商务英语口语900句900句 (16)
能在规定的三个月内出话,则合同视为无效[/cn] Part Two [en]456.This agreement is made both in Chinese and English. The two versions of agreement shall have equal status in law. [/en][cn]这份协议为中英文模本,两种语言的协议应在法律上同等效力[/cn] [en]457.This agreement is drawn up separately in Chinese and in English. Each part hold one original and one [w]duplicate[/w] of each language. The two languages are of the same effect. [/en][cn]该协议分别用中文和英文拟定,每一方各执每一语言正副本各一份,两种语言法律效力相同[/cn] [en]458. Both versions of this contract are equally authentic. [/en][cn]这份合同的译本同等可信[/cn] [en]459. Any amendment of the contract shall come to force only after the written agreement is signed by both of us. [/en][cn]合同的任何修改需我们双方书面同意,[/cn] [en]460.The contract shall become effective as soon as it signed by both parties. [/en][cn]合同经双方签字后生效[/cn] [en]461.This agreement will remain valid for one year and shall become effective on the date of signing. [/en][cn]协议自签字之日起一年期有效[/cn] [en]462.We’d like to make the contract to be valid for two year at the beginning . [/en][cn]我们要使合同从开始到两年有效[/cn] [en]463.I think we better make some changes in the wording of this sentence. [/en][cn]我认为我们最好在这句上做些文字修改[/cn] [en]464.Isn’t it better to word it in this way? [/en][cn]用这种方式概括岂不是更好[/cn] [en]465.I’d like to replace this phrase with “after the date of delivery”. [/en][cn]我想用“自交付之日起”替换该句[/cn] [en]466.If neither party considers it is necessary to extend the contract the proposing party may take the [w]initiative[/w] to conduct negotiation with the other party one month prior to its expiration. [/en][cn]如果两方都认为没有必要在合同到期时续约,那么有
商务英语口语900句900句 (01)
2022-10-26 -
助你。 48.I need to see this.这事儿我得想一想再定。 49.I will open my eyes.我会留意的。 50.I‘ll remember that. 我会记住的。 51.I want to pay. 我来付帐。 52.I‘ll be on the move. 我将随兴而定。 53.I‘ll see what I can do 我看一看能怎么办。 54.I‘m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。 55.I‘m looking forward to it. 我盼望着这英语口语的时候会发现有一些句子是相当常见的,自然也是比较实用的。如果我们将这些口语句件事。 56.I’m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。我搞糊涂了。 57.I‘m not feeling well 我感觉不舒服。 58.I‘m not myself today 我今天心神不宁。 59.I‘m not sure. 我不太清楚。 60.Well,it depends. 噢,这得看情况。 以上的内容就是常用的日常交际英语口语900句其中的一部分,希望对大家有一定的帮助。其实你会发现日常交际英语口语并不难,都是我们常用到的一些表达语句,所以想要提升口语水平就要多900句的具体内容了,一起来看看吧。 日常交际英语口语900句(一) 1.Thank you for the invitation.谢谢你的邀请。 2.I assure you. 我向你保证。 3.I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。 4.I can handle it. 我自己可以应付。 5.I can‘t afford it我买不起。 6.I can‘t believe it. 我简直不敢相信。 7.I can‘t resist temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。 8.I can‘t stand it 我受不了。 9.I can‘t tell. 我说不准。 10.I totally agree. 我完全同意。 11.I can‘t get through. 打不通电话。 12.I couldn‘t help it 我没有办法。 13.I didn‘t mean to. 我不是故意的。 14.I‘m not sure. 我不能肯定。 15.I like being with you. 我喜欢有你做伴。 16.I like it very much. 我非常喜欢。 17.I envy you. 我羡慕你。 18.I want to eat dumplings. 我很想吃饼子。 19.I‘m sorry about that. 太对不起了。 20.I feel the same way.我有同样的感觉。 21.I have a complaint. 我要投诉。 22.I have nothing to do with this. 那与我无关。 23.I have no idea. 我一点儿都不知道。 24.I hope you can forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。 25.I know the feeling.我知道那是什么感觉。 26.I mean what I say. 我说话算数。 27.I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。 28.I really regret it.我真的很后悔。 29.I suppose so. 我想是这样。 30.I think so too. 我也这样以为。 31.I fully understand. 我完全明白。 32.I‘d like to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。 33.I‘d like to reserve a room. 我想预订一个房间。 34.I was just about to call you.我正要打电话给你。 35.I was movedI was moved. 我很受感动。 36.I wasn‘t aware of that. 我没有意识到。 37.I was not born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。 38.I wish I could. 但愿我能。 39.I wouldn‘t worry if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会担心。 40.I‘d like a refund. 我想要退款。 41.I want to save some money我想存点钱。 42.I‘d like to make a reservation. 我想订票。 43.I‘ll be right there. 我马上就来。 44.I‘ll check. 我去查一下。 45.I‘ll do my best.我将做我最好的。 46.I‘ll get it. 我去接电话。 47.Let me help you. 我来帮助你。 48.I need to see this.这事儿我得想一想再定。 49.I will open my eyes.我会留意的。 50.I‘ll remember that. 我会记住的。 51.I want to pay. 我来付帐。 52.I‘ll be on the move. 我将随兴而定。 53.I‘ll see what I can do 我看一看能怎么办。 54.I‘m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。 55.I‘m looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。 56.I’m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。我搞糊涂了。 57.I‘m not feeling well 我感觉不舒服。 58.I‘m not myself today 我今天心神不宁。 59.I‘m not sure. 我不太清楚。 60.Well,it depends. 噢,这得看情况。 以上的内容就是常用的日常交际英语口语900句积累。
自签字之日起一年期有效。We’d like to make the contract to be valid for two year at the beginning:我们要使合同从开始到两年有效。 商务英语口语900句还是有挺多的,今天在这里就为大家介绍了其中的一部分,商务英语的学习,口语是非常重要的,如果你还是哑巴英语的学习者,那么从现在开始你就要改变自己了,只有改变自己,才有可能900句提高。
2020-10-07 -
。 930. I want to buy some food and vegetables. Can you show me the nearest free market? 我要买些食品和蔬菜。你知道最近的自由市场在哪吗? 以上就是为大家整理的海外操作人员英语日常用语900句,希望能够对大家有所帮助。在英语口语重要的今天,提升自己的口语能力是非常重要的一个900句部分。
2022-02-11 -
打算出国,英语口语的一些常用句子一定要掌握一些,不但方便自己的交流,而且生活中实用性也很强。下面分享一些关于护照、签证、海关纳税方英语口语的一些常用句面的出国常用英语口语900句,一起来看看吧。 出国常用英语口语900句—关于护照 A:Hi, Dora. So, I hear you are going to United States next week. B:So I am. A:When did you get your passport? B:I got it last week. A:How long is it valid? B:It's valid for five years. I'm planing to do a doctor's degree during my stay there. A:Good. Good luck to you! B:Thank you very much. 出国常用英语口语900句—延长签证期限 A:I'd like to extend my visa for another two years. B:Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa? A:Student visa. B:What's the reason for the extension? A:I'm going to practical training as soon as I receive my master's degree from the University of Pansevinia early next month. B:We'll need a letter from your University and a financial statement from you. A:Ok. 出国常用英语口语900句—海关纳税 A:Passport and embarkation card, please. B:Here you are, Sir. A:Would you open the suitcase, please? B:Sure. A:Let me take a look at this bag. Can you open it? B:Yah. A:Is this camera a gift for someone? B:No,it's my camera for personal use. A:You have to pay tax for this camera. B:No,please don't. This is for my personal use. A:You have a lot of gifts. You have to pay for the camera. B:Almost all are for my friends in the states. All right, Madam. I'll have a tow truck there within 30 minutes. ? 以上是为大家介绍的护照、签证、海关纳税方面的出国常用英语口语900句,大家都了解了吗?希望可以切实帮助到大家。更多英语口语句型的学习,大家可以关注沪江网900句,一起来看看吧。 出国常用英语口语900句—关于护照 A:Hi, Dora. So, I hear you are going to United States next week. B:So I am. A:When did you get your passport? B:I got it last week. A:How long is it valid? B:It's valid for five years. I'm planing to do a doctor's degree during my stay there. A:Good. Good luck to you! B:Thank you very much. 出国常用英语口语900句—延长签证期限 A:I'd like to extend my visa for another two years. B:Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa? A:Student visa. B:What's the reason for the extension? A:I'm going to practical training as soon as I receive my master's degree from the University of Pansevinia early next month. B:We'll need a letter from your University and a financial statement from you. A:Ok. 出国常用英语口语900句—海关纳税 A:Passport and embarkation card, please. B:Here you are, Sir. A:Would you open the suitcase, please? B:Sure. A:Let me take a look at this bag. Can you open it? B:Yah. A:Is this camera a gift for someone? B:No,it's my camera for personal use. A:You have to pay tax for this camera. B:No,please don't. This is for my personal use. A:You have a lot of gifts. You have to pay for the camera. B:Almost all are for my friends in the states. All right, Madam. I'll have a tow truck there within 30 minutes. ? 以上是为大家介绍的护照、签证、海关纳税方面的出国常用英语口语900句查询。
2022-01-03 -