• 英语口语考试话题汇总


  • 英语口语话题范文汇总

    英语口语现英语口语现在在人们的生活和工作中已经普及,在学习英语口语的时候都是从简单的日常开始的,今天我们为大家整理了英语口语话题范文汇总,一起来看一下吧。 第一部分 生活 1. Do you think blog has changed our life? 2. What will you do after your retirement? 3. Dream is a good thing but nightmare 4. Do you think we should help those who are disabled? 5. The importance of time 6. Wow

  • 初三英语口语话题有哪些

    英语学习者来说,除了要在考试中取得好成绩之外,还要多练习口语,今天我们为大家整理了初三英语口语话题求和每个题目的问题与选项,绝对不能放过任何一个细节。在浏览问题和选项时,要尽可能对文章内容和试题答案进行预测,听录音时只要验证自己的预测就可以了。 合理分配,不要抢答 在做听力时,要充分利用两题之间的停顿时间,快速有效地阅读题目。这样在听录音时就可以缩小注意的范围,把注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词上,减少盲目性,加强针对性。如所提问题是有关时间的,就可以在听录音时特别注意出现的时间,从而做出正确的选择。 以上就是为大家整理的初三英语口语话题有哪些的相关内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助。掌握了口语话题,在交流的时候就会容易一些,在考试遇到的时候也能够轻松应对。

  • 最新商务英语口语话题总结

    福和痛苦    support each other in times of adversity or difficulties.   并且在彼此遇到困难灾难的时候彼此支撑   四、商务英语口语话题-工作压力   1.What problems do staff usually have when they are under burden of a heavy workload?如果员工的工作量过大,会产生什么问题?   2.If they are overworked,employees will be susceptible to stress-related illnesses.如果他们的工作量太大,他们就会很容英语考试中,会涉及到很多商务英语口语话题,这些话题易得压力导致的疾病   3.They will be in very bad mood and low spirits,and fail to meet their job requirments.他们会心情不振,情绪低落,难以达到良好的工作状态满足工作需要。   以上就是一些关于商务英语口语话题方面的内容,虽然比较简单,但是用于商务英语交流中,完全可以应付。接下来大家就赶快进行学习吧。

  • 英语口语话题简述技巧


  • 英语口语考试话题整理

    英语口语的提高要依靠日常的经常练习,但是具体练习什么样的话题就看个人的意愿了。下面是为广大学员整理的一些英语口语考试常考话题,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、HOMEWORK Did you do homework when you were a child or kid ? Is it important for the children to do some homework? 二、READING what’s your favorite reading? what’s your relaxing method? Do you like reading books? Why? What

  • 英语口语练习共享单车话题

    理了共享单车话题英语口语练习文摘,希望大家喜欢。 It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming China's traffic-clogged cities. 有人认为高科技共享自行车行业一片繁荣,企业家们希望借此大赚一笔,同时改变中国的交通拥堵城市。 But, occasionally, dreams can turn sour. 但梦想有时也会破灭。 In the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, more than 500 bicycles for hire have been found dumped in huge piles on the streets, according to reports. 据报道,在中国南部城市深圳,有500多辆出租自行车被成堆丢弃在大街上。 Pictures showed jumbled stacks of vehicles nearly three metres high, with handlebars, baskets and other parts scattered on the ground. 图片显示杂乱的堆在一起的自行车高约3米,而车把、车筐以及其他零件散落一地。 City streets around the country have seen an explosion of the colourful bikes that users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose. 全国各地五颜六色的自行车呈爆发式增长,用户使用智能手机应用程序即可租用这些自行车,也可停在任何想停的地方。 The sharing economy is taking off in China, where ride-sharing and Airbnb are increasingly commonplace. 中国的共享经济正在起飞,拼车和民宿也越来越普遍。 From Shanghai to Sichuan province, bike-sharing schemes are being rolled out in an effort to slash congestion and air pollution by putting a country once known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles" back on two wheels. 为了减少交通拥堵和空气污染,从上海到四川,许多地方都推英语口语考试越来越多,而想要顺利通过口语考试成了大家的心愿,如果想要顺利通过,可以多掌握一些热门的话题出了共享自行车计划,让这个曾经被誉为“自行车王国”的`国家重回两轮时代。 Companies such as Ofo and Mobike, with their rival fleets of bumblebee yellow and fluorescent orange bikes, have been locked in a cut-throat battle for customers. 为了争夺客户,拥有黄蜂黄色自行车车队的Ofo和拥有荧橙色自行车车队的摩拜单车等公司陷入了激烈的竞争。 But problems have arisen when clients have abandoned their cycles. 但当客户丢弃自行车时问题就出现了。 "Some people these days just have really bad character," a man named He, who lives near where the stacks appeared, told the Southern Metropolis Daily. 一位家住成堆自行车附近的何姓男子对《南方都市报》表示,“现在有些人真的很坏。” "When they're done using (the bike) they just throw it away somewhere, because they've already paid." “当他们用完自行车后,就把车丢在某处,因为他们付了钱。” In the past few days he witnessed people demolishing the bikes before discarding them on the side of the road, he said. 在过去的几天里,他亲眼目睹了有人拆卸自行车后将其丢在路边。 Residents told the paper that bikes had been piling up over the past week, either parked haphazardly by careless users or stacked by local security guards trying to clear narrow residential alleys and footpaths. 一些居民告诉记者,那些自行车上周就已经堆在那里,不是粗心的使用者随意停放的,就是被清理狭窄胡同和人行道的当地保安堆放的。 Zhuang Chuangyu, a representative at Shenzhen's municipal people's congress, said the city needed to step up regulation of the bike-sharing industry in order to improve traffic conditions and safety standards, especially since schoolchildren often used the bikes. 深圳市人大代表庄创裕称,为改善交通状况和安全标准,尤其是在学生经常使用自行车的情况下,需要建立共享自行车行业监管制度。 In 1980, almost 63% of commuters cycled to work, the Beijing Morning Post reported in 2015, citing government data. But by 2000 that number had plummeted to 38% and today it stands at less than 12%. 《北京晨报》2015年援引官方数据报道,1980年有近63%的上班族骑自行车上下班。但到了2000年,这一数字已经降到了38%,而如今还不到12%。 Car use, meanwhile, has rocketed. In 2010 China overtook the US to become the world's largest car market, with 13.5m vehicles sold in just 12 months. 与此同时,汽车使用量急速上升。2010年,中国取代美国成为世界最大的汽车市场,在短短12个月售出1350万辆汽车。 以上就是为大家整理的共享单车话题英语口语练习文摘,希望能够对大家有所帮助。每年的考试话题都不同,而这些不同的话题都是由于各种各样的场景组成的,所以掌握各种各样的场景也就成为了备考的重点。

  • 英语口语话题简述技巧

    听懂的地方要勇于“忍痛割爱”,继续往前听。 熟悉试题,快速选择 答好听力题的重要前提和保证是在听录音之前阅读试题。开始听音前的五分钟,要看清大小题目要求和每个题目的问题与选项,***不能放过任何一个细节。在浏览问题和选项时,要尽可能对文章内容和试题答案进行预测,听录音时只要验证自己的预测就可以了。 同时,由于选项和试题里的短语、句子极有可能在听力内容里再现,因此,认真读题还可以提高听音的效果。听完每一小题之后,要尽快选定答案,这样可使自己处于主动地位。如果每一题都是先听后看,则有可能辈牵着鼻子走,疲于应付。同时,切记不要一边听下一句的录音,一边想着前一句的内英语口语容或眼睛仍看着前一句的选项,结果造成一错再错,大大影响考试情绪。听力部分答题之后,有一分钟时间修改答案。 合理分配,不要抢答 在做听力时,要充分利用两题之间的停顿时间,快速有效地阅读题目。这样在听录音时就可以缩小注意的范围,把注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词上,减少盲目性,加强针对性。如所提问题是有关时间的,就可以在听录音时特别注意出现的时间,从而做出正确的选择。 在做口语部分的朗读短文和话题简述时,千万不要抢答。听到“开始录音”的提示、看到麦克风图标和录音进度条后,在开始答题。如果抢答,将会影响分数。考生用口语答题时,如果没有表达好一个句子,可以立即修改重说,不会影响考生的得分;但如果考生答题过程中修改太多,将会影响考生的流利性得分。 以上就是为大家整理的英语口语话题简述技巧,希望能够对大家有所帮助。口语考试无非就是进行交流,通过交流来判断英语能力的高低,所以大家在备考的时候一定要掌握各种各样的话题,这样在考试的时候才能够更好的回答。

  • 研究生英语口语考试话题

    理了研究生英语口语考试话题,一起来看一下吧。 一、关于个人方面常见的问题 1. What kind of personalities do you think you have? 2. What basic principles do you apply to you work? 3. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? 4. What types of people don’t you like to work with? 5. What do you think is the most important thing to you to be happy? 6. Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are? 7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points? 8. What types of people do like to work with? 9. Are you more a follower or a leader? 10. What attitude do you take towards life? 二、关于兴趣爱好常考的话题 1. Do you have any special interests other than your job? 2. What are your hobbies? 3. What other interests do you have? 4. What kind of recreations do you most enjoy? 三、关于家庭的常见提问 1. What’s your marital status? 2. Could you tell me something about your family? 3. Do you spend much time staying with your family? 四、关于工英语口语是必须要考的。而在备考英语口语的时候,掌握话题作和经验的问题 1.What is important to you in a job? 2.Your resume says you have had some experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? 3.What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field? 4.Please tell me your present job. 5.What have you learned from the jobs you have had? 6.What kind of jobs have you had? 8.Please tell me about your working experience. 9.Where do you want to be five years from now? 10.What is your career objective? 五、关于教育和学习经历的.提问 is your major? 2.Which university did you graduate from? 3.What course did you like best? 4.How did you get on with your studies in college? 5.What subject did you major in at university? 6.When did you graduate from university? 六、其他相关的口语复试的问题 1.What would you do if....? 2.Why should we accept you? 3.What qualities are needed to get a promotion in a company? 4.What do you think is more important in getting a job, education background or experience? 5.What qualities are the basic requirements for leading positions at all levels in a company? 6.Why do some honest and loyal employees remain unprompted after many years of hard work? 以上就是为大家整理的研究生英语口语考试话题,希望能够对大家有所帮助。经过了初试的艰辛,你才会珍惜复试机会的不易。如果你能够进入复试,说明你的确努力过。但是,考研是一场持久战,后面的战斗也许会更加的残酷。

  • 英语口语考试话题及材料

    英语口语考试就是由各种各样的话题所组成,不同的话题会影响到大家的考试成绩,所以在备考的时候一定要多掌握话题。今天我们为大家整理了英语口语考试话题及材料,一起来看一下吧。 一、饮食:Food and drink 1.Do you have your breakfast at home? 2.Who cooks the meals in your family? 3.Do you often have something to drink when you have a big meal? 4.What is your favorite food? Why? 5.How many meals