" [w]reunion[/w] on "Person of Interest." "Lost" veterans Michael Emerson and Ken Leung will [w]reunite[/w] on the CBS drama. Margo Martindale will also guest star on the series starring Emerson and Jim Caviezel. CBS made the [w]announcement[/w] on Twitter, but no details on their roles were revealed. 沪江娱乐快讯:《迷失》中的麦尔斯·斯特劳姆(Miles Straume)——肯·兰格(Ken Leung)将与本·莱纳斯(Ben Linus)——迈克尔·埃伯森(Michael Emerson)在CBS剧集《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)中再次合作。 女星玛格·马丁戴尔(Margo Martindale)也将客串出演这部由迈克尔·埃伯森与詹姆斯·卡维泽(James Caviezel)的热门美剧。CBS台已在推特上确认了此消息,但还未透露这两名新角色的具体情况。  

  • 疑犯追踪POI:枪支太逼真片场被关闭

    作了2008年的《暗夜骑士》。[/cn] [en]J.J. Abrams is a producer of the series that made its debut in September 2011.[/en][cn]J.J.阿

  • 《疑犯追踪》第五季确认被砍

    碎了,制作人乔纳森·诺兰和克雷格·普拉格曼打碎了我们的心,他们正式确认第五季将会是《疑犯追踪》最终季,《疑犯追踪》正式被砍。“我们非常兴奋地与fans一起分享这最后一季。”他们在联合声明中这样说道,并表达了对于fans的支持以及全体工作人员的感谢。[/cn] [en]"The good news is that Season 5 was written with the possibility that it would be the final season, meaning there will be no unresolved cliffhangers when it shuts off for good.[/en][cn]当然也有好消息,那就是这部剧按照最终季的方式来写的话就不会在结束的时候还留下一些未解决的悬念了。[/cn]

  • 《疑犯追踪》S01E21插曲:Revenge 复仇

    能让自己[/cn] [en]To destroy upon command[/en] [cn]无视指令[/cn] [en]Somehow forgiveness lets the evil make the laws[/en] [cn]不知何故 宽恕让邪恶制定法律[/cn] [en]No you can't hide what you intend[/en] [cn]你不能隐藏你想要的[/cn] [en]It glows in the dark[/en] [cn]它在黑暗中发光[/cn] [en]Once you've sought[/en] [cn]一旦你寻求[/cn] [en]The path of revenge[/en] [cn]复仇之路[/cn] [en]There's no way to stop[/en] [cn]没有办法停止[/cn] [en]And the more I try to hurt you[/en] [cn]我越是试图伤害你[/cn] [en]The more it backfires[/en] [cn]它伤害了我越多[/cn] [en]The more that it backfires[/en] [cn]它伤疑犯追踪害了我越多[/cn] [en]The more that it backfires[/en] [cn]它伤害了我越多[/cn]

  • 《疑犯追踪》主创诺兰深度解析灵感来源与争议焦点


  • 《疑犯追踪》S01E15插曲:If I Had A Heart

    《疑犯追踪第一季》是詹姆斯•卡维泽、迈克尔•爱默生等主演的犯罪电视系列剧。在S01E15中,为了接近机器挑选的下一位「可疑之人」,Reese决定潜入一个走私集团,但他很快发现整起事件背后另有玄机,之前机器已经挑选了其他人,但幕后嫌疑人是谁还是未知。《If I Had A Heart》作为本集的结尾曲为后面的剧情增添了神秘。 这首歌出自热射线"卡琳•德雷耶•安德森,同名专辑《热射线》是安德森不停创作音乐的需要与新生宝宝带来的疲惫相结合的产物。 【歌词】 [en]this will never end cause i want more[/en][cn]此将永不停息因欲望无边[/cn] [en

  • 美剧词汇精讲:《疑犯追踪》lock


  • 《疑犯追踪》S01E10插曲:When Things Explode

    疑犯追踪于我[/cn] [en]Yeah lately[/en][cn]我知道[/cn] [en]I know that I've beencrawling[/en][cn]我只能匍匐而行[/cn] [en]I know that I've been falling[/en][cn]我知道我已经坠入深渊[/cn] [en]Into your dream[/en][cn]直到坠入你的梦境里面[/cn] [en]Imagine no more tears[/en][cn]想象着 没有该死的眼泪[/cn] [en]Dissolving all your fears[/en][cn]去溶解你的恐惧[/cn] [en]With tooth and claw we fight[/en][cn]我们会用牙齿和利爪战斗[/cn] [en]Into this endless night[/en][cn]在这永不止尽的夜晚[/cn] [en]Yeah lately[/en][cn]我知道[/cn] [en]I know that I've been crawling[/en][cn]我只能匍匐而行[/cn] [en]I know that I've been falling

  • 迈克尔•艾默生谈《疑犯追踪》第二季:天网?鹰眼?

    CBS's Person of Interest wrapped up its freshman season Thursday with the episode "Firewall," which left our characters in a bit of a [w]quagmire[/w]. Finch (Michael Emerson) was captured by Root (Rachel Miner), the [w]villainous[/w] hacker from earlier in season one looking to find the Machine. Reese (Jim Caviezel), while searching for Finch, decided to speak directly to the Machine... and in the final moments of the episode, the Machine apparently gave Reese a call on a [w]payphone[/w]. Has the Singularity come to Person of Interest? Is the Machine self-aware? It would certainly appear so, but we'll have to wait until Person of Interest season 2 to find out. Speaking to TV Guide, star Michael Emerson shared a little bit about what he thought of the season's final twist. “We’re so used to thinking of the machine in one way – as the ever-present source of information in the background," he said. "It’s sort of [w]omniscient[/w] but definitely under the control of its builders and operators. I don’t think anyone has ever considered that the machine was capable of independent activity. I think that’s a notion that comes up before we’re done.” “It's a great cliff-hanger and it will determine everything that happens for quite a few episodes when we come back in Season 2," he added, promising more action and [w]suspense[/w]. "The real physical danger will surprise the audience, and the audience will be left thinking, ‘How can they go on doing what they do?’ The circle must be broken, the audience will feel.” Emerson, best known for playing the shifty Benjamin Linus on LOST, compared the cliffhanger to those of his previous show, noting "metaphysical" similarities that would leave viewers wondering, "'Oh wow, what does that mean?'" Person of Interest will return to CBS in the fall. 沪江娱乐快讯:《疑犯追踪》第一季在悬念中结束:宅总芬奇身陷险境,被未曾谋面的老对手——女黑客Root绑架;里瑟决定直接与“机器”对话,在最后一刻,街头公用电话响起,机器竟然给了他回应……这一出人意料的状况是否将会在下一季得到解答?机器是否已有了自我意识?我们只能静待《疑犯追踪》第二季揭晓真相。 男主角之一迈克尔·艾默生日前接受TV Guide的采访中与粉丝分享了他对季末大转折的一些想法。“我们会习惯性地认为机器作为信息的来源,始终只是一个单向的存在。它的信息涵盖万事万物,但仍然需要其设计者和使用者的来操作。我想,应该没有人料到机器已有智能。这是一个非常具有前瞻性的概念。” “这一点很动人心弦,而且在第二季开始的几集中它将决定剧情的走向,”他补充道,“实实在在的生命威胁将会逼近,观众将在震惊之余开始揣测:‘他们要如何继续这场冒险?’两人以往的常规肯定会被打破,观众会感受到这一点的。”他还透露第二季将有更多动作场面和更多悬疑元素。 《疑犯追踪》第二季将于今年秋季回归荧屏,等待着更多更出人意料的剧情吧!