伏特加雪碧的英文: Vodka & Spritevodka是什么意思: n. 1.[U] 伏加特(原产十俄国的烈性酒) 2.[C] 一杯伏加特酒 vodka and orange juice. 伏加特酒和橘子汁混合成的酒。 I like my vodka straight. 我喜欢喝纯的伏特加酒。 Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka. 塔格特思忖着是否再要一杯双份伏特加。 martini made with vodka rather than gin. 用伏加特酒制成的而不是用杜松子酒制成的马提尼酒。 Vodka and grain alcohols are also produced by distillation. 伏特加和粮食酒也是通过蒸馏法生产的。sprite是什么意思: n. 鬼怪,小妖精,小仙子 A hobgoblin,a sprite,or an elf. 淘气鬼淘气的妖精、鬼怪或小精灵 The woodsman explained that he served an ancient wood sprite 山林老人解释说,他为一名老树妖干活。 Sometimes this beautiful girl can be a disheveled little sprite. 有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。 He produced the accustomed sprite, giving her sally for sally. 他耍弄常用的小聪明,对她伏特加雪碧的英文: Vodka & Spritevodka是什么意思: n. 1.[U] 伏加特(原产十俄国的烈性酒) 2.[C] 一杯伏加特酒 vodka and orange juice. 伏加说了一个笑话又一个笑话。 One day the young prince came into the gardens where the sprite sat in jail 一天,年轻的王子来到囚禁妖怪的花园。 到沪江小D查看伏特加雪碧的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 伏特加汤力的英文>> 伏特加苏打的英文怎么说>> 伏特加橙汁的英文怎么说>> 伏特的英文>> 伏击的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
芬兰伏特加的英文: Finlandia Vodka, Finlandvodka是什么意思: n. 1.[U] 伏加特(原产十俄国的烈性酒) 2.[C] 一杯伏加特酒 vodka and orange juice. 伏加特酒和橘子汁混合成的酒。 I like my vodka straight. 我喜欢喝纯的伏特加酒。 Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka. 塔格特思忖着是否再要一杯双份伏特加。 到沪江小D查看芬兰伏特加的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 芬克用英文怎么说>> 芬芳用英语怎么说>> 芬达的英文怎么说>> 分组学习的英文怎么说>> 分组讨论的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
瑞典香草伏特加的英文: Absolut Vanilia Vodka, Swedenabsolut是什么意思: 瑞典伏特加 This is absolutely a scratch. 这完全就是一通乱写。 The performances have been absolutely phenomenal. 表演绝对精彩。 It's absolutely no business of hers. 这件事与她毫不相关。 vodka是什么意思: n. 1.[U] 伏加特(原产十俄国的烈性酒) 2.[C] 一杯伏加特酒 vodka and orange juice. 伏加特酒和橘子汁混合成的酒。 I
2012-07-04 -
2012-06-26 -
加过一个伏特加品酒大赛,赛上要求参与者辨别出顶级伏特加与普通品牌。由于种种原因,我已不记得当初的比赛结果。但的确有人信誓旦旦地表示他们能品出其中的区别。[/cn] [en]Well, maybe they could. Because according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, different vodkas can have different molecular “structures,” which could drive drinkers to favor one brand over another. [Naiping Hu et al., SV][/en] [cn]好吧,也许他们的确能。因为根据《农业与食品化学学报》发布的一项研究[作者Naiping Hu等,SV],不同品牌的伏特加含有不同的分子“结构”,该分子“结构”决定了饮酒者对酒品的选择。[/cn] [en]Vodka’s an alcoholic beverage that’s supposed to be relatively flavorless. So researchers got to wondering: how come people who enjoy the stuff often express brand preference?[/en] [cn]一直以来,人们认为伏特加是一种相对无味的酒精饮料。因此科学家们感到困惑:为什么喜欢这种酒的人经常表现出特定的品牌偏好?[/cn] [en]Being good little scientists, they trotted out their [w]spectroscopic[/w] equipment and examined the chemical signatures of five different vodkas. What they found is that each brand differs in how its [w]ethanol[/w] molecules cluster. In the ethanol-water mix we call vodka, some of the ethanol molecules get surrounded by a sort of “cage” made of water. And different brands differ in how much ethanol is caged. Vodkas with fewer cages might seem more “watery” than those with more structure.[/en] [cn]于是这些可爱称职的科学家们拿出光谱仪器开始考察。他们观察了五种伏特加的化学结构,发现其中的区别在于乙醇分子的聚集方式。在我们称之为伏特加的乙醇与水混合物中,一些乙醇分子周围存在着水分子构成的“笼”。而笼内乙醇分子的数量决定了伏特加之间的差别。笼越少,口感愈淡。[/cn] [en]Of course, drink enough of the stuff and it really won’t matter how tightly caged it is. You’ll be loose as a grey goose.[/en] [cn]当然,只要喝得尽兴,管它笼多笼少呢。你就会感觉自己像灰雁一样自由畅快地翱翔。[/cn] 点击进入参与科学60秒>>> 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。
用了疾病预防控制中心的说法来解释为什么人们不能用他们的伏特加自制洗手液。[/cn] [en]The statement in Tito’s tweet says, “Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ‘washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. You can tell if the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol by looking at the product label.’[/en][cn]醍拓公司在推特上发表的声明中说:“按照疾病预防控制中心的说法,‘在大多数情况下,用肥皂和水洗手是消灭细菌最好的方法。如果不方便用肥皂和水,可以使用酒精含量至少为60%的洗手液。看产品标签就能知道洗手液中酒精含量是否为60%以上。’”[/cn] [en]The tweet goes on to say that since Tito’s Handmade Vodka is 40% alcohol, it doesn’t meet the CDC’s current recommendation. Remember, people, although we refer to it as "alcohol," the kind we drink is mixed with other things—that is to say, a bottle of your favorite booze is NOT 100% alcohol.[/en][cn]声明中继续说,因为醍拓手工伏特加的酒精含量为40%,并不符合疾病预防控制中心目前的建议。你们要知道,虽然我们把酒称为“alcohol(酒精)”,但我们喝的酒掺了其他物质。也就是说,你最喜欢喝的酒并非纯酒精制成的。[/cn] 翻译:菲菲
畅谈世界文化:43 来一杯伏特加 (2/2)
资料来源:《英语畅谈世界文化》 每天一分钟,我们一起玩转世界文化。欧洲人喝伏特加酒已经几个世纪了,他们通常不加冰,而是用一个小小的酒杯一饮而尽。伏特加可以从多种不同的原伏特加料中蒸馏出来,然而品质最好的伏特加通常是从单一的原料中蒸馏出来的,例如小麦,黑麦或马铃薯。 童鞋们注意引号不写,是英式拼写哦~~ Hints: sage 鼠尾草 vodka Moscow Special 莫斯科特产 Switzerland Stolichnaya 红牌伏特加 Linda What's this flavour? Bird cherry and sage? I don't think you can buy
畅谈世界文化:43 来一杯伏特加 (1/2)
资料来源:《英语畅谈世界文化》 每天一分钟,我们一起玩转世界文化。欧洲人喝伏特加酒已经几个世纪了,他们通常不加冰,而是用一个小小的酒杯一饮而尽。伏特加可以从多种不同的原伏特加料中蒸馏出来,然而品质最好的伏特加通常是从单一的原料中蒸馏出来的,例如小麦,黑麦或马铃薯。 童鞋们注意引号不写,是英式拼写哦~~ Hints: Linda vodka Russia Finland Sweden Russian Linda, what do you fancy to drink? A beer or a glass of wine? To be honest, I'm sick of both. I want
伏特的英文: volt volte参考例句: Mega or million volt MV兆伏特 Music for this dance in moderately quick4 / 4time. 加伏特舞曲加伏特以是480V或2400V的系统。 Please quickly convert volts into megavolts. 请快速把伏特转化为兆伏。 The voltage of power supply suitable for the recorder is 9 volts. 适用于这台录音机的电源电压为9伏。 An electron-volt is the energy with which a one-volt battery can accelerate an electron. 一个电子伏的能量是一伏电池对电子加速所产生的能量。 到沪江小D查看伏特的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 伏击的英文怎么说>> 伏法的英文>> 伏尔塔瓦河的英文怎么说>> 弗州蛱蝶的英文怎么说>> 弗马纳郡的英文怎么说>>