西来替代传统肉类,比如豆腐、沙拉和其他水果蔬菜。[/cn] [en]While families dine privately, Thanksgiving contains public ceremonies and traditions, too. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, for instance, takes place in New York City every year. [/en][cn]虽然聚餐都感恩节应该怎么过?[/cn] [en]Thanksgiving is historically the busiest travel holiday of the year. Each year, Americans travel to visit family members in cars, trains and by plane. [/en][cn]感恩节是以家庭为单位,但感恩节也会有一些公众的庆祝活动和传统,比如纽约每年都会有梅西百货感恩节游行。[/cn] [en]Additionally, the U.S. President participates in a turkey pardon, which involves receiving a live turkey and allowing it to go free.[/en][cn]此外,美国总统也会参加火鸡赦免仪式,活动中会选出一只活火鸡,然后放生。[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
感恩节活动第二波:外教面对面 感受地道感恩节
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)这个地道的西洋节日近年来在国内也是越来越红了。尤其对于学习英语的童鞋而言,这也是你了解英美文化的一个好机会呢。本周三(11月24日),沪江网校将在感恩节前一天举办语音派对,欢迎所有同学可参加! 派对看点一:沪江美女外教Alison老师和大家“面对面”聊天,为你详细介绍感恩节的各种有趣习俗; 派对看点二:“油菜花”沪友现场献唱,各种华丽各种萌,你一定不能错过; 派对看点三:现场提问外教老师,所有关于感恩节的问题我们来者不拒哦! 这么有趣的活动当然要参加!不要犹豫,现在就去预约活动吧! >>点击这里去预约感恩节语音活动<< 感恩节英日法韩多语种专题,带你了解感恩节的方方面面>>
也是首次举办感恩节的地方。[/cn][en]Did you know that there are at least three American towns named after Thanksgiving dinner's main course?There's Turkey, Texas, with 496 residents; Turkey Creek, Louisiana, with 357 residents, and Turkey, North Carolina, with 267 residents. There are also eight places and townships named Cranberry, and 20 places named Plymouth, after the location of the first Thanksgiving.[/en] [cn]9.由梅西百货举办的感恩节游行是全国最著名的游行。每年都
Baby Sign Language - Thanksgiving Song Teach your child about Thanksgiving and being thankful while signing this song.... 【感恩节手语歌歌词】 Let's Be Thankful Thank you for the sun so bright, Thank you for the moon at night, Thanks for friends that play with me, Thank you for my family, Thanks for all that I can see, I am [w]thankful[/w] yes indeed.
感恩节的祝福。[/cn] [en]Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.[/en][cn]在感恩节
去年,因经济衰退的缘故,很多美国人选择不在感恩节回家团聚。航空公司节前机票销售惨淡,不得不在最后时刻大幅度降价以填满空闲的座位。这也让许多持观望态度的乘客捡了便宜。而今年,在经济回温的背景下感恩节机票销售再次火爆。几天一个价格,让很多消费者担忧。而航空公司的业内人士也提醒大家,今时不同往日,继续观望只会更不合算,还是尽早把机票买到手的好! In Shift From ’08, Holiday Airfare Is [w=Soar]Soaring[/w] Daily Last year, [w=procrastinator]procrastinators[/w] were rewarded
感恩节的英文: Thanksgiving Day参考例句: The Pilgrims instituted Thanksgiving Day. 英国清教徒创立了感恩节。 They associate turkey with Thanksgiving. 他们把火鸡和感恩节行了化装舞会。thanksgiving是什么意思: n. (对上帝)感谢;感恩节 Thousands viewed the Thanksgiving Day parade. 数千人观看感恩节游行队伍。 She's reading the prayers of thanksgiving. 她在读感恩节祈祷文。 Dad always carves up
爱随心愿 心怀感恩:如何让孩子爱上感恩节(视频)
gifts to [w]unwrap[/w]. Find a Thanksgiving Tradition 寻找感恩节的传统 With turkey, my mom's famous cream potatoes and my grandmother's banana cake, our Thanksgiving is pretty outstanding! But, it seems we need to look for more traditions in order to make this holiday [w]unforgettable[/w]. Giving as a