British Council 播客——India印度
and Social Council/ECOSOC 联合国经济及社会理事会 economic balance 经济平衡 economic channels 经济渠道 Economic Commission for Africa/ECA 非洲经济委员会 以上就是今天@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家分享的内容啦,希望各位小伙伴认真备考,早日通过四级考试!
2024-05-27 -
做在社会生活和工作中经常使用的处理信息的技能的一个范例。 二、经典例题 PART ONE ● Look at these sentences and the five news clips about different companies. ● Which clip does each sentence 1-8 refer to? ● For each sentence, mark on letter A. B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. 1 A director of this company is leaving to pursue noncommercial activities. 2 This company has sold off one of its profitable sections. 3 A director of this company is leaving to devote himself to his own business. 4 This company has taken on several more senior staff members. 5 This company is involved in a sales deal with another company. 6 This company is involved in computer technology. 7 This company is losing a director but will replace him. 8 This company has been successful in its bid to take over another company. A Archer Group, the insurance broker said its managing director Ralph Sharp had resigned his directorship of all group companies and was leaving the group. The company said Sharp ''has been considering the changes which will occur in the Lioyed's Market in the post - reconstruction and renewal period and wishes to be free to pursue a number of opportunities which may arise at that time. " B United News and Media said it had appointed the following additional directors the announcement on Tuesday that the merger offers for MAI had been declared unconditional: Sir James McKinnon, deputy chairman, Lord Hollick, chief executive, Charles Gregson, director of broking and information, and Roger Laughton, director of broadcasting and entertainment. There were also three non-executive appointments: Richard Hooper. Sir Michael Lickiss, Christopher Powell and Geoffrey Unwin. C First Bus said Colin Smith, one of its regional directors and one of the original members of the buyout team from Grampian transport, had decided to leave the company to take up "long standing academic interests" His position as regional director for Scotland will be taken over by Robbie Duncan, who is currently the commercial director. D Division Group, the software house, has reached a deal with EDS under which the American company will resell the British company's virtual reality software in a range of markets around the world, including North America, Europe and the Far East. EDS, one of the leading information service companies in the world, includes most of the Fortune 500 companies among its client list. E Reckitt and Colman said it had sold the personal products division of its US subsidiary to JW Child Associates for $ 123 m. In 1995 the division generated trading profits of about $ 110m. The net tangible assets of the division amounted to $ 30m at the end of December. The proceeds are to be used by Reckitt to reduce debts. 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 具体解题分析在后面的答題技巧中还将详细阐释。 举这个例子的目的,是为了使我们对阅读第一部分的试题形式有一个直观的了解。题目中的论 句是用不同于文聿的措辞来表达的。我们应该首先读论句,以便有的放矢地浏览文章的过程中找到 可以与之匹配的文章。这一部分考点是:能否理解论句的语言,并将它与文章内容联系起来。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以扫以下二维码,定制沪江网校精品课程,高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学 在做题过程中,常常会遇到不能确定,模棱两可或确实找不出所需内容的情况。考场上,一定 不要钻牛角尖,拘泥于题目的先后顺序,及时向后转移注意力才是明智之举。先回答下一个问题一 很可能你就会在后面与你想要的答案不期而遇。
BEC答题技巧|C1 Business Higher
要做相应的修改。 Read the whole of each sentence in Part 6 before deciding whether a line is correct or identifying an error in it; this is likely to involve reading the next line or previous lines. 在第6部分中,判断句子正误或挑出错误前要通读整句或上下文,确保答案的准确性。 Don't Don't select an answer for Part 1 simply because the same word or words are in one part of the text and in the questions. This kind of 'word spotting' is very unlikely to lead to the correct answer. 在第1部分中,不要仅仅因为选项里包含了文章或题目中出现过的词或词组就误认为是正确答案。这种关键词识别法不太可能帮你选出正确的答案。。 Don't choose an option for Part 3 which, although true, does
面的英语能力。 2. 雅思(IELTS) 雅思是另一个广泛接受的英语语言测试,由英国文化教育协会(British Council)、澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education)和剑桥英语考试院(Cambridge English Language Assessment)联合举办。雅思考试也是用于评估非英语母语人士的英语能力,特别是用于申请英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等国家的大学或者移民。 3. 剑桥英语考试(Cambridge English Exams) 剑桥英语考试由剑桥大学考试委员会(Cambridge Assessment English)举办,旨在评估非英语母语人士的英语能力。该考试体系包括多个级别,从入门级别的“剑桥英语:初级”(Cambridge English: Starters)到高级水平的“剑桥英语:高级”(Cambridge English: Proficiency),覆盖了不同年龄和能力水平的学习者。 4. 商务英语证书(BEC) 商务英语证书是由剑桥大学考试委员会举办的专门针对商务场景下的英语能力考试。该证书分为初级(BEC Preliminary)、中级(BEC Vantage)和高级(BEC Higher)三个级别,涵盖了商务英语听力、阅读、写作和口语等方面的考核内容,适用于希望在商务领域工作或者发展的人士。 5. TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication) TOEIC是一种用于评估非英语母语人士英语交流能力的考试,特别是在国际商务场景下的英语能力。TOEIC考试包括听力和阅读两个部分,主要评估考生在商务环境中理解和运用英语的能力,是许多企业用于招聘和晋升的标准之一。 以上列举的证书只是英语相关证书中的一部分,还有许多其他类型的证书,如托业(TOEIC)、TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)等,都是帮助学习者证明自己英语能力的有效途径。选择适合自己需求和目标的英语证书,并通过努力学习和备考,将有助于提高个人的英语水平,拓展就业机会,实现个人发展目标。 如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。
要写CORRECT 写作 第一部分(40-50个单词):公司内部通信 主要体裁:便条、留言、备忘录或电子邮件 第二部分(120-140个单词):商务信件 主要体裁:报告或提案 听力 第一部分(12个):填空 考生需使用铅笔在答题卡上写出单词或数字,所有字母都大写 第二部分(10个):多选项搭配(八选五) 每个选项只能选一次,不可重复选择且会有剩余选项; 第三部分(8个):多项选择 口语 第一部分:面试 3分钟(与搭档轮流回答考官问题) 第二部分:简短演讲 1分钟准备,1分钟个人陈述 +搭档提问 第三部分:搭档对话30秒准备,3分钟对话 6.BEC高级题型设置(约3个小时) 阅读 第一部分(8个):搭配题 5篇短文或1篇长文本,8个句子匹配,每个句子可重复选择; 第二部分(5个):七选六搭配 1)1篇文章挖出6个空格,从7个句子里选出6个; 2)注意:每个选项只能选一次,不可重复选择且会有剩余选项; 第三部分(6个):多选题 第四部分(10个):完形填空 第五部分(10个):填空题 考生需使用铅笔在答题卡上写出单词或数字,所有字母都大写 第六部分(10个):改错题 1)考生需使用铅笔在答题卡上写出单词或数字,所有字母都大写; 2)只需写出错误的词汇,不需要改正;无错误,需
调了这些司机的威胁性和危险性。 例句: His reputation as a menacing driver precedes him. 2. Road bully “Road bully”指的是那些在道路上欺凌他人、不遵守交通规则的司机。 例句: Road bullies should be reported to the authorities. 3. Aggressive driver “Aggressive driver”强调了这些司机的攻击性和暴力驾驶行为。 例句: The police are taking measures to curb aggressive drivers. 通过了解这些不同的表达方式,我们可以更准确地描述马路杀手这一概念,避免使用不当或不合适的词汇,同时也能更好地理解英语中与交通安全相关的用语和表达方式。 如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。
British Council播客——achievement 成就
British Council 播客——IKEA宜家