语要去滋养。[/cn] [en]But we all only have 24 hours a day.[/en][cn]然而,我们每个人在一天之中都只有24个小时。[/cn] [en]And a lot
, but stronger people stand up for others too, and lend a hand when they’re able. [/en][cn]有时一些实际上小而简单的话语,却会触动某个人的心灵。要敢于走入黑暗,将身处其中的人引向光明。记住,强者为自己挺身而出,但强者中强者会为他人挺身而出,而且在他们有能力时会向你伸出援手。 [/cn] [en]9. Fight through your failures.[/en][cn]不服输。[/cn] [en]When you are feeling down or dealing with failure
有的步骤[/cn] [en]and whoa it worked out just like that.[/en][cn]随即,问题轻而易举的被解决了[/cn] [en]So that was it,[/en][cn]就这么简单[/cn] [en]she saved herself from going to a computer expert[/en][cn]她为自己免去了麻烦,不用去找电脑维修的专业人员[/cn] [en]and pay for the service.[/en][cn]也不用为维修付钱[/cn] [en]It is always good to try out things boldly[/en][cn]大胆的尝试新事物,肯定不会有错[/cn] [en]because you never know which one would turn out so well.[/en][cn]因为你永远不会知道,哪一种新事物会带来多么精彩的回报[/cn]
过给自己空间真正体会消极情绪,你是在处理这种情绪,而不是将其压制下去然后尽量不加理会。通过给予消极情绪所需的空间和关注,你实际上是在消解其力量。当你沉浸在那种情绪之中,并且明白它只是一种情绪时,你就摆脱了它的控制。你可以清理头脑并继续做事。[/cn] [en]Try it. Next time you're in the middle of a negative emotion, give yourself the space to feel the emotion and see what happens. Keep a piece of paper with you that says the following:[/en] [cn]你下次笼罩消极情绪时,试一下这种做法,给自己一点空间来体会那种情绪并看看会发生什么。随身带一张写着如下字句的纸条:[/cn] [en]Stop. Immerse for one minute. Do I want to keep this negativity? Breath deep, [w]exhale[/w], release. Move on![/en] [cn]停下来。沉浸一分钟。我想保持这种消极情绪吗?深吸气,呼气,放松。继续做事![/cn] [en]This will remind you of the steps to the process. Remember; take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion. Then, when you feel you've felt it enough, release it---really let go of it. You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on from a negative situation and get to what you really want to do![/en] [cn]这会提醒你该怎样去做。记住,要花你所需要的时间去真正沉浸于那种情绪之中。然后,当你感到自己已经充分体会到了它。你会惊奇地发现,你很快就能摆脱消极情绪,并开始做你真正想做的事情![/cn] 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。
同是一件很正常的事,但有些老板对此的应对方式会让你很无语。[/cn] [en]For example, they may tell you to shut up or treat you differently ever since.[/en][cn]比如,他们可能直接让你闭嘴,或者是在之后给你穿小鞋。[/cn] [en]This problem is most likely due to the low emotional intelligence of the boss.[/en][cn]出现这种问题,很有可能是因为老板本身情商低。[/cn] [en]If you have this kind of boss, then you can try to do this:[/en][cn]如果你碰上的是这种老板,那么你可以尝试这么做:[/cn] [en]Write your opinions in a well-organized email and send it to him.[/en][cn]把你的意见写成一封条理清晰的邮件发给他。[/cn] [en]Not only do you need to explain in the email why you think you are right, you also have to explain what benefits your proposal has for the boss.[/en][cn]你不光需要在邮件中说明你为什么认为自己是对的,还要说明你的提案对老板来说有哪些好处。[/cn] [en]If your boss’s IQ is qualified, then he will at least have further communication with you after carefully reading the email.[/en][cn]如果你的老板智商合格的话,那么他在仔细看了这封邮件后至少会和你进行进一步的交流。[/cn] [en]But if his practice is the same as before, then it means that the company really has problems, and it is not appropriate for you to stay in this company for too long.[/en][cn]而如果他的做法还和以前一样,那就说明这家公司真的有问题了,不宜久留。[/cn] (翻译:Frank)
管你多么贴心、有趣、机智、威严或怎样,世界上90%的人其实是看不见你的。剩下的那10%当中,有一部分会喜爱你,而剩下的人则会讨厌你。[/cn] [en]So, You’re free to be weird. [/en][cn]所以,你有权保持特立独行。[/cn] [en]As the saying goes- those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.[/en][cn]正如俗语所说:那些对你来说重要的人,不会介意;那些介意的人,对你来说不重要。[/cn] [en]7. There is no universal confidence.[/en][cn]没有人在所有地方都自信[/cn] [en]True confidence comes from practicing and mastering an act. [/en][cn]真正的自信源自练习与熟练。[/cn] [en]Social skill is just a skill like any other and all I have to do to become a pro is practice.[/en][cn]社交技巧就和其他所有技巧一样,如果你想成为达人,你需要做的只有“练习,练习,再练习”。 [/cn] (翻译:Maxxie)
有着卷曲的棕色头发和大大的、天真的眼睛,我能从她的脸上看到微笑,我希望能永远这样看着她。那时我明白了故事的结尾也是我对她的期望,我希望她“从此过上幸福的生活。”[/cn] [en]Still, deep in my heart I knew that this couldn't always be so. I knew that there would be times when her heart was broken. I knew there would be times when she cried in [w]grief[/w] and I couldn't comfort her. I knew there would be times when all she felt was fear, sadness, sorrow, and despair. As I [w=stroke]stroked[/w] her hair and smiled at her I hoped that those times would be brief and that she would have joy in her life more often than not. Living happily ever after, though, seemed out of the question.[/en][cn]然而内心深处我知道现实并非总能如我所愿。我知道有时她会伤心;我知道有时她会伤心地哭泣,而我却不能给她安慰;我知道有时她只会感到恐惧、伤心、懊悔和绝望。我抚摸着她的头发,对她微笑,我希望那些时刻都能很快过去,希望她的生活中更多的是快乐,然而,从此过上幸福生活似乎是不可能的。[/cn] [en]It took me a lot of years to realize that it IS possible to live happily ever after. You just have to do it "one day at a time." Happiness you see isn't some reward that you get at the end of your journey. Happiness isn't something dependent on what life hands you. Happiness is something you create in your life choice by choice and day by day.[/en][cn]很多年以后我才意识到从此过上幸福生活是可以实现的。你只需要“认真过好每一天”。你看到的幸福并非你人生旅程最终的奖励,幸福不是取决于生活赐予你什么,而是你日复一日通过一个个选择在生活中创造出来的。[/cn] [en]The truth is happiness comes when you love. Love is a gift from God. It is love that mends broken hearts. It is love that heals grief. It is love that gives us joy. Choose to "live happily ever after, one day at a time."[/en][cn]事实是幸福就是付出爱时的体验,爱是上帝恩赐的礼物。只有爱才能修复受伤的心灵;只有爱才能抚平伤痛;只有爱才能给我们带来快乐。选择“从此过上幸福的生活,过好每一天。”[/cn] (翻译:菲菲)
听懂。”他提到。工程师用B. Nguyen用
打开它[/cn] [en]She ripped it open, tears streaming down her face.[/en][cn]她撕
算了。[/cn] [en]When my (now) husband arrived at my house for our first date, I opened the door to my other half, dressed exactly like me, head to toe: aviator Ray-Bans, Levis, Timberland boots, the same yellow ski jacket. [/en][cn]我(现在)的丈夫第一次来我家和我约会的时候,我打开门,看见我的另一半,和我着装一模一样,从头到脚:雷朋的飞行员系列墨镜、李维斯、天木兰的靴子,还有一样黄色滑雪夹克。[/cn] [en]After our amazed laughter, he said, “One of us has to change.” I changed my clothes but not my mind. I knew we’d be together forever.[/en][cn]在我们惊讶大笑之余,他说,“我们中的有一个人要改变。”我改变了着装风格,但是我的思想没变。我知道我们会在一起到永远。[/cn] (翻译:林浔鸥) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。