一个人都有特殊的需要[/cn] [en]All of us also have Special Gifts.[/en][cn]每
活着。他们倾尽所能,跋山涉水四处寻医问药,找各种妇产科医生。但毫无效果。[/cn] [en]One day, I called them to say hello. The wife sounded like someone had died. When I asked, she said, "I am fine. Nobody died. Just tired." When I spoke with her husband, he shared with me that she had just seen her period, [w]menstrual[/w] period, that is. I asked him if I could speak with her again. I believe till this day that it was the grace of God that led me to make that phone call. It was time to share my one dream with her.[/en][cn]有一天,我打电话过去问候他们。这位妻子的声音听起来就像谁去世了一样很是悲伤。当我问道她就说“我很好,没有谁去世。我只是累了.”当我跟她丈夫谈起时,他告诉我说她刚刚进入经期,仅此而已。我问道是否可以再
双语美文:事业就像恋爱 喜欢才能长久
两个月[/cn] [en]I made up my mind to quit[/en][cn]我决定辞职[/cn] [en]and decided to do what I love,[/en][cn]我决定去做自己喜爱的事[/cn] [en]namely teaching English.[/en][cn]即,英语教学[/cn] [en]I have now been
双语美文:冰雪美人——葛丽泰•嘉宝 (有声)
件事。[/cn] [en]Keep trying until you get it right.[/en][cn]继续尝试,直到你做对为止。[/cn] [en]All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.[/en][cn]如果我们有勇气去追求,那我们所有的梦想都可以成真。[/cn] [en]The only place where our dreams become IMPOSSIBLE is your thinking.[/en][cn]没有哪个梦想是不可能实现的,“不可能”都是你臆想出来的。[/cn] [en]Make sure to wake up smarter tomorrow.[/en][cn]每天都要比昨天更聪明一点。[/cn] [en]Don’t let words of mouth control you, take control of your life by yourself.[/en][cn]不要让别人的闲言碎语控制你,自己控制自己的人生。[/cn]
看她,自言自语[/cn] [en]and for the first time ever[/en][cn]头一次[/cn] [en]a beautiful beautiful robin came[/en][cn]一只美丽的知更鸟飞了过来[/cn] [en]and sat on my flower pot...[/en][cn]坐在我的花盆上[/cn] [en]looking at me[/en][cn]看着我[/cn] [en]and walking around the pot.[/en][cn]在花盆周围踱步[/cn] [en]Oh I was so so happy[/en][cn]天呐,我多么惊喜[/cn] [en]it was my friend,[/en][cn]它就是我那位好友吧[/cn] [en]I Know it was.[/en][cn]我笃信如此[/cn] [en]And the day before[/en][cn]就在一天前[/cn] [en]I was walking[/en][cn]我正在散步[/cn] [en]and a white feather was just waiting on me[/en][cn]看到一片白羽毛,似乎在等着我归来[/cn] [en]and I knew that was from my neice.[/en][cn]我知道,这是我病重的侄子捎给我的[/cn] [en]I am going truly [w]upset[/w] at this time[/en][cn]这一刻,我内心十分悲恸[/cn] [en]but I know[/en][cn]但我知道[/cn] [en]they are telling me[/en][cn]他们都在告诉我[/cn] [en]it's going to be okay,[/en][cn]一切都会好起来的[/cn] [en]they are both with me...[/en][cn]他们都与我在一起[/cn]
双语美文:精通发言四大招数 (有声)
要做几下深呼吸你便会信心倍增,镇定自如。我觉得镇定自如就是能够好好地控制自己的情绪。我听说过另一种有趣的定义:镇定自如就是提高声音与提起眉毛之间的区别。还有一些抑制焦虑、恐惧的办法就是给自己来一段鼓舞人心的话或者进行一些体育活动--简单的健美操可以在你身上产生意想不到的效果。最后一招对付恐惧的杀手锏就是:准备,然后充满自信,表现出决不会失败的样子。[/cn] [en]Polish Your Voice[/en][cn]改善说话的声音[/cn] [en]Our voice is the main instrument we possess for communicating with people, we’re all sound sensitive. So invest in a tape recorder, practise your speech by speaking it into the microphone then listen to it. You can even have others join in the evaluation of your strong points and your weaknesses or faults as well. Remember that Demosthenes and Winston Churchill both used pebbles in their mouths while practising their speaking. I’ve done the same thing and I can promise you that even if you use jellybeans instead of pebbles you can quickly develop excellent pronunciation. Simply reading out loud can help you improve your voice and develop a personal style. Read the newspaper or a magazine out loud or read stories to your children, any kind of practice will help improve your emphasis, pausing, pace and pitch and even increase your [w]resonance[/w].[/en][cn]我们的声音是我们与人交流的主要工具,我们都对声音敏感。所以,买部录音机对着麦克风说话,练习自己的发言,然后再听听自己的话。你甚至可以让别人也来评价一下你的优点,不足或者是缺点。记得德摩斯梯尼和温斯顿·丘吉尔两人练习演讲时都是嘴里含着几颗小石块的。我也曾这样做过,而我可以保证就算你用软心豆粒糖而不是石块,你也可以迅速练就一流的发音。单纯大声朗读有助于改善你的声音并且能够发展你的个人风格。大声读报、读杂志或者读故事给你的孩子听--各种各样的练习都有助你改善语言中的强调、停顿、语速、语调,甚至增加你说话的响
双语美文:我要为你画一道彩虹 (有声)
会在语言的调色板上温柔地调色 调出阳光与清风的珍贵色彩。[/cn] [en]I'll paint you a rainbow that reaches so wide, Your sighs and your sorrows will [w]vanish[/w] inside, And deep in the center of each different [w]hue[/w], A memory fashioned especially for you.[/en][cn]我要为你画一道无比宽阔的彩虹, 你的叹息和悲伤都会消融其中。 而在每一种不同色调的中心, 都有一段特别为你打造的回忆。[/cn] [en]So lift up your eyes, for [w=suspend]suspended[/w] above, A rainbow designed by the fingers of love...[/en][cn]所以请抬起眼眸,因为在你头上, 悬浮着一道由爱的手指绘出的彩虹……[/cn]
的问题[/cn] [en]They are having conversations[/en][cn]父子俩在交谈 [/cn] [en]that suggest disappointments in a son and a father relationship.[/en][cn]言语间可以听出,两人都对双方的父子关系感到极大的失望[/cn] [en]He’s parents were separated[/en][cn]他的父母已经分开了[/cn] [en]and didn’t have much having a happy family.[/en][cn]他几乎没有体验过家庭生活
十只小兔崽。[/cn] [en]I saw how tossing a little pebble into a pond could produce ripples[/en][cn]我看到,把一颗小小的鹅卵石投入池塘,就会产生一圈圈涟漪,[/cn] [en]that seemed to go on forever.[/en][cn]圈圈不停的向外蔓延[/cn] [en]I saw how a few caring words could heal a hurting heart.[/en][cn]我看到,几句关怀的话语可以治愈一颗受伤的心灵[/cn] [en]And I saw how a single act of loving-kindness could travel from person to person,[/en][cn]我还看到,一个小小的、表达爱意的举动会把爱意从一个人传播给另一个人[/cn] [en]heart to heart,[/en][cn]从一颗心感染另一颗心[/cn] [en]and soul to soul[/en][cn]从一个灵魂触动另一个灵魂[/cn] [en]until it circled the world.[/en][cn]直到绕地球一圈[/cn] [en]The truth is we are all multipliers in this life.[/en][cn]事实上,在生活中,我们都是算式里的“乘数”[/cn] [en]The only question is what are we going to [w]multiply[/w] .[/en][cn]唯一的问题是,我们要让什么东西翻倍增多[/cn] [en]Are we going to multiply the fear, anger, and distrust that exists in this world?[/en][cn]让存在于世间的恐惧,愤怒,猜忌翻倍增多[/cn] [en]Or are we going to [w]multiply[/w] the love, kindness, and forgiveness that Life so freely gives us?[/en][cn]还是让生活慷慨的馈赠给我们的爱,善良和原谅翻倍增多?[/cn] [en] I for one choose the latter[/en][cn]我个人愿意选择后者[/cn] [en]and I hope you will do the same.[/en][cn]我希