到了全球市场部门的支撑,后者横跨外汇、债券发行、信贷和衍生品交易等领域,自2005年以来其收入已增长了70%。 However, Deutsche Bank trails its global investment banking rivals in [w]potential[/w]ly lucrative areas such as arranging stock market listings and advising on mergers and acquisitions. 然而,在安排股票上市和并购咨询等一些可能利润丰厚的领域,德银却落后于全球投行对手。 According to Dealogic, the data provider, the bank did not rank in the top six in last year's regional league tables for [w]equity[/w] capital markets or M&A. 数据供应商Dealogic的资料显示,在去年的股本市场或并购排行榜上,德银未能进入地区前六。 However, Deutsche Bank has recently clinched several [w]prestigious[/w] mandates including a lead role advising on this year's expected $10bn-plus Hong Kong listing of American International Group's regional insurance operations. 然而,德意志银行最近敲定了几笔重要的委托,其中包括在美国国际集团(AIG)亚太区保险业务今年规模有望超过100亿美元的香港上市中,担任主要顾问角色。 Mr Rankin said the bank's private wealth management division and its [w]transaction[/w] banking unit, which helps companies manage their cash balances, each aimed to double revenues over the next three years. 洛永勤表示,该行私人财富管理部门和交易银行部门均打亚洲算在未来三年实现收入翻番。交易银行部门帮助企业进行现金管理。 Deutsche Bank also plans to open more retail branches in India and China, as well as develop its three joint ventures in mainland China that [w]span[/w] asset management, stock market listings and retail banking. 德意志银行还计划在印度和中国开设更多的零售分支机构,进一步发展在中国大陆的三家合资企业。这三家企业分别涉及资产管理、股票上市和零售银行等领域。 新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长! 中级口译春季班 高级口译春季班 商务英语BEC【初级春季班】HOT! 商务英语BEC【中级春季班】
亚行指出亚洲经济需平衡发展 (1)
亚洲开发银行表示,亚洲需要平衡发展经济,才能够避免将来再发生类似这次全球经济衰退的危机的时候不至于造成大的破坏。 Hints: Haruhiko Kuroda Jong-Wha Lee Bali Indonesia Manila The Asian Development Bank is holding its annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia, this week with the global economic crisis's effect on Asia at the top of the agenda. ADB President Haruhiko
英闻天天译: 亚洲甜点Halo-halo
《英闻天天译》是一档沪江部落的原创翻译互动节目(戳去参与节目>>>),主持人提供翻译参考文本,对大家递交的翻译作品进行点评,和大家共同进步!本期节目选取的是关于经济影响文学的一则英文报道,让我们一起在翻译中关注。 SUMMARY: 什么是halo-halo,名字好像亲切地打招呼,其实不然。Halo-halo是一种人见人爱的特色甜品,吃起来冰爽清甜透心凉。 CONTENT: There is nothing more cooling in the heat of summer than scooping into an ice-based dessert. Unlike the American snow cone, which relies mostly on colorful syrups, Asian concoctions sometimes forgo syrup entirely and feature fresh fruit, sweet milk, red beans or glutinous rice cakes (mochi), depending on the country of origin. In fact, you have to look carefully to spy the finely pulverized ice that has been at the heart of such seasonal treats since the 7th century. The Filipino version of shaved ice is called halo-halo, meaning “mix-mix” in Tagalog. It usually includes sweetened kidney and garbanzo beans, palm fruit preserves, nata de coco or coconut juice chews, and purple yam or mango ice cream. The assortment can be mixed together, as the name implies, or layered. “When the hot weather comes, I like to sit down and catch up with friends over a cup of halo-halo,” said Emma Bioc, co-owner of Manila Mart in Beltsville, Md. 【沪江英语小编】大家在查看主持人提供的翻译版本前,可以先自己进行尝试翻译练习,只有在不断的翻译中翻译能力才能有所提升哦! 轻松注册沪江,马上参与【英闻天天译】节目练翻译→ 本期节目参考译文:(参考译文由该节目主持人提供,仅供参考,欢迎大家讨论) 参考译文1: 在炎热的夏天,舀入一勺冰镇甜点,那真是清凉无比。与主要依赖于各色糖浆的美国刨冰不同,亚洲的混合冰激凌完全不用糖浆,而是以新鲜水果、甜牛奶、红豆或糯米糕(麻吉)(取决于原产国)为特色。事实上,你仔细查一下 ,自7世纪以来,碎冰一直是这种时令饮品的主要成分。 菲律宾版的刨冰叫作halo-halo,在他加禄语(菲律宾语)中的意思是“混合”。它通常包括蜜豆和鹰嘴豆、棕榈果蜜饯、椰果或椰肉,以及紫芋或芒果冰激凌。各色物品混合在一起(就像它的名字一样)或分层放入。马里兰州贝兹维尔市的马尼拉集市合伙人艾玛·柏克说:“当炎热天气到来时,我喜欢找一班朋友坐下来,喝上一杯halo-halo。” 参考译文2: 在炎炎夏日,没有什么比来一勺冰淇淋甜点更痛快的了。与主要依赖各式各样糖浆剂的美式雪锥不同,亚洲调制品有时完全不使用糖浆剂,而以使用当地产的新鲜水果、鲜奶、红豆或者糯米糕等为特色。事实上,你可以认真调查一下这种精致的粉末状冰淇淋,你会发现从公元7世纪开始,这种冰淇淋就已经成为一种重要的季节性佳品。 菲律宾的刨冰被称为“halo-halo”,在塔加拉族语中是“混合物”的意思。它通常含有甜味的腰果、鹰嘴豆、棕榈果酱、椰果或者椰子汁,以及紫薯或者芒果冰淇淋。顾名思义,这些混合物可以被混合在一起,或者分层堆积在一起。位于马里兰州贝兹维尔的马尼拉商业中心的一位共有人艾玛说道:“当炎热的天气到来时,我喜欢坐下来,并给朋友们递上一杯刨冰。” 想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>>
2014-10-08 -
奥巴马的亚洲之行Hints:HawaiiAsia-Pacific Economic CooperationAPEC Yukio HatoyamaOkinawaLee Myung-bak President Obama is back from his first trip to Asia since becoming what he called "America's first Pacific president." The president, born in Hawaii, began his 8-day trip in Japan, then visited Singapore, China and South Korea. He met with leaders on issues including trade, the world economy and cli… 奥巴马总统在第一次访问亚洲后回国。这次访问,他称为“美国的第一任太平洋总统。”奥巴马出生于夏威夷。他在8天的访问中先后去了日本,新加坡,中国和韩国。他与各国领导人会见,探讨贸易、世界经济和亚洲气候变化问题。在新加坡,他参加了今年的亚洲-太平洋经济合作大会。他把夏威夷作为两年后亚非合作会议的开会地点。总统在… 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
global stage," says the [w]commentary[/w]. 共同社伦敦9月16日文章:日本在世界大学排名下滑,被中国赶超。 据16日公布的调查结果显示,日本在世界大学年度排名榜的位置下滑并首次落在中国后面。 《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》刊登的排名表显示,在世界前200所大学中,日本院校数量从11所减少到5所。唯一进入前50名的学校是东京大学。 相比之下,中国大陆有6所学校进入前200名——比其他任何亚洲国家都要多——该杂志称“日本许多科研院所会对此结果感到失望”。北京大学时排名最靠前的中国大陆大学,位列第37。 杂志评论说:“最近对高等教育资金的削减和更细致的排名新方法,揭示了日本重要学府在在世界舞台表现上的严重弱点。”
Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York February 13, 2009 New York U.S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers 美国和亚洲:两个跨大西洋和跨太平洋的力量。 很短的一期,一定要认真坚持听写喔~~~ 全文听写。 Hints: Afghanistan Horn of Africa Like the financial crisis, other issues also require bilateral as well as regional and global approaches. The United States is committed to maintaining our historic security alliances in Asia and building on those relationships to counter the complex global threats we face. I'm very pleased that Japan and South Korea this week agreed to joint assistance for reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan, and that both countries continue to work with us on global security, especially in combating piracy off the Horn of Africa. 除了这场金融危机外,其他种种议题也需要双边以及区域性和全球性方针。美国致力于保持我国在亚洲的传统安全同盟,并以这些同盟关系为基础,应对我们面临的错综复杂的全球威胁。令我非常高兴的是,日本和韩国本周已同意联合援助阿富汗的重建努力,这两个国家还继续协助我们保障全球安全,特别是抗击非洲之角的海盗活动。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York [w=february]February[/w] 13, 2009 New York U.S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers 美国和亚洲:两个跨大西洋和跨太平洋的力量。 很短的一期,一定要认真坚持听写喔~~~ 全文听写。 And I've seen also the skyscrapers and factories, the urban corridors and high-tech campuses, the research facilities and modern hospitals, a continent where, now, more often than not, the rule of law and free elections have become or are in the process of becoming the norm, where entrepreneurship and innovation have transformed economies into global economic powers. Asia has influenced world civilization for millennia, as it has our own culture. Our nation is home to 13 million Asian American citizens, and our daily life is so enriched by Asian literature and art, by music and movies, by food and architecture, medicine and science, technology and values. 我还看到了摩天大楼和工厂,城市开发走廊和高科技园区,研究设施和现代化医院;在这个大洲,如今法治和自由选举已经或者正在更成为常规,创业精神和发明创造已将很多经济体转变为全球经济重镇。 亚洲影响了几千年世界文明,也影亚洲响了我们的文化。我国是1300万亚裔美国公民的家园,我们的日常生活因亚洲文学和艺术、音乐和电影、食品和建筑、医学和科学、技术和价值观而变得丰富多彩。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
看到,过去一周内野火给维多利亚州造成了巨大损失。奥巴马总统和陆克文总理通过电话讨论了目前的状况。我们已经派出森林火灾方亚洲面的专家帮助澳大利亚人民。我们希望澳大利亚的朋友们确知,我们和他们一道哀悼在这场悲剧中逝去的无辜生命。我们在过去共同努力,还将在未来携手前进,为此,我们心存感激。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York February 13, 2009 New York U.S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers 美国和亚洲
Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York February 13, 2009 New York U.S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers 美国和亚洲:两个跨大西洋和跨太平洋的力量。 很短的一期,一定要认真坚持听写喔~~~ 全文听写。 On a related matter, I will assure our allies in Japan that we have not forgotten the families of Japanese citizens abducted to North Korea. And I will meet with some of those families in Tokyo next week. Global solutions are essential to addressing climate change and the need for clean sources of energy. Now, climate change is not just an environmental nor an energy issue, it also has implications for our health and our economies and our security, all wrapped up in one. 在一个相关问亚洲题上,我将让我们的日本盟友放心,我们没有忘记被绑架到北韩的日本公民的家庭。我下个星期将在东京会晤其中的一些家庭成员。 气候变化问题和对清洁能源的需求要*全球来解决。现在,气候变化不仅是一个环境或能源问题,而且关系到我们的健康和我们的经济以及我们的安全,浑然一体。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>