生来贝克街的时候,可是空手的呀。 当然还有其他的小细节,等待大家发现。 The end of the line 这个短语的意思是尽头,极限。 引申出来的含义会有,山穷水尽、最终结局、最末端等等。 【例句】Georges knew he was near the end of the line. 乔戈斯知道他快山穷水尽了。 When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered. 当他走到队伍的尽头老奶奶的面前时,他感到很困惑。 get off 这个词组我们从小学就认识了。 如果遇上 taxi,car 等小型交通工具上车用get in,下车用get out。 如果遇上 ship,bus,train,plane 等大型交通工具,上去用get on,下去用get off。 这里和大家分享一个最近新学的词组。get off one's back。 "get off one's back" means to leave someone alone or stop bugging someone about something. 别管闲事或是说别为了什么事来烦某人。再加上语气的推波助澜,很多情况下,get off one's back 表示当事人认为他自己根本没做甚么错事。 【例句】I'm going to tell him to get off my back or I'll walk right off the job. 我就要告诉他别再纠缠不清,否则我就不干了。 shaken-up 是一个口语化的词儿。 在人们听到令人吃惊的新闻后或经历了任何没有预料到的事情后,他们可能会感到shaken up。 大家可以想象一下,在听到了极其震惊的消息之后,某个人惊讶地抖了一抖。 用这种方法记单词是不是很好记。 【例句】After the accident she was completely shaken up. 在经历了那次事件之后,她受到极神探夏洛克》第四季第三集中隐藏了很多小细节。大家如果有时间,可以翻来覆去欣赏一下。 比如,第三大地惊吓。 《神探夏洛克》第四季第三集最后一幕,夏洛克和华生从贝克街221B中冲了出来。 不难得知,他们肯定又遇上案子了。 虽然第四季完结了,但是夏洛克和华生这对拍档传递出来的精神是永远不会完结的。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。
动上就跟大家分享了这样一件轶事。[/cn] [en]How did that happen? When Cumberbatch showed up to work on the "Sherlock" pilot episode, he had recently bleached his hair to play Vincent Van Gogh. The "Sherlock" people tried to give Cumberbatch a darker look (to better match the literary Holmes' physical appearance), but the dye plus the bleach resulted in a shade of green.[/en][cn]到底是怎么回事呢?Cumberbatch在出演《神探夏洛克》第一集之前,曾经为了梵高的一个角色把头发漂白了。而《神探夏洛克》的造型师们为了让Cumberbatch和神探夏洛克书中的Holmes更像一些,想让他看起来肤色黑一些,就给他然黑头发,结果两种颜色加在一起结果就成了绿色。[/cn] [en]This was the day before filming was supposed to begin.[/en][cn]这件事发生在正式录制开始的前一天。[/cn] [en]Fortunately, more work on the hair resulted in a more successful dye job. That's a good thing -- Sherlock Holmes is odd enough without green hair. [/en][cn]不过幸好最后还是成功的把Cumberbatch的头发染成了棕黑色,这也避免了Sherlock Holmes顶着一头奇怪的绿头发。[/cn]
还有一种情况是 on one's behalf。 这个词组与 on behalf of 的区别就是所有格上的区别,在意义上没有不同,可相互替换。 【例句】She signed the paper on behalf of me. She signed the paper on my behalf. 在这句台词中, spare one's blushes 的意思是 不让某人难堪。 to prevent someone from being embarrassed, 让某人免于蒙羞。 【例句】The manager spoke for his young employee in order to spare her blushes. 经理为他年轻的雇员说话,免于让她蒙羞。 【注意】blush 需要加上 es 使用 我们来复习一下这个词组。 cast 这个单词具有抛掷,投射的含义。 那神探夏洛克》第四季第三集的结束,《神夏我们可以联想到 cast one's mind back 的意思是 将某人的想法扔到过去那个点,也就是 回想,回忆起的涵义了。 其英英注释是 to think about something that happened in the past, especially in order to remember something important。 【例句】Cast your mind back to last summer. 让我们回想一下去年夏天。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。
[en]Seaon 4 of Emmy-winning BBC One/Masterpiece drama — and worldwide phenom — Sherlock has been set for a day-and-date debut in the U.S. and UK on January 1, 2017. The first episode, titled The Six Thatchers, will see the reunion of Benedict Cumberbatch as the eponymous high-functioning sociopath and Martin Freeman as his sidekick Dr John Watson.[/en][cn] BBC One频道的全世界风靡的第四季荣获艾美奖杰出剧作奖的《神探夏洛克》将于2017年1月1日英美同时播出!首集标题《六座撒切尔夫人像》,将会看到本尼迪克特康伯巴奇作为高智商的反社会人士回归,还有马丁弗里曼,夏洛克的死党花生。[/cn] [en]As with previous seasons, Sherlock the 4th will be comprised of three new episodes which promise “laughter, tears, shocks, surprises and extraordinary cases,” the networks said in announcing the start of shooting last April.[/en][cn]和之前每季相同,第四季仍然是只有三集。互联网上年4月宣传的拍摄之初的“笑声,泪水,震撼,惊喜还有卓越的剧组人员”。[/cn] [en]Cumberbatch then made headlines for a GQ interview in which he said this season “might be the end of an era,” but added, “I’d love to revisit it, I’d love to keep revisiting it, I stand by that, but in the immediate future we all have things that we want to crack on with and we’ve made something very complete as it is, so I think we’ll just wait and see. The idea of never playing (Sherlock) again is really galling.”[/en][cn]康伯巴奇在球在接受GQ杂志采访时说:“说实话,这像是一个时代的终结”但又说道,“我很高兴重回出演夏洛克,我将会保持重塑他,他伴我同行,但在不远的未来我们都会有需要去做的事情,当然也会解决各种复杂的事情,所以我觉得我们需要等等再看。不再继续拍摄神夏真的会很苦恼。”[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
红了,爆红,红得发紫,紫的发黑。 【例句】 [en]PPAP is beyond viral on the internet.[/en][cn]PPAP 网络爆红。[/cn] 下面的对话便是“even you” 场景了。 英语君联想到了魔法特编剧的一句话:喜欢一个人是想要过要和他共度一夜,爱一个人是想和他共度一生。 夏洛克和华生在对方眼中都是独一无二又最不平凡的存在。 英语君想象不出还有哪个告白比这个更加浪漫的了。 最后的最后,当“Eurus”的名字出来的时候,英语君瞬间联想到了夏洛克和华神探夏洛克》第四季生在机场作别的场景。 这三张图合起来,简直细思极恐。 莫不是夏洛克和华生要正面决战大BOSS了? 第四季还剩下最后一集,让我们拭目以待。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。
会在未来的剧情中死掉。[/cn] [en]Why? That's mainly because death was the fate of Mary Watson in the original Sherlock Holmes series of stories. "While we play fast and loose with the original stories, we generally follow the trajectory of what Conan Doyle did," "Sherlock" star Martin Freeman tells the Telegraph in a recent interview. "[Watson] gets married, and then Mary dies -- so at some point presumably she'll die." [/en][cn]为什么?主要是因为在原著中,Mary Watson这个角色的命运如此。“虽然相较于原著,我们拍摄节奏更快、结构更松散,但是总的来说我们还是跟着原著作者柯南道尔走的,”《神探夏洛克》男主演Martin Freeman接受《每日电讯报》采访时说。“Watson结婚了,然后Mary死掉了...所以在未来的剧情中,她会死掉。[/cn] [en]Don't worry about losing Amanda Abbington -- the actress who plays Mary on the show as well as Freeman's real-life partner. Freeman also points out that Abbington will be around the program "for the [w]foreseeable[/w] future." [/en][cn]大家也不要因为Amanda Abbington的离开而难过——她在剧中扮演Mary,同时她神探夏洛克也是Freeman现实生活中的妻子。Freeman表示,在最近的剧情中她还是不会死的。[/cn]
片中Benedict Cumberbatch和一只猎犬在一起。看完剧照后我们就更加期待了。[/cn] [en]Plus, we now have so many questions: What’s Sherlock telling the dog to do? How involved will the dog be in season 4? Is Watson jealous? The master detective apparently had a dog named Toby in the books. Is this Toby? [/en][cn]现在我们有非常多问题:Sherlock在让这只狗干嘛?第四季怎么会出来了一条狗?花生不会吃醋吗?在原著中Sherlock的确有条名叫Toby的狗,这只狗就是Toby么?[/cn] [en]The image comes on the heels of Cumberbatch receiving an Emmy nomination for Sherlock: The Abominable Bride. Season 4 will be released in 2017. Don’t make us beg for more, Sherlock.[/en][cn]这张照片是在Cumberbatch凭借《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》被提名的消息之后发出的。第四季将神探夏洛克》第四季会在2017年回归。拜托《神探夏洛克》剧组不要让我们再等了![/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
郊区的人,因为他们来曼哈顿需要“过大桥穿隧道”。 后来引申指土包子、无知的人、思想狭隘的人,等等。 【例句】The clubs are hopping tonight, but it's mostly the bridge and tunnel crowd. 俱乐部今晚特别忙,不过客人主要是些土包子。 water under the bridge 逝者如斯夫 这个词组有两种解释: 1)无法重新来过或不值得再探歇洛克》前一季中,华生在婚礼上拥抱了夏洛克。 那个时候的夏洛克讨论的往事 2)另一种解释是很长时间过去了 【例句】He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge. 他为服刑期满而感到如释重负,而且觉得既已无可更改,过去的就让它过去吧。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。
三年的漫长等待之后,《神探夏洛克》第四季终于在粉丝们的翘首期盼中回归了。 第四季