• 裘德洛携《大侦探福尔摩斯2》抵达日本展开宣传活动

    Showing some love to his Japanese fans, Jude Law was [w]spotted[/w] at a press conference for his new film “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” in Tokyo today (February 15). The “Alfie” actor looked to be enjoying all the attention as he took questions and posed for pictures ahead of the movie’s March 10th street date in Japan. During the Q&A time, Jude was caught off-guard by the news that his costar Robert Downey Jr. had welcomed a baby boy into the world last week. Law replied, "I didn't know the baby was born. Is that true? Wow! I didn't know. I knew it was [w]expected[/w]. When? Am I late? How long ago? Last week? I feel terrible. I didn't know. He called you and he didn't call me?" 小罗伯特·唐尼与裘德·洛主演的《大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏》3月10日将在日本上映,当地时间2月15日,裘德洛先行抵达日本展开了一系列的宣传活动。当天晚上他一人出席了影片的媒体发布会,裘德洛一件皮夹克配休闲西裤看起来十分轻松惬意。而记者在提问中问起了唐尼喜得贵子他有没有去道喜,裘德洛却倒显得大吃一惊,反问了一大串问题——“我不知道已经生了啊,真的吗?哇!我不知道啊。我只是知道要生了。什么时候生的?我知道晚了是吗?多久之前啊?上周?太糟糕了。我真不知道啊。他给你打电话了咋都没给我打呢?……”

  • 看《福尔摩斯》学英语 初次见面不给面子

    本书很有趣,只是太离奇了点。) 3. decorated soldier:授勋战士。 Decorate表示“授予某人勋章”,例如:The Queen decorated the soldier.(女王授予士兵勋章。) 4. a man of action:实干家。 5. keep an eye on:照看,注意。 6. dowry: 嫁妆。 除了女方的陪嫁之外,dowry还可以表示男方给女方的彩礼。例如:I will consent to my daughter's giving her hand to you only on receipt of the agreed dowry. (我只有在收到商定的彩礼后才会同意我女儿和你结婚。) 7. some other time:改天吧。 例如:Let's talk it over again some other time.(我们另

  • 看《福尔摩斯》学英语 墓穴中的层层谜团

    精彩对白 Clark: Mr. Holmes? Holmes: Clarkie. Clark: Sir, Inspector Lestrade asks that you come with me at once. Holmes: What's he done now, lost his way to Scotland Yard? Watson, grab a compass. "You" means "us." Watson: No, "you" means you. Clark: It's Lord Blackwood, sir. He, uh...Well, it appears he's come back from the grave, sir. Holmes: Most engaging. Watson: Very clever. I pronounced the man dead myself. Holmes: What are the facts? Clark: Groundskeeper saw him walking through the graveyard this morning. Watson: I'll leave this in your capable hands. I have an appointment with Mary. Watson: It's not my reputation that's at stake here. Watson: Don't try that. Holmes: The newspapers got wind of it? Clark: That's what we're trying to avoid. Holmes: Certainly. What's the major concern? Clark: Panic. Sheer bloody panic, sir. Holmes: Indeed.  Watson: You're not taking this seriously, are you? Holmes: Yes, as you should. It's a matter of professional integrity. No girl wants to marry a doctor who can't tell if a man's dead or not. Watson: Who do you think won the match, Clarkie? Clark: Sir? Watson: The rugby match. Your boys have done a magnificent job obliterating any potential evidence. Holmes: Yes. But at least they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Lestrade: You took your time, Holmes. Holmes: "And on the third day"... Lestrade: These slabs are half a ton each if they're a pound and they're smashed open from the inside. Holmes: Lestrade, what of the coffin? Lestrade: We are in the process of bringing it up. Holmes: I see. Hm. Right. At what stage of the process? Contemplative? Anyhow, where's our witness? Lestrade: He's over there. And apparently, he is cata... Cat... Soldier: Catatonic, sir. Lestrade: He's not feeling very well. If you lot don't stop behaving like quivering milkmaids, you're on double-time. Now, you get down there and you bring that coffin up now. Watson: Good day, sir. It's all right. I'm a doctor. The man's in shock. He may need a few moments. Lestrade: The witness stated that he saw Lord Blackwood rise from the grave. Well? Watson: Well? \Lestrade: You pronounced him dead. Watson: He had no pulse. Good Lord. Lestrade: That's not Blackwood. Holmes: Well, now we have a firm grasp of the obvious. Time of death? Watson: Diptera is approximately two thirds of an inch which would put the time of death at between 10 and 12 hours ago. Holmes: May I borrow your pen? Watson: Adler's dwarf. Holmes: Midget. Groundskeeper: I know what I saw. It was Blackwood. As clear as I see you. And when the dead walk the living will fill these coffins. Lestrade: Right. Put the lid on and clean this lot up. Watson: You really believe he was resurrected? Holmes: The question is not if, but how. The game's afoot. Watson: Follow your spirit... Holmes & Watson: And upon this charge, cry: "God for Harry, England and St. George." 妙语佳句 活学活用 1. groundskeeper: 守墓人。也写作groundsman,可以用来泛指守卫者,管理员。 2. at stake: 危险,利害攸关。也可以表示“无法预料”。 例如:Our children's education is at stake. 我们孩子的教育好坏无法预料。 3. get wind of: 得到风声,风闻。 例如:If anyone gets wind of our plans, we'll be in trouble.(要是有任何人得知我们的计划,我们就会陷入困境。) 4. never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity: 福尔摩斯在这里是说:“可至少他们没放过任何蛛丝马迹。” 5. take one's time: 这个短语既可以表示从容不迫,也可以表示迟到、磨磨蹭蹭。当然,雷斯垂德督查在这里是怪福尔摩斯到晚了。 例如: It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.(对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,仔细考虑一下吧。) 6. catatonic: 紧张的,紧张症的。 7. double-time: 付给加班者的双倍工资。此外,double-time还可以表示“快步行走”。 下面再给大家介绍几个double构成的短语: double-talk 含糊言谈 double-tongued 欺骗的,“一口两舌” double-track 双轨 8. midget:侏儒,小型的。 9. resurrect: 复活,起死回生。一般用来表示“复兴、复现”。 例如:That noise is enough to resurrect the dead!(那噪音都能把死人吵活!) : 计划中,进行中。

  • 《大侦探福尔摩斯》的名言台词(中英双语)

    小罗伯特·唐尼版的《大侦探福尔摩斯》走的完全不是什么传统的推理剧路线,而是玩足人物个性和动作桥段。尽管如此,这个现代版的福尔摩斯还是引福尔摩斯用了不少柯南·道尔原著中的至理明言,为这一角色增色不少。如果你是推理迷,就一定能在看电影的过程中辨别出这些台词,并且很快说出它们分别出自那几部作品哟! Although Sherlock Holmes takes a number of [w=liberty]liberties[/w] with the original Holmes stories, it also [w=contain]contains[/w] [w]numerous[/w] [w

  • 钢铁侠版另类《福尔摩斯》裘德洛华丽抢镜

    片名:Sherlock Holmes 译名:大侦探福尔摩斯 导演:盖·里奇 主演:小罗伯特·唐尼    裘德·洛    瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 类型:动作/惊悚/剧情/冒险/悬疑/犯罪 上映日期:2009年12月25日  美国 国家/地区:英国/美国/澳大利亚 对白语言:英语 发行公司:华纳兄弟影片公司 修炼强悍口语何必跑培训班?在家也能学英语 剧情简介:   影片根据莱昂纳尔·威格拉姆(Lionel Wigram)的同名漫画改编,故事原型来自英国小说家阿瑟·柯南道尔经典破案侦探系列小说的主人公。 【小编短评】几乎找不到不期待这部电影的理由了,连个配角都是华丽丽的裘德·洛,小罗伯特·唐尼的领衔更是质量有保证,加上麦当娜前夫盖·里奇的执导,这个超炫的预告片更是吊足了大家的胃口。

  • 缺爷:本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇的“后福尔摩斯”时代

    赏到本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇获得奥利弗奖(Olivier Award,英国最重要的戏剧及音乐剧大奖)的作品《弗兰肯斯坦》。这部舞台剧去年曾在伦敦的英国国家大剧院演出过,将于今年7月开始在其他剧院上演。在这出由丹尼•波尔导演的舞台剧中,本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇与约翰尼•李•米勒)轮流扮演弗兰肯斯坦博士和他造出来的“怪物”。 还有消息称本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇有望与丽芙•泰勒(Liv Tyler)共同出演一部名叫《凤凰城》(Phoenix,暂译)独立电影。

  • 个性《大侦探福尔摩斯》拳击场上的爱尔兰轻快小调

    小罗伯特·唐尼和裘德洛主演的《大侦探福尔摩斯》个性十足,两位主角都不是我们传统印象中淡定镇静的福尔摩斯与华生,而是能文能武,还精通尖端科技。而片中出色的配乐更是来自大师汉斯·季默之手,除了令人难忘的小提琴之外,还有一首爱尔兰民谣在男主角拳击场上搏击时响起,这首轻快俏皮的歌曲是来自The Dubliners的The Rocky Road to Dublin《通往都柏林的碎石路》。歌曲唱的是一个人前往利物浦路上的经历。 The Rocky Road to Dublin by The Dubliners In the merry month of May now from me home I

  • 美版《新福尔摩斯》预告片:大侦探在纽约的冒险故事(视频)

    美的BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)热映后,人们不由得对即将上档CBS频道的的另一部现代版福尔摩斯电视剧——《基本元素》(Elementary)有了很多疑惑。你能接受生活在纽约的夏洛克和女版华生这对新搭档吗?不过,在看完这则预告片后,也许你会改变你的想法。[/cn] 预告片: [en]Miller is our new Holmes, an [w]eccentric[/w] character who helps cops solve crimes via an [w]unconventional[/w] relationship with law [w]enforcement[/w], and Liu is a former surgeon-turned-[w]sober[/w] coach for our unpredictable hero.[/en][cn]约翰尼·李·米勒饰演福尔摩斯,性情古怪的他担任警局的特殊顾问,专门解决让人毫无头绪的悬案。刘玉玲饰演琼·华生,她曾是一名外科医生,但曾因酒瘾害死一名病人。如今的她担任福尔摩斯的私人康复教练。[/cn] [en]In theory, it sounds too similar to be able to love both shows, but after watching footage from the new series, it seems there will be plenty of room on TV for both mystery-solvers. It's got a dark but accessible [w]vibe[/w], perfect for CBS. Plus, Miller gets to use his actual British accent and although Liu seems like such a bubbly, [w]likable[/w] person, she also seems 100 percent comfortable with her more serious side.[/en][cn]理论上来说,我们似乎没法同时爱上两位夏洛克,但看完这则预告片后你也许会发现,在电视荧幕上他们有着各自施展才华的空间!而本片略为阴暗但并非无法触及的氛围也正是CBS台的强项。在本片中,米勒依旧保持着英式英语的口音,而平日常以阳光活力形象出镜的刘玉玲如今也将展现更成熟更老练的一面![/cn]

  • 钢铁侠变身福尔摩斯 裘德洛版华生医生陪衬

    由裘·德洛、小罗伯特·唐尼和瑞秋·麦克亚当斯领衔主演的《福尔摩斯》近期在《今日美国》发布了第一批电影剧照。该电影围绕着由小罗伯特·唐尼扮演的波西米亚人夏洛克·福尔摩斯与裘德洛扮演的中产阶级华生医生是如何建立起破案拍档关系的。裘德洛表示:“其中有不少的对手戏。这是只有同性之间才能产生的友谊,你很欣赏对方,但他却又会时不时地激怒你。” 职场英语轻松学,张小盒动漫课程开班咯!! 性感斯嘉丽携手摔跤王 加盟《钢铁侠2》演反派 Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr., and Rachel McAdams are all featured in this first [w]batch