• 六级作文优秀六级作文优秀范文

    大学英语六级考试是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试。在备考的时候积累很重要,下面是六级优秀范文,大家可以作为学习的参考。 六级作文写作范文1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying "Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.”You should write at least 1 50 words but no more than 200 words. In modern

  • 英语六级作文范文六级背诵

    在英语六级结束之后,大家都在感慨自己的写作,总会觉得写的不好,其实想要写一篇好的文章,不仅要多积累,还要多六级看好的文章。今天我们为大家整理了英语六级作文范文背诵,欢迎大家阅读。 英语六级作文范文背诵一: 禁止软件盗版 China has often been criticized for the rampant practice of software piracy. Take a look around. We operate on pirated Windows systems, defend PC security with pirated Kaspersky anti-virus

  • 2021年英语六级作文真题六级作文真题及范文

    六月份的六级考试已经结束了,有人欢喜有人忧愁,如果考不过去,12月份还是需要参加考试的。今天我们为大家整理了2021年英语六级作文真题及范文,一起来看一下吧。 2021年6月英语六级第一套真题及范文 中国高等教育∶Directions∶For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China's

  • 分享英语六级图表作文六级图表作文范文

      六级作文可能会出现很多种情况,作文的类型也有很多,所以大家在备考的时候需要针对各个类型进行备考。今天我们就为大家整六级作文可能会出现很多种情况,作文六级作文可能会出现很多种情况,作文的类型也有很多,所以大家在备考的时候需要针对各个类型进行备考。今天我们就为大家整理了英语六级图表作文范文,一起来了解一下吧。   图表作文是英语六级考试中常会碰到的作文类型,很多时候英语六级作文都是给出一个表格,然后让同学们根据表格上的信息来展开作文和讨论。曾经在一次六级考试中在作文这一项中,就给出了一个表格上面列明了学生与家长沟通交流的项目,让同学们根据这个表格来分析学生与家长之间的交流状况以及原因。   According to a survey about the communication between students and their parents, about 67% of students are willing to communicate with their parents about their studies, while only 22% of them are willing to talk about their personal affairs with their parents. Besides, 32% of students or so often ask their parents to buy books for them, but only 3.7% like to talk about study habits with their parents.   The survey indicates the limitation of communication between students and their   parents. Since parents' concern is on their children's studies, the latter are expected to be ready to make their performance and problems known to their parents. This is what all the parents insist on. However, some students don't want to tell about anything on studies to their parents. They may be afraid of being blamed for their failures on studies. In spite of the fact that 67% of students like to talkabout their studies with their parents, less than one third of the percentage like to talk about their personal affairs in family, which is partly due to the existence of the gap between the two sides. Most young peoplr don't want theirparents to get involved in their own life because they long to maintain their spiritual independence. In conclusion, efforts should be made to improve the mutual communication between students and their parents. (227 words)   以上就是为大家整理的英语六级图表作文范文的相关内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助。作文提高不仅是词汇的积累,也需要多掌握好的范文,这样提升起来效果才会好。

  • 2018年12月英语六级作文范文:大学六级教育

    2018年12月英语六级考试即将开考,今天小编为大家整理了英语六级作文范文:大学教育 ,希望能对大家的备考提供一些帮助。一起加油吧!胜利的曙光就在眼前了! 话题: 许多人认为上大学是非常值得的,因为可以获得学位,又有些人认为大学里学到的东西对工作上的帮助少之甚少,那么你是如何看待大学教育的呢?下面是小编整理的一篇关于2018年12月英语六级作文范文:大学教育 ,供大家参考与学习。 范文参考: ​Some Students Think Studying in a University is Worth-while Only Because They Can Get aDegree. Do

  • 大学英语六级作文范文:校园生活和六级学习题材

      备考英语六级,很多人都在写作方面出现了问题,其实大家在备考六级的时候,要多掌握好的范文,好的素材。今天我们就为大家整理了大学英语六级作文:校园生活和学习题材,一起来了解一下吧。   On Examinations   Examinations have generally been considered as a means to evaluate students' level and motivation to stimulate students to work harder. However, there are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examinations.   Most teachers and educators believe that examinations are indispensable for teaching. First, examinations are an efficient way to evaluate the students' learning ability and learn-in results. Second, examinations can serve as the driving force for students in their study.   However, examinations may cause some bad effects on students. First, examinations may turn students into mechanical learners instead of creative thinkers. On the other Han examinations are partially responsible for cheating at examinations because cheating seems to be the only hope for those poor students.   From what has been discussed above, we can draw such a conclusion that examine-Tins have both advantages and disadvantages. Educators should carry out some reforms on examinations so that examinations are welcomed by both the teachers and the students.   Cheating at Examinations   How many students dare to say that they have never cheated during their school years from primary school to university? Though school authorities give severe punishments to students who have been caught cheating, cheating is still rampant at all levels of examinations.   Several reasons account for this dishonesty. Many students cheat because they are afraid that they will not pass the examinations. Failing in the examinations means that they have to take make-up examinations and this can be traced down in their academic records. Furthermore, failure in the examinations may affect the students' future because nobody will take them as qualified persons if they are found to have failed in the school examinations.   Such cheating has lot of bad effects. Passing examinations by cheating encourages those lazy students and discourages the hard-working students. Fewer and fewer students will believe that diligence is the key to success. What will the general mood of the society? be like when they enter the society?   To put an end to cheating at examinations, we should adjust our education objectives from exam-oriented to quality-oriented.   Why Are Some College Students Absent from Class?   It is quite common nowadays that some students are often absent from class. Some of them are self-studying in the libraries; some are doing part-time jobs earning money,but still others are just sleeping in the dormitories, idling away the precious school hours.   There are several reasons for students being absent from school. First, some of them are not at all interested in their majors or the offered courses and would prefer to sleep in dormitories rather than sit in class. Second, some of them have not realized the importrance of knowledge and therefore do not appreciate the chance. Finally, some other students are in want of money either to support themselves or enjoy themselves and have no time for classes.   Regardless of the above reasons, teachers are sometimes partially responsible for students' absence. For example, some of their lectures are too dull to arouse the students interest. In addition, some of the teaching materials chosen are so out of date that some  top students would prefer to read some latest books on the relevant subjects in the libraries.   以上就是为大家整理的大学英语六级作文:校园生活和学习题材,希望能够对大家有所帮助。备考六级作文,多六级,很多人都在写作方面出现了问题,其实大家在备考六级的时候,要多掌握好的范文了解范文,多了解标准,这样才能够根据六级的标准来要求六级,很多人都在写作方面出现了问题,其实大家在备考六级的时候,要多掌握好的范文,好的素材。今天我们就为大家整理了大学英语六级作文:校园生活和学习题材,一起来了解一下吧。   On Examinations   Examinations have generally been considered as a means to evaluate students' level and motivation to stimulate students to work harder. However, there are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examinations.   Most teachers and educators believe that examinations are indispensable for teaching. First, examinations are an efficient way to evaluate the students' learning ability and learn-in results. Second, examinations can serve as the driving force for students in their study.   However, examinations may cause some bad effects on students. First, examinations may turn students into mechanical learners instead of creative thinkers. On the other Han examinations are partially responsible for cheating at examinations because cheating seems to be the only hope for those poor students.   From what has been discussed above, we can draw such a conclusion that examine-Tins have both advantages and disadvantages. Educators should carry out some reforms on examinations so that examinations are welcomed by both the teachers and the students.   Cheating at Examinations   How many students dare to say that they have never cheated during their school years from primary school to university? Though school authorities give severe punishments to students who have been caught cheating, cheating is still rampant at all levels of examinations.   Several reasons account for this dishonesty. Many students cheat because they are afraid that they will not pass the examinations. Failing in the examinations means that they have to take make-up examinations and this can be traced down in their academic records. Furthermore, failure in the examinations may affect the students' future because nobody will take them as qualified persons if they are found to have failed in the school examinations.   Such cheating has lot of bad effects. Passing examinations by cheating encourages those lazy students and discourages the hard-working students. Fewer and fewer students will believe that diligence is the key to success. What will the general mood of the society? be like when they enter the society?   To put an end to cheating at examinations, we should adjust our education objectives from exam-oriented to quality-oriented.   Why Are Some College Students Absent from Class?   It is quite common nowadays that some students are often absent from class. Some of them are self-studying in the libraries; some are doing part-time jobs earning money,but still others are just sleeping in the dormitories, idling away the precious school hours.   There are several reasons for students being absent from school. First, some of them are not at all interested in their majors or the offered courses and would prefer to sleep in dormitories rather than sit in class. Second, some of them have not realized the importrance of knowledge and therefore do not appreciate the chance. Finally, some other students are in want of money either to support themselves or enjoy themselves and have no time for classes.   Regardless of the above reasons, teachers are sometimes partially responsible for students' absence. For example, some of their lectures are too dull to arouse the students interest. In addition, some of the teaching materials chosen are so out of date that some  top students would prefer to read some latest books on the relevant subjects in the libraries.   以上就是为大家整理的大学英语六级作文:校园生活和学习题材,希望能够对大家有所帮助。备考六级作文,多了解范文,多了解标准,这样才能够根据六级自己。



  • 2017年12月六级作文范文六级:晨练

    话题: ​晨练,即早上起床后进行的锻炼,是人们常见的锻炼身体形式之一。晨练活动不但使人的体格健、外形美,而且可以健“心”,调节心理活动,消除人们心理障碍,你喜欢晨练吗?下面我们就围绕晨练写一篇六级作文,以下是范文,供大家参考。 参考范文: Morning Exercises Morning came.The bell rang.I got out of the warm cotton- padded quilt,quickly dressed myself,ran onto the playground,and played on the parallel bars. A few moments later,more people came.They exercised themselves in various ways.Some ran around the track.Some played on the horizontal bar. Still some played basketball,trying to shoot baskets.A group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn.A couple of strongly-built boys made graceful movements on the flying rings.Over there,several old men and women did shadow-boxing. At exactly 6∶30,music came for people to do exercises to radio music.For ten minutes all the people on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up,turning left and right.It's really a beautiful sight to look at! 词汇学习: ​cotton-padded quilt 棉被 parallel bars 双杠 run around the track 绕着跑道跑步 horizontal bar 单杠 shoot baskets 投篮 balance beam 平衡木 by turn 轮流 flying rings 吊环 shadow-boxing 太极拳 bending down and straightening up 弯腰运动 好了,以上就是关于2017英语六级作文“晨练”范文的介绍,,在阅读以上的内容时要注意文章结构和展开方式,另外可以学习范文中的一些句式结构或词汇的使用,必要的时候可作记录,平时要重视积累例子和一些表达方式。这样,我们在考试写作中就能得心应手。最后,预祝大家英语六级考试能取得理想的成绩。 备考课程推荐:零基础大学英语六级 英语零基础直达高级英语水平,英语盲也能成为英语通! 点击图片去六级作文,以下是范文,供大家参考。 参考范文: Morning Exercises Morning came.The bell rang.I got out of the warm cotton- padded quilt,quickly dressed myself,ran onto the playground,and played on the parallel bars. A few moments later,more people came.They exercised themselves in various ways.Some ran around the track.Some played on the horizontal bar. Still some played basketball,trying to shoot baskets.A group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn.A couple of strongly-built boys made graceful movements on the flying rings.Over there,several old men and women did shadow-boxing. At exactly 6∶30,music came for people to do exercises to radio music.For ten minutes all the people on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up,turning left and right.It's really a beautiful sight to look at! 词汇学习: ​cotton-padded quilt 棉被 parallel bars 双杠 run around the track 绕着跑道跑步 horizontal bar 单杠 shoot baskets 投篮 balance beam 平衡木 by turn 轮流 flying rings 吊环 shadow-boxing 太极拳 bending down and straightening up 弯腰运动 好了,以上就是关于2017英语六级作文“晨练”范文的介绍,,在阅读以上的内容时要注意文章结构和展开方式,另外可以学习范文中的一些句式结构或词汇的使用,必要的时候可作记录,平时要重视积累例子和一些表达方式。这样,我们在考试写作中就能得心应手。最后,预祝大家英语六级考试能取得理想的成绩。 备考课程推荐:零基础大学英语六级学习↓↓

  • 2022年9月英语六级作文范文:幸福在于六级知足

    在平时六级作文练习中,你是否存在不知道怎么写或者无话可说的情况?或者就是病句错句占六级作文满了整篇内容?如果你也遇到了这样的情况,小编建议你多背诵一些六级作文范文。今天为大家带来的是2022年9月英语六级作文范文:幸福在于知足,希望对你有所帮助。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Nowadays more and more people bear in mind that happiness lies

  • 2018年6月英语六级作文范文:关于六级失败

    话题: ​走在人生的路上,会有成功的欢愉,也会失败的伤痛,有晴朗碧蓝天空,也会有风雨泥,都说失败乃成功之母,但关于失败你又有什么样的态度呢?悲观者对“失败”的态度是怎样的呢?​乐观者是如何评价“失败”的呢?下面是小编整理的一篇关于2018年6月英语六级作文范文:关于失败,供大家参考与学习。 范文参考: ​Everyone expects to succeed in whateve r he/ she does .unfor tunately no one is always successful in all his / her life , not even s uch gr eat people as marx , mao , madam cur rie and einstein . dif ferent people hold diffe rent a ttitudes towards failure. some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure , while some other people lea rn lessons f rom failur e and continue their effor ts . There is no denying that failure is a bad thing , but“bad things can turn to good things .”i t all depends on how we deal with it . i f we ar e pes simistic, we will lose hear t . i f we ar e optimistic, we will see hope . i really have sympathy for those who , being badly hur t by failure , lose self-confidence and confidence in life . howeve r , i have even greate r admiration for those who , being stimula ted by failur e, go on st r aight forward to achieve success. I believe in the saying“f ailur e is the mother of success .” if i fail , i will t ry again , i f i fail again . i will t ry and try again . 词汇学习: ​there is no denying that 不可否认 deal with 对待, 处理, 应付 pessimistic a . 悲观的 lose hea rt 失去信心 optimistic a . 乐观的 see hope 看到希望 have sympathy for . . . 对⋯⋯寄以同情 have admiration for . . . 对⋯⋯表示钦佩 stimulate v . 激励, 刺激 以上的范文是一篇议论文,文中讨论了对待失败的两种不同态度, 最后表明作者的态度。本文的特点在于使用了很多对比句和对比词, 使两种态度表现得非常鲜明, 同时也增加了议论文的力度, 如: everyone — no one, some people — some other people等等值得大家模仿,希望上面的写作思路,写作结构可以帮助到大家提升英语写作成绩。英语六级考试在即,大家一起加油吧。最后,预祝大家英语六级写作考试能取得理想的成绩。 备考课程推荐:大学英语六级高效备考班 懒人四六级,一周六级作文范文:关于失败,供大家参考与学习。 范文参考: ​Everyone expects to succeed in whateve r he/ she does .unfor tunately no one is always successful in all his / her life , not even s uch gr eat people as marx , mao , madam cur rie and einstein . dif ferent people hold diffe rent a ttitudes towards failure. some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure , while some other people lea rn lessons f rom failur e and continue their effor ts . There is no denying that failure is a bad thing , but“bad things can turn to good things .”i t all depends on how we deal with it . i f we ar e pes simistic, we will lose hear t . i f we ar e optimistic, we will see hope . i really have sympathy for those who , being badly hur t by failure , lose self-confidence and confidence in life . howeve r , i have even greate r admiration for those who , being stimula ted by failur e, go on st r aight forward to achieve success. I believe in the saying“f ailur e is the mother of success .” if i fail , i will t ry again , i f i fail again . i will t ry and try again . 词汇学习: ​there is no denying that 不可否认 deal with 对待, 处理, 应付 pessimistic a . 悲观的 lose hea rt 失去信心 optimistic a . 乐观的 see hope 看到希望 have sympathy for . . . 对⋯⋯寄以同情 have admiration for . . . 对⋯⋯表示钦佩 stimulate v . 激励, 刺激 以上的范文是一篇议论文,文中讨论了对待失败的两种不同态度, 最后表明作者的态度。本文的特点在于使用了很多对比句和对比词, 使两种态度表现得非常鲜明, 同时也增加了议论文的力度, 如: everyone — no one, some people — some other people等等值得大家模仿,希望上面的写作思路,写作结构可以帮助到大家提升英语写作成绩。英语六级考试在即,大家一起加油吧。最后,预祝大家英语六级写作考试能取得理想的成绩。 备考课程推荐:大学英语六级备考期!

  • 2017年12月英语六级作文范文六级:守时

    守时的人在做事方式上有哪些不同呢?均带来怎样的后果呢?下面我们就来聊聊2017年英语六级备考作文:守时。 参考范文: Punctuality means observing regular or appointed time.A man who gets up at six o'clock every moming is punctual.A man who promises to call on a friend at five o'clock in the aftemoon and actually does so at that hour is also punctual. The unpunctual man,on the other hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time.He is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters,to return calls, or to keep appointments promptly. Undoubtedly,unpunctuality is harmful.Getting up five minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day.Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause unexpected trouble to both sides.Failure to be punctual is a sign of disrespect towards others.If a person is invited to a dinner but arrives later than expected,he keeps all the other guests and the host waiting for him alone.This is great impoliteness.Moreover,habitual unpunctuality leads to indolence and even failure in life 词汇学习: punctual [ˈpʌŋktjʊəl]严守时刻的;准时的 unpunctual man不守时的人 complaining[kəmˈpleɪniŋ]抱怨的 appointments[əˈpɔɪntmənt].任命;职位;约会;约定 好了,以上就是关于2017英语六级作文“守时”范文的介绍,希望上面的解题思路内容可以帮助到大家提升英语写作成绩。最后,预祝大家英语六级考试能六六级备考作文:守时。 参考范文: Punctuality means observing regular or appointed time.A man who gets up at six o'clock every moming is punctual.A man who promises to call on a friend at five o'clock in the aftemoon and actually does so at that hour is also punctual. The unpunctual man,on the other hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time.He is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters,to return calls, or to keep appointments promptly. Undoubtedly,unpunctuality is harmful.Getting up five minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day.Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause unexpected trouble to both sides.Failure to be punctual is a sign of disrespect towards others.If a person is invited to a dinner but arrives later than expected,he keeps all the other guests and the host waiting for him alone.This is great impoliteness.Moreover,habitual unpunctuality leads to indolence and even failure in life 词汇学习: punctual [ˈpʌŋktjʊəl]严守时刻的;准时的 unpunctual man不守时的人 complaining[kəmˈpleɪniŋ]抱怨的 appointments[əˈpɔɪntmənt].任命;职位;约会;约定 好了,以上就是关于2017英语六级作文“守时”范文的介绍,希望上面的解题思路内容可以帮助到大家提升英语写作成绩。最后,预祝大家英语六级考试能取得理想的成绩。 备考课程推荐:零基础大学英语六级 英语零基础直达高级英语水平,英语盲也能成为英语通! 点击图片去学习↓↓