英文经典电影对白全集》 作者:马钟元 主编 出版社:中国宇航出版社 内容简介: 《每天读点英文经典电影
香港电影金像奖的英文: Hong Kong Film Awardshong是什么意思: n. (中国,日本等的)商行,行,洋行 The policy of Hong Kong people governing Hong will not change. 港人治港的政策不会改变。 Hong Kong is a canton of China. 香港是中国的一个行政区。 Pilotage is compulsory in Hong Kong waters. 领航在香港水域是强制性的。 kong是什么意思: [马来亚]含锡砾石下的无矿基岩 Hong Kong is a canton
2012-07-07 -
有的圣诞物品“一网打尽”…… 7. elf 圣诞精灵 圣诞前夜,圣诞老人光临一家孤儿院,为这些无家可归的孩子们送去礼物,然而令人意想不到的是,一个淘气的小baby却迷迷糊糊的爬进了圣诞老人的玩具袋子里,阴差阳错,被圣诞老人背回了老家——北极。巴弟是由一个圣诞精灵扶养长大,但长得却比精灵大三倍之多。他偶然发现自己是人类,决定启程去纽约寻找他的家人。 巴弟很快发现大城市是一个崭新又充满生趣的世界。他找到了他的爸爸华特,他在一个儿童读物出版社工作,正在出版「顽皮圣诞」丛书,忙得不可开交。华特虽然怀疑他是巴弟的爸爸,但还是带巴弟回家。巴弟终于看到他的“妈妈”,和十岁的“弟弟”。但是巴弟的弟弟并不知道圣诞节的由来,也怀疑圣诞老人和圣诞精灵的存在。而事实上,似乎大家也快忘了过圣诞节的真正意义。 圣诞节 就快电影院一定有很多新的电影,不过大家有没有想重温老电影来了。巴弟以圣诞精灵的身分向家人宣布他的想法,他想送给全世界的及纽约的人们,一个最惊奇的圣诞礼物…… 圣诞节主题电影,它们会给你带来欢乐的节日气氛。赶紧和家人一起观看电影吧。
配乐能让电影添彩,你相信吗? The computer-animated movie features Angelina Jolie, Ray Winstone and Anthony Hopkins, and it needed some [w]epic[/w] music. Composer Ballard says music is a tool for the movie-maker, and a song or score has to fit the movie. Getting the right mood can be a challenge. [w]Norwegian[/w
演了《孕期完全指导》(“What to Expect When You're Expecting”),也将与皮尔斯·布伦丹(Pierce Brosnan)一同出演由布鲁斯⋅贝尔斯福德(Bruce Beresford)导演的《私藏枪械》(“The House Gun”),在其中饰演一个被指控谋杀的南非人。[/cn] [en]What do you think of the idea of a Gossip Girl movie? Would you like to see it? What would the plot be? Would it involve all of the original cast members? Share your thoughts with us below![/en][cn]你觉得《绯闻女孩》电影这个想法怎么样呢?你想要看吗?情节会是怎样呢?它是否会包含所有的原剧组成员呢?快跟我们分享你的想法![/cn]
配乐能让电影添彩,你相信吗? One [w]classic[/w] [w]collaboration[/w] was between the singing duo Simon & Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols. In the 1967 film The Graduate, music made performances by Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman and Katharine Ross even more memorable. Singer Jesse Harris wrote songs
配乐能让电影添彩,你相信吗? One classic [w]collaboration[/w] was between the singing duo Simon & Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols. In the 1967 film The Graduate, music made performances by Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman and Katharine Ross even more memorable. Singer Jesse Harris wrote songs for this year
会被双方都认可。[/cn] [en]"There is no longer any [w]dispute[/w]. We work well together."[/en][cn]“现在没有任何争论了,我们合作的很愉快。”[/cn] [en]Yet "Grace of Monaco" was met with some of the worst reviews for a Cannes opener after screening for the press early Wednesday.[/en][cn]然而《摩纳哥王妃》在周三早些时候为媒体放映后,遇