获得这部由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)与马丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman)领衔主演的热门英剧的独家播放权。Netflix还拿新福尔摩斯下了该剧的幕后制作花絮特辑,此特辑分为三部分,共同片名为《揭秘福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Uncovered),紧接着第三季每一集结束后播出。鉴于福尔摩斯迷们和两位主演的粉丝们总是意犹未尽,Netflix还为他们准备了《解读福尔摩斯》(Unlocking Sherlock)——时长一小时左右的,讲述剧集制作过程的特别节目。[/cn] [en]Creators Steven
Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss has revealed the first details about a third series. Gatiss - who also plays Mycroft in the BBC drama - appeared to [w]confirm[/w] that the first episode of the new run will be an [w]adaptation[/w] of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'The Adventure of the Empty House'. The Sherlock series two finale - which saw Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) apparently [w]plummet[/w] to his death - was a loose adaptation of Conan Doyle's 'The Final Problem', with 'The Empty House' being the next story chronologically in the canon. "There's [w]certain[/w] things about 'The [w]Adventure[/w] of the Empty House' which feel set in stone because that's how Sherlock comes back, but at the same time we feel free to [w]invent[/w] and to [w]introduce[/w] new stuff to it," Gatiss told PA. "I always found it a little unlikely that Dr Watson's only [w]reaction[/w] was to faint for [w]instance[/w] - as opposed to possibly a stream of terrible swear words." The writer and actor added that the "overall feel" of Sherlock's third series will dictate which Conan Doyle tales will make up the second and third episodes. "Steven [Moffat] and I have our all-time favourites, but it's really a question of what will fit into the structure," he explained. The third series of Sherlock is expected to begin filming in early 2013. 沪江娱乐快讯:在第二季最后一集中,由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇扮演的福尔摩斯似乎是坠楼身亡,这集内容改编于柯南·道尔的《最后一案》,而《空屋》就是原著中接下来的一个案子。“肯定有和《空屋》类似的情节,因为它讲到夏洛克是怎么归来的,但是与此同时,我们也会另外新加一些进去。”加蒂斯说到,“比如说,我觉得华生医生的反应不应该只是晕倒,他更可能大骂一顿夏洛克。
[en]Jonny Lee Miller has defended his CBS Sherlock Holmes [w]pilot[/w] Elementary. The project, which will follow a [w]contemporary[/w] Holmes (Miller) in modern-day New York, has been compared to BBC drama Sherlock.[/en][cn]约翰·李·米勒近日在访谈中为CBS版“新福尔摩斯”《Elementary》进行辩护。这部新剧讲述了由米勒饰演的现代版福尔摩斯在纽约的冒险故事。这部新剧多次被拿来与BBC版《新福尔摩斯》进行比较。[/cn] [en]Miller told Vulture that he is aware of the comparisons, saying: "You obviously look at it and say, 'Wait a second ... ' - but I feel there's enough differences there. I thought I could do something with it; otherwise, there'd be no point."[/en][cn]米勒在采访中说,他非常清楚人们正将两部戏进行比较。“很显然,当你得知这部新剧时会猛然间联想到什么,但是我觉得这两部戏的差别非常的大。我相信这部戏会与众不同,否则拍摄这部新剧也没有任何意义了。”[/cn] [en]The 39-year-old English actor described Elementary - which will also star Lucy Liu as Watson - as "a great project" and "a good opportunity". "We just shot the pilot," he confirmed. "We're still waiting to hear what happens with it. We're not sure yet, we're taking it slowly."[/en][cn]在《Elementary》中,刘玉玲(Lucy Liu)饰演“女版”华生。39岁的英国演员米勒称这部新剧为“一个优秀的项目”和“一次绝佳的机会”。他说:“我们刚刚拍摄完试播集,还在等待后续消息。现在我们对未来还不确定,一切都得慢慢来。”[/cn] [en]Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch recently insisted that he is not "bitter" about Elementary. "[Their show will] be different and I don't think it'll take away the love for ours, and there's no reason to be [w]churlish[/w] or bitter about them or what they're trying to do," he argued.[/en][cn]BBC版《神探夏洛克》主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇近日表示他并没有唱衰《Elementary》。本尼迪克特说:“他们的电视剧和
Say what you will about CBS’ “Elementary”, their attempt at a Sherlock Holmes TV series, but I like the idea of a druggie, boozy Sherlock Holmes. I know Benedict Cumberbatch (awesome name, that) has the whole “slick, [w]dysfunctional[/w] genius Sherlock Holmes” down with the BBC’s “Sherlock”, but the notion of a Sherlock Holmes stuck in America who is possibly even more [w]disastrous[/w] than the people whose murders he’s trying to solve is kinda cool. And unique. Let’s face it, if it was just a carbon copy of the BBC show, everyone would be crying foul, and for good reason. Here’s another look at Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller, aka Watson and Holmes, respectively, from the upcoming show. Michael Cuesta of “Homeland” fame directed the pilot episode, which finds Watson being hired by Holmes’ father to be his sober buddy. Instead, he pulls her into his world of [w]crime[/w] solving. Hey, beats listening to people talk about their problems in AA, right? “Elementary”, which co-stars Aidan Quinn as Holmes’ cop contact, arrives this Fall on CBS. 沪江娱乐快讯:随你怎么评价CBS版的福尔摩斯新剧《Elementary》,我倒觉得这位嗜酒成性的夏洛克很带感。是的,在BBC版《新福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)中,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇已经将这位天才到变态的超级侦探演绎的深入人心。但在《Elementary》中,约翰尼·李·米勒饰演的夏洛克不仅生活在美国,而且他的生活很可能比他手下案件当事人的经历还要悲催。这样的故事线似乎很酷呢 。 同时,刘玉玲饰演的华生受聘于福尔摩斯的父亲,她将担任夏洛克的戒酒陪护。但夏洛克却将她带入了探案的冒险旅途之中。这样的剧情可比听戒酒协会的各位酒鬼袒露心声有趣多了吗!另有亚当·奎因饰演夏洛克在美国警局的联系人。 本剧首集由《国土安全》(Homeland)导演迈克·科斯塔执导。《Elementary》将于金秋登陆CBS频道。
《大侦探福尔摩斯2》预告片发布 惊现福尔摩斯雷人新造型
沪江小编:各位福尔摩斯迷们是否还记得2009年那部由盖·里奇导演,小罗伯特·唐尼和裘德·洛主演的《大侦探福尔摩斯》呢?近日这部电影的续集终于也发布了预告片,然而片中福尔摩斯的女装造型实在是挑战观众的承受力底限啊……废话不多说,大家自己看预告片~ [en]After Guy Ritchie's first take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" series took in over $500 million at the box office back in 2009, it didn't take a master detective to figure out that there would be a sequel. Of course, that's exactly what the world is getting.[/en][cn]自从2009年盖·里奇改编的第一部福尔摩斯电影创造了5亿美元的票房收入,用不着一位非常高明的侦探也能推理出这部电影必然会有续集。当然,现在续集来了。[/cn] [en]Robert Downey, Jr. is back with another turn in his charming take on the super [w]sleuth[/w], donning a British accent to give life to a Holmes more like his Tony Stark Iron Man character than 19th century wise man. Back as well is Jude Law's version of [w]sidekick[/w] Watson.[/en][cn]小罗伯特·唐尼将会继续出演这位大侦探,虽然他扮演的带着蹩脚英式口音的福尔摩斯看起来更像钢铁侠而不是那位19世纪的大侦探。裘德·洛也将继续扮演福尔摩斯的密友华生。[/cn] [en]The [w]villain[/w] this time is two-fold: first, "Mad Men" star Jared Harris, as wildly evil Professor Moriarty; and second, whichever makeup designer who decided to give Downey blue eyeshadow for his head-turning scenes in drag. A pretty woman, he does not make.[/en][cn]这部电影里有两个反派角色:一个是在《广告狂人》中走红的Jared Harris,他将扮演邪恶的莫里亚蒂教授;另一个,就是那个给唐尼的女装扮相上了蓝色眼影的化妆师。很明显他没能打造出一位绝世美女。[/cn] [en]On a side note, the heavy stylization of the film makes it especially interesting to compare Ritchie's take on Doyle's legendary stories with the BBC's contemporary remake of the same saga, "Sherlock."[/en][cn]另外,将盖·里奇这部高度程式化的电影与BBC同期的同一题材作品《神探夏洛克》进行一番比较也是非常有意思的。[/cn] [en]"Sherlock Homes: Game of Shadows" is scheduled to be released December 16, 2011.[/en][cn]《大侦探福尔摩斯·影之游戏》将于2011年12月16日上映。[/cn] 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。
《福尔摩斯案件簿》(汉英双语版) 作者:阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle) 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《福尔摩斯案件簿》收福尔摩斯案件簿》(汉英双语版) 作者:阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle) 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《福尔摩斯录了最后发表的十二篇福尔摩斯探案故事,记叙了福尔摩斯和华生过往历险中的遗珠。在这些经历中,福尔摩斯时而为了主顾的嘱托,不惜以身犯险;时而出现在阴郁的桥头,调查受害者的神秘死因;他巧设安排,令钻石大盗自投罗网;他循循善诱,让受伤的心灵重新得到救赎。还有华生医生,始终不离不弃站在这位神探身边,两个人一起,上演了探集传奇故事的绝唱。“新译福尔摩斯探案全集(汉英双语版)”系列共8本图书,包括《暗红习作·四签名》、《福尔摩斯冒险史》、《福尔摩斯回忆录
2013-03-12 -
When it comes to being a detective, we wouldn't have guessed that being a cracking cocktail maker would be high on the list of skills that you need. We certainly don't remember Benedict Cumberbatch knocking up a Mojito on BBC's Sherlock! Jonny Lee Miller however, who is playing Sherlock on the US version of the show which is called Elementary, was snapped mixing two drinks together on the set of the drama. We can't help but wonder what his character is up to. Perhaps he's making some [w]genius[/w] tracking solution or [w=conjure]conjuring[/w] up a deadly poison? Or maybe he just fancies a drink? Jonny was joined on set by Lucy Liu, we will play Doctor Joan Watson on the CBS drama. [w]Elementary[/w] wasn't the only show that was being filmed though - the stars of Sky Atlantic's Smash were also snapped dancing in the streets! Yikes - Jonny looks like he needs an early night in this picture! We recently found out that in Elementary, Sherlock has been in rehab for substance addiction. Maybe this picture is showing Sherlock having a relapse! At this year's Comic-Con, Jonny said that his character 'lacks control'. He said: 'He has such a genius for solving crime, but he really is not in control of himself.' Lucy Liu was photographed looking a little miffed on set. In the show, she will play Sherlock's [w]companion[/w] Doctor Joan Watson. 沪江娱乐快讯:说到侦探,我们决不会想到调酒也是其必须的职业技能。至少本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)可没有在BBC台的《新福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)中调过古巴鸡尾酒! 在美国现代版福尔摩斯新剧《福尔摩斯与华生》(Elementary)片
美的BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)热映后,人们不由得对即将上档CBS频道的的另一部现代版福尔摩斯电视剧——《基本元素》(Elementary)有了很多疑惑。你能接受生活在纽约的夏洛克和女版华生这对新搭档吗?不过,在看完这则预告片后,也许你会改变你的想法。[/cn] 预告片: [en]Miller is our new Holmes, an [w]eccentric[/w] character who helps cops solve crimes via an [w]unconventional[/w] relationship with law [w]enforcement[/w], and Liu is a former surgeon-turned-[w]sober[/w] coach for our unpredictable hero.[/en][cn]约翰尼·李·米勒饰演福尔摩斯,性情古怪的他担任警局的特殊顾问,专门解决让人毫无头绪的悬案。刘玉玲饰演琼·华生,她曾是一名外科医生,但曾因酒瘾害死一名病人。如今的她担任福尔摩斯的私人康复教练。[/cn] [en]In theory, it sounds too similar to be able to love both shows, but after watching footage from the new series, it seems there will be plenty of room on TV for both mystery-solvers. It's got a dark but accessible [w]vibe[/w], perfect for CBS. Plus, Miller gets to use his actual British accent and although Liu seems like such a bubbly, [w]likable[/w] person, she also seems 100 percent comfortable with her more serious side.[/en][cn]理论上来说,我们似乎没法同时爱上两位夏洛克,但看完这则预告片后你也许会发现,在电视荧幕上他们有着各自施展才华的空间!而本片略为阴暗但并非无法触及的氛围也正是CBS台的强项。在本片中,米勒依旧保持着英式英语的口音,而平日常以阳光活力形象出镜的刘玉玲如今也将展现更成熟更老练的一面![/cn]
《福尔摩斯归来记》(汉英双语版) 作者:阿瑟•柯南•道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle) 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《福尔摩斯归来记》共收录了福尔摩斯所福尔摩斯归来记》(汉英双语版) 作者:阿瑟•柯南•道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle) 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 《福尔摩斯经历的十三则探案故事,其中《空屋子》是福尔摩斯历劫归来后的第一案。自从福尔摩斯与伦敦罪犯首领莫里亚蒂教授双双跌落莱辛巴赫瀑布后,包括华生医生在内的所有人都以为神探的故事结束了。未料,三年之后,福尔摩斯化装成流浪老汉重新现身。还是那所贝克街的旧宅,依然与华生医生相伴,福尔摩斯继续扮演着他的角色:犯罪者的梦魇,受害者的福音。 “新译福尔摩斯探案全集(汉英双语版)”系列共8本图书,包括《暗红习作•四签名》、《福尔摩斯冒险史