讲一个与你所讲内容有密切联系的故事从而引出你的演讲主题。这个故事要求完整,要有细节和主要人物。比如《救救孩子》这篇演讲竟是演讲者的不同身份。 9.自嘲型 这里的自嘲,多采用一种挪榆的、戏谑的、自我解嘲的语气。但是也不能把自己的形象损坏得太厉害。而要在这种开场白里保持积极乐观的情绪和高度的幽默感。听众往往是这样认为的:能在大庭广众之下发表演说的人往往具有极高的透明度,是可以亲近的人。而且,你采用这种自嘲方式来“批评”自我,很容易产生另一有利效果,即让听众不自觉地产生一种莫名的优越感,使他们心里觉得十分舒但愉快,从而接受你的演讲。因此,这种开场方式被普遍采用。 大物理学家爱因斯但在一次科学讨论会上,这样说: 因为我对权威的轻蔑,所以命运惩罚我。使我自己也成了权威,(笑声)这真是一个十分有趣的怪圈。(笑声、掌声)大家知道,伊索克拉特斯是古希腊大演说家。有一次,他面对自己的学生这样演说
每当到一个新环境中,大家可能需要我们进行自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让别人认识自己。不同的环境下,大家的说法也要注意。如果是英语演讲自我介绍,那还是有一定的规范性的。如果你还不太清楚的话,今天就和大家分享一些吧。 1. My name is Zhang Youqiang. My good friends call me "brother Qiang", and some students call me "bald headed Qiang". To this end, I would like to say, "my head is not at all light." I am short
用过的一个词,反复强调,来不断突出你最后的观点。 4.Repetitive Close 重复式结尾 Find a phrase and structure it in a repetitive format that strikes the cadence of a drummer, building to a crescendo ending of a motivational speech. 使用排比句,使之听起来像鼓手打鼓那般有节奏感,使用渐次加强的语气来结束一场激动人心的演讲。 5.Title Close 标题式结尾 Give your speech a provocative title that encapsulates your message memorably. Then, use the title of your speech as your closing words to stir your audience to think more fully about what they just heard. 给你的演讲取一个有煽动性的标题,因而使你传达的信息更加难忘。然后用此标题来英语演讲作为你的结束语,引发观众对你刚刚的演讲内容更深刻的思考。 6.Sing Song Close 歌唱式结尾 Ask the audience to repeat a phrase that you used several times in your speech. 请观众重复你在演讲中反复说过的一句话。 以下内容更精彩,请继续阅读:英语演讲怎么结尾最好,英语演讲结尾怎么写。 7.Callback Close 回忆式结尾 Refer back to a story you told where some activity was not fully completed. Then pick up the story and close it around your theme. 重提你说过的一个不完整的故事,用它来切合你的主题,结束你的演讲。 8. Movie Close 电影式结尾 Make a reference to a well-known movie or book. 参考一部著名的电影或书。 9.Quotation Close 引用式结尾 Use a famous quotation to harness the audience’s attention, much like turning on a spotlight. 用一句名言吸引观众的注意,就如打开一盏聚光灯一般。 10.Third Party Close 第三方式结尾 Take the use of a quotation up a notch with the Third Party Close. Leverage the use of a quotation in context of your message. Use the premise of that quotation to frame your finale so that it serves as a launching pad to lift your message high for the audience to more fully appreciate. 利用第三方式结尾来使用名言。通过你要传达的信息内容来衡量名言的用处。以那句名言为基础构造你的完美谢幕,让它成为你语言的发射台,让你说的话更好地被观众所接受。
住了大家,今天,小编收集到比较热门的一些英语演讲话题,可以作为大家英语演讲的参考。 一起来看看吧! 1、在遇到困难时,放弃也是正确的选择吗? Do you think it’s proper to give up, if it just seems too hard. 2、人们经常把老师比作蜡烛或园丁,你会选择那种比喻你的老师?为什么? People usually compare teachers to candles or gardeners, which of these would you compare your teacher to? Why ? 3、如果你给扬州市长写信反映你最关心的问题,你会写什么? If you are to write to the mayor of your city about the problem that you are most concerned about, what would you write to him? 4、如果你的父母或朋友误解了你,你会怎么做? What would you do if your parents or friends misunderstand you? 5、语言环境对英语学习重英语演讲话题的选择对于演讲的成功与否起到了关键的作用,但是这一选择往往难住了大家,今天,小编收集到比较热门的一些英语演讲要吗? Some people complain that is difficult learning English because there isn’t English environment. What do you think of this problem and how do you solve it? 6. 什么样的男孩算“酷”? What makes a boy Cool? 7.如果你有机会见到姚明,你会对他说什么? If Yao Ming was here today, what would you say to him? 8.“人生最大的敌人是自己”这种说法对吗?为什么? Some people say the real enemy of life is ourselves. Do you agree? Why ? 9.你如何面对大学生活各方面的压力? What do you do or how do you cope or deal with the pressure of your campus life? 10.每个人都希望梦想成真。请你告诉我们,你如何理解“梦想成真”? Everybody wants the dreams come true. Can you tell us how you understand the meaning of the phrase “Dreams come true.”? 11.你以什么方式和同学或家人交流? How do you prefer to communicate with your classmates, by talking on the phone, going online or face to face? And why? 怎么样,看完了这篇小编精心为大家准备的文章,有没有感觉收获满满呢?喜欢就赶快收藏起来吧~
2017-12-11 -
英语演讲在我们初中、高中、大学等等的学习生活中都是非常常见的,我们也不否认有的同学英语演讲非常重要的一个句型,几乎每个演讲者都把这个句型作为开场白,让我们也一起来学习一下吧。 1)I am honored to have a chance to speak to you today. 我今天很荣幸跟大家讲几句。 2)I am honored to be here on such a special occasion. 我很荣幸在这个特别的时刻来到这里。 3)I am honored to introduce the founder of Crazy English,Mr.Li Yang. 我很荣幸地为大家介绍疯狂英语创始人—李阳先生。 4)It is my honor to introduce the president of our company, Mr. Jones。 我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。
演讲,大家一定会觉得演讲的开头最难了?! 一段好的演讲取决于演讲
2017-03-19 -
最好的开场白就是问问题、拿别人开玩笑并说点自己惊人(或怪异的)事。”—Murray Suid[/cn] [en]9. Make a bet[/en][cn]9.打赌[/cn] [en]“Walk up to someone and tell them you need them to settle a bet between you and your friend. It gives you a great in to start a conversation.” —Chris Seiter[/en][cn]“走向某个人,跟他说你需