2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译汉译英答案部分,由沪江网校提供。 【原文】 自古以来,我国各民族人民劳动、生息、繁衍在祖国的土地上,各民族组之间建级口译立了紧密的政治经济文化联系,早在两千多年前就形成了幅员辽阔的统一国家。悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。 我们的先人历来把独立自主作为立国之本。中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。近代中国虽屡遭列强欺凌,国势衰败,但经过全民族的百年抗争,又以巨人的姿态重新站立起来。 【参考译文】 From
2013年9月中级口译英译汉答案 含解析
级口译面的失败。 这种不公平很早以前就开始了:在美国,由于社会安全网存在漏洞,这就意味着低收入的母亲和他们的孩子完全有可能存在营养不良,得不到足够的医疗服务。孩子到了上学年龄这种情况也不会得到改观,他们所遇到的体制是富人可以送自己的孩子到资金充足的好的公立学校上学,如果愿意,还可以从送到私立学校上学
2014年3月中级口译英译汉答案 含解析
文中花费15分钟和苦干一小时形成对比,因此翻译时需要体现此对比关系。 参考译文:很快,这些平台将能够监测哪些学生在某个微积分问题上仅花费了15分钟,而哪些却苦干了一个小时。 3、It used to be that getting accepted to a prestigious university was how you accessed the best professors and could hang out with the smartest students. 解析:getting accepted to不要直级口译译为“为......所接受”,否则太过生硬。access意为“接近,使用”,hang out 意为“与......出去玩”,此处根据上下文意思,译为“结识”和“结交”更加恰当。 参考译文:过去,要想在一所著名大学里有所发展,就要了解如何结识最出色的教授以及结交最聪明的学生。
【沪江网校】2012年9月中级口译听力Passage Translation 答案+评析
Passage 1: 【原文】 While the rest of the world played soccer or the British football, Americans played basketball and baseball. But now soccer is rapidly becoming a major sport in the United States for reasons as simple as the game itself. School officials like it and kids like it. For the school authorities, it’s much cheaper to set up a soccer team. And for the kids, they don’t need to be big or tall to play soccer. All they need is the desire to run. 【参考译文】 当世界其他地方都在踢足球或英式足球的时候,美国人在打篮球和棒球。但是现在,足球已经快速成为美国一个主要的运动项目,其中的缘由和这项运动本身一样简单。校领导喜欢足球,孩子们也喜欢足球。对于校方来说,成立一个足球队成本更少。而对孩子们来说,踢足球并不要求他们长得高高壮壮。他们所需要的就是对奔跑的渴望。 【评析】 这篇文章还是很容易的。话题是我们非常熟悉的体育。平时注意体育话题相关词汇积累。 翻译的时候,注意表达。本篇语气篇口语化。因此翻译一篇文章弄清楚文章的风格也很重要,这样表达时,就知道到底是正式语气表达还是非正式语气表达。有时也有必要了解文章的体材:议论性、说明性还是描述性,从整体把握译文的风格。 1.“as simple as …itself”一般译为“正如…本身一样简单或纯粹” 2.“big or tall”。在这里我们形象地译为“高高壮壮”或“高高大大” Passage 2: 【原文】 What really makes me mad is the attitude towards morals. Some people are really shocked because actors are allowed to walk about the stage with little clothes on these days. But these same people are not shocked by advertisements which persuade the public to buy things which can do real harm to people, like cigarettes and alcohol for example. I think a lot of advertisements are much more immoral than so-called pornographic or dirty plays and books because they lie or at least disguise the truth. 【参考译文】 真正让我发狂的是人们对道德的态度。演员可以着装暴露,在台上走来走去,这让一些人感到惊讶,然而同样是这批人,却不会因为广告劝说公众购买如烟酒等对他们有害的产品而震惊。我认为比起那些所谓的色情或黄色节目和书刊,很多广告更不道德,因为它们在说谎,至少在掩盖真相。 【评析】 本段话共由4句话组成,后三个句子都略微偏长,但是并不复杂,所以难度一般。较难把握的几个词组如下: 1. little clothes连用。little如果作为“少”修饰的是不可数名词,很明显这里不合适,可以考虑little表示“短的”意思,意译为“着装暴露”。 2. pornographic对学生词汇量要求较高。这个单词表示“色情的、黄色的”。同时,dirty这里不能直译为“脏的”,而应该采用它的引申义“下流的、色情的”。 3. disguise较难,表示“掩饰、掩盖”,disguise the truth也就可以翻译为“掩盖真相”。
【沪江网校】2012年9月中级口译听力Sentence Translation 答案+评析
能与一个人的工作相关或者纯粹的是出于兴趣娱乐而上课。[/cn] 【解析】 本句话难度不大,如果考生一时没有反映出vocational和recreational的意思,也不必慌张,因为之后就是对这两个单词的解释,如果记下来,完全可以倒推出这两个单词的意思。 关键词: vocational:adj. 职业的,行业的 recreational:adj. 娱乐的,消遣的 [en]2. To overcome their fear of unknown attackers on the cities’ streets, many Americans now take instruction in Sun Swordof Oriental Self Defense such as karate and martial arts, commonly known as Gongfu or Wushu.[/en][cn]参考译文:为了克服对城市街道上陌生的攻击者的恐惧,很多美国人采取《太阳之剑》中的东方自卫术,诸如空手道和技击,它们通常又被成为功夫或者武术。[/cn] 【解析】 本句话稍有难度,sword, karate等词需要考生平时的积累,但是通过attackers,Gongfu,Wushu这样的词语,考生应该能判断出句子的大意。 instruction:n. 指令,教导 sword:n. 剑 karate:n. 空手道 martial arts:武术,技击 [en]3. Drinking tea has been a long tradition of a typical British family. Recent studies suggest that tea can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and retard the aging process.[/en][cn]参考译文:喝茶一直以来都是典型英国家庭的传统。近期的研究显示,茶能够降低罹患癌症和心脏病的风险,还能延缓衰老。[/cn] 【解析】 本句带有科普性质,但是内容并不陌生,也没有太多的难词、生词,唯一的难点可能是retard,解释为“减慢,延迟”。 关键词: retard:v. 延迟,减慢 aging process:衰老 [en]4. I’ve been looking into the question of having the goods sent by air. It’s quick. The goods are less liable to damage than by sea and there’s less risk of hold-ups.[/en][cn]参考译文:我一直在研究空运货物的问题。它很快,而且相比海运,空运的货物不宜损坏,延误的风险也较小。[/cn] 【解析】 本句稍有难度,诸如be liable to...和hold-up可能对不少考生有点陌生。 关键词: be less liable to:不易…… hold-up:n. 停顿,耽误 [en]5. If you lost two percent of your body weight in water, your brain power and performance level may start to weaken. Another four to seven percent may leave youfeeling dizzy.[/en][cn]参考译文:如果你身体中的水份减少2%,你的头脑开始迟钝,表现力开始下降。如果再减少4-7%,你会感到眩晕。[/cn] 【解析】 这译句话难度适中,但是考生要注意听的同时,快速反应所提及的数字,好在这句话中的数字比较简单。另外诸如dizzy这样的词也需要平时的积累。 关键词: weaken:v. 减少,衰弱 dizzy:adj. 眩晕的
题为例, 给大家讲解一下中级口译阅读例证题的解题技巧。 技巧一“题眼”提示法 所谓“题眼”其实就是题干中的标志性信息。例如: Which of the following is TRUE about Europeans in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? (1203 Q15) 就这个题干来看,很容易判断出the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries是题眼,进而回文中找到这个内容所在位置,答案也就显而易见了。 技巧二 数字排除法 有中级数字的选项,最先查看。例如: Which of the following statement is NOT true in the conflict between cyclists and drivers? (1403 Q7) (A) London seemed like a particularly dangerous place for the cyclists. (B) 14 cyclists were killed in less than two weeks in London. (C) The death of cyclists sparked a bout of public recrimination. (D) People are dying in this conflict between cyclists and drivers. 四个选项中的(B)出现了数字,数字是最容易找到的,也是最容易判断正误的,所以回文中找到数字出现的地方,判断文章内容与选项的陈述是否一致。此题正确选项恰好是(B)。 技巧三 常识判断法 很多情况下,常识的力量不可小觑。考试中运用常识解题也是一个非常重要的手段。例如: According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true? (1509 Q4) (A) March 24 Germanwings plane crash was a great shock. (B) Investigator says Lubitz’s record indicated “suicidal tendencies”. (C) The FAA requires pilots to self-report any medical or mental-health issues. (D) Most crews welcome the airlines’ psychological-support programs. 以上四个选项都可以根据常识进行判断,甚至不用阅读文章。 飞机坠毁肯定是轰动;飞机坠毁的原因调查,有自杀倾向是必查内容;自我汇报身心健康是必要的预防措施;多数机组成员欢迎心理帮助项目明显不现实。常识:航空业,无论是飞行员还是空乘人员,是没有人会主动承认自己有病的。 以上就是为大家介绍的中级口译阅读备考之例证题解题技巧,大家都掌握了吗?如果大家还有关于中级口译阅读的疑问,欢迎在线咨询沪江老师。
2014年3月中级口译听力真题 Spot Dictation 含解析
2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译听力真题 Spot Dictation 部分,由沪江网校提供。 Spot dictation Good afternoon, folks! Today's topic is try jogging for fitness. When we run for fitness, exercise and pleasure, it is commonly called jogging. Jogging has become very popular in recent years. The popularity of jogging today stems from several factors. First, jogging is one of the most efficient forms of exercise. As a rule, a person jogging burns up more calories per minute than in most other sports. Running, like biking, swimming, and brisk walking, is an aerobic exercise. Such an exercise uses a great deal of oxygen. In addition, it increases the heart rate. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle so that it pumps more efficiently. This kind of exercise is also one of the best ways to improve our general health and capacity of our lungs. Jogging is also popular because almost every oneof us can take part. Jogging is an activity that doesn't require any unusual skills or special coordination. Jogging is relaxing and fun. Finally, it can be done alone, with another person or in a group. For anyone who runs more than 20 miles a week, it is important to have good running shoes. Tennis shoes or sneakers won't do. Running produces stress that is three times greater than the stress of walking. With this added stress to our feet and legs, we need good shoes. The shoes should be replaced when they are worn out or worn unevenly. Cold weather poses a few problems for us joggers. The main hazard in winter-running is slipping on ice or snow. There is no danger of freezing our lungs, because our body warms the air before it reaches our lungs. In winter, we should be sure to cover the head and keep our feet as dry and warm as possible. It's best to wear layers of clothing. In summer, we must be careful not to dry out. So it is important for us to drink plenty of water on hot, humid days. The best summer wear is loose-fitting and light-colored. 【解析】 本文属于一个小演讲类文章,主要围绕慢跑健身try jogging for fitness的话题展开,后面进一步详细分析了慢跑流行的三个原因,最后演讲者也对选择合适的跑鞋和分季节穿衣进行慢跑给出了相关建议。纵观全文,难度不大,文章选材(jogging)也很贴近生活,每个人都会经历的话题,考生理解起来相级口译对较容易。文章的逻辑结构也很清晰,总说一个现象,然后具体分析原因。通篇基本没有生难词,抓住核心词jogging是理解本文的关键所在。