• 《神探夏洛克》第三季剧透:“卷福”假死之谜曝光

    在第二季结尾,我们以华生的视角看到了夏洛克(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演)跳楼身亡、口鼻喷血的场景。但是今天这组片场照却告诉我们:显然是有着替身来顶替夏洛克跳楼死亡的,在“假夏洛克”被人拖走后,真正的夏洛克才画着带血的妆容,迅速倒在大楼下面摆样子——与此同时,另一端还有人经过故意撞到了华生(马丁·弗瑞曼饰演),阻碍其视线,使得华生并没有看到顶替的一幕。 值得一提的是,当日由安德鲁·斯科特饰演的“莫里亚蒂”及马克·加蒂斯饰演的夏洛克兄长麦哥也一同现身片场,两人握手道别,似乎达成了什么协议,最不可思议的是莫娘还穿着夏洛克的标志性长款黑风衣,这些也为我们留下了更多的谜团。 假死之谜揭晓,金蝉脱壳:

  • 《神探夏洛克》“莫娘”称回归第三季并非不可能

    We won’t be getting any fresh Sherlock this year, but we certainly haven’t been short of [w]gossip[/w] in the months since Benedict Cumberbatch plummeted from that roof. People are still debating how he survived that [w]mishap[/w] by the way. Usually its Steven Moffat teasing us with hints to keep us interested, but today Andrew Scott, the man who won a Best Supporting Actor for his role as Holmes-arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty in the BBC series, who’s been tantalising us by claiming that his character’s return is not impossible, despite appearing to die in the series two [w]climax[/w]. “It’s very hard for him to come back. But nothing is impossible,” he told the Radio Times last night. “One of the best things about working on Sherlock was acting with Benedict. He’s a really cool guy.” “It was very important that the chemistry between the two of us was right and those scenes were written really brilliantly. That’s one of the things I’ll always remember.” Scott explained that he wouldn’t mind playing Doctor Who if the role ever came up and told the press that a love of the original material was at the heart of Sherlock’s success. “Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are massive Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts so I don’t think it would have worked if they hadn’t been such big [w=enthusiast]enthusiasts[/w]. People forgot about the modernity of it very quickly. 沪江娱乐快讯:通常满嘴跑火车调戏群众的是史蒂文·莫法特先生(Steven Moffat),但刚刚凭借《新福尔摩斯》的莫里亚蒂(Moriaty)一角获得今年英国电影学院奖(BAFTA)最佳男配角奖的“莫娘”安德鲁·斯科特(Andrew Scott)说,尽管观众都看到第二季结尾时莫娘死了,但他的回归不是绝对不可能的。 “要让这一角色回归的难度的确很大。但也不能说这是绝对不可能的,”他向《广播时报》透露,“参与《新福尔摩斯》的演

  • 《福尔摩斯2》唐尼女装盖里奇风格彰显

    纹身的女孩》主演劳米·拉佩斯的亮相镜头颇多,展现了她在下部中的重要地位,她饰演好斗的吉普赛女郎“希姆”。 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows is an upcoming 2011 action mystery film directed by Guy Ritchie and produced by Joel Silver, Lionel Wigram, Susan Downey and Dan Lin. It is a sequel to the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes based on the character of the same name created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The [w]screenplay[/w] is by Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney. Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law reprise their roles as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, respectively, as the duo join forces to [w]outwit[/w] and bring down their most cunning [w]adversary[/w], Professor Moriarty, played by Jared Harris. 小编点评:这一集的主要内容承接上部,福尔摩斯和华生将对莫里亚蒂展开追逐,后者可能是史上第一个超级坏蛋,不负众望,,《广告狂人》中的杰瑞德·哈里斯所饰演的莫里亚蒂也在预告片中曝光。此外续集中还将出现福尔摩斯的哥哥“迈克罗弗特”(Mycroft),由斯蒂芬·弗雷扮演。据影片制片人、同时也是小罗伯特·唐尼夫人的苏珊·唐尼介绍,“迈克罗弗特”会比福尔摩斯更怪、更机智。上一集中福尔摩斯总是让华生陷入麻烦,这一次华生将斯不断帮福尔摩斯摆脱麻烦,同时也要处理好和自己未婚妻玛丽·摩斯坦(凯利·蕾莉 饰)飘忽不定的关系。

  • 【畅销百年经典】暗红习作•四签名(汉英双语版)

    《暗红习作•四签名》 (汉英双语版)  作者:阿瑟•柯南•道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle)  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《暗红习作》是作者柯南•道尔发表的第一部福尔摩斯系列小说,他译或作“血字的研究”。在故事中,福尔摩斯和华生医生首度出场,破解了发生在伦敦劳瑞斯顿花园的一桩神秘命案。《四签名》是作者发表的第二部福尔摩斯小说,故事时间发在19世纪末,案件涉及了一个因巨大的印度宝藏而引起的凶杀,福尔摩斯和搭档华生再度出马,帮助警方破获了此案。同时,案件受害人,一位贤淑的英国姑娘,在这次患难的经历中成为了华生医生的未婚妻。 “新译福尔摩斯探案全集(汉英双语版)”系列共8本图书,包括

  • CBS《基本演绎法》华生是女人 美剧版“福尔摩斯”你会看吗?

    [en]Sherlock Holmes returns this fall. Yes, again. For approximately the 317th time.[/en][cn]夏洛克·福尔摩斯

  • 【畅销百年经典】恐怖谷(汉英双语版)

    《恐怖谷》(汉英双语版)  作者:阿瑟•柯南•道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle)  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《恐怖谷》梗概:宁静乡村的一幢古老宅邸中,宅主惨遭杀害,死状恐怖。凶手究竟如何潜入城壕环绕、仿若孤岛的宅子行凶,接着又消失无踪?死者的婚戒和现场的一只哑铃缘何不翼而飞?尸体旁留下的神秘卡片又牵扯出何种前尘往事?福尔摩斯抽丝剥茧,华生形影相随,一同探查这个时间横跨二十来年、源头远及美国的离奇命案。而在这一切背后的暗影之中,正有一只潜伏的毒物蠢蠢欲动…… “新译福尔摩斯探案全集(汉英双语版)”系列共8本图书,包括《暗红习作•四签名》、《福尔摩斯冒险史》、《福尔摩斯回忆录

  • 《基本演绎法》第二季剧情先睹为快

    。当Mycroft允许他和Joan在其新家居住时,夏洛克将不得不面对与这位哥哥的相处。对了,福尔摩斯粉们,这二位的居所,是贝克街221B哦。[/cn] [en]Elementary returns Thursday, Sept. 26 at 10/9c on CBS.[/en][cn]《基本演绎法》第二季于9月26日星期二美国哥伦比亚电视台10/9c回归。[/cn]

  • “缺爷”谈卷福的爱情:不是他不懂爱

    看看那些死人的尸体……这样就能抑制自己的欲望了。”[/cn] [en]On playing geniuses in both The Imitation Game and Sherlock: “It [genius] is a very rich canvas to work with as an actor. Turing is so different to Sherlock. There’s a real subtlety about him; his flourishes aren’t [w]flamboyant[/w], he doesn’t think of himself that highly.”[/en][cn]关于他如何在《模仿游戏》和《神探夏洛克》中同时扮演两个天才:“对一个演员来说,扮演一个天才确实并不容易。图灵与夏洛克非常的不同。他是一个很有涵养的人,他很有才华,却并不炫耀,他并不认为自己高人一等。”[/cn] [en]"I don’t know why Bendy keeps getting asked to compare and contrast Alan Turing and Sherlock Holmes. It seems like a very tired line of questioning. But I could listen to him talk about Sherlock’s sexuality all day long."[/en][cn]“我不知道为什么人们老是要我拿阿兰·图灵和夏洛克·福尔摩斯两个人相互类比和对比。这些问题没有什么新意。不过我倒是愿意花一整天时间好好说说夏洛克的爱情观。”[/cn] [en]The future: “I can imagine I’ll look back at this point in my life and think, ‘Wow that was really extraordinary’. But at the same time I hope I’m looking back and going, ‘Oh, that was the moment I got on with life and realized things beyond myself’. Without using words like ‘marriage’, ‘children’ and ‘family’ – although I have just used those words – put it this way: I hope I’ve got other people to look back with me at that point. I hope I’m surrounded by family.”[/en][cn]关于未来:“我能想到,当我会回忆此刻的生活的场景,我会这样想,‘嗯,那时我干的不错!’ 但同时,我也希望我会回忆着此刻的生活,想到‘正是在那个时候,我翻开了人生的新一页,意识到我对生活赋有的责任”。我不会谈到“结婚”、“孩子”、“家人”等等——虽然我刚才就用了这些词——这么说吧:‘我希望到那个时候,有人可以和我一起回忆往事。我希望家人会陪在我的身边。”[/cn]