新闻编辑室S01E01 MJE美剧笔记:我直说了
要用低落的语调-- 告诉他你正
新闻编辑室S01E02 MJE美剧笔记:我现在干劲十足
国际玩笑吧?[/cn] [en]9. And here's where I think I'm on firmer ground.[/en][cn]这是我觉得我有道理的地方。[/cn] [en]10. Let's jump right in.[/en][cn]让我们直奔主题。[/cn] [en]11. I have to give you credit for thinking you can chew me out.[/en][cn]你觉得你可以气冲冲的批评我,我欣赏你的胆量。[/cn] [en]12. Reese got in your head.[/en][cn]你是Reese上身了吧?[/cn] [en]13. You know how bad you [w=screw]screwed[/w] up, right?[/en][cn]你知道你把事情弄得有多糟糕了吧?[/cn] [en]14. Can you put her on the phone?[/en][cn]你能让她接电话吗?[/cn] 作者@MJE美剧口语联盟 (整理/排版:沈沈鸭 校对:Cecil)
For those who like HBO's The Newsroom, this could be sad news. E! News confirms that show creator Aaron Sorkin has decided to replace most of the writing staff for the show's second season, and before you yell "What?!" into your computer screen, there's more. Although it's said that around half of the writers were let go, reports are claiming Sorkin fired everyone except for one person. A source tells The Daily Mail that Sorkin released every single writer on the show except for Corinne Kinsbury, his ex-girlfriend, but before you start analyzing that one, it doesn't seem to be the case. Sources tell E! News that there are more writers staying on The Newsroom staff than just Kinsbury. And as far as this whole shakeup goes, an HBO rep tells us that, "Every year each show [w=reassess]reassesses[/w] the needs of its writing staffs. This process is nothing out of the ordinary." Critics weren't too excited about the drama series, calling it "lousy" and "the worst." But the joke was on them. The Newsroom [w=debute]debuted[/w] as the cable network's third-most-watched drama premiere ever, (behind Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones) with 2.1 million viewers. Do you think the new writing staff will help or hurt next season? Sound off in the comments! 沪江娱乐快讯: 对于HBO《新闻编辑室》(The Newsroom)的粉丝来说,这可能不是个好消息。 E!News确认,该剧制作人艾伦-索金(Aaron Sorkin)已决定为第二季撤换该剧的大多数编剧人员。在你冲着电脑屏幕喊出“啥?!”之前,不妨接着读下去。 尽管据说是裁撤了将近一半的编剧,但有消息称索金解雇了几乎所有人,只有一人例外。 有人向《每日邮报》透露,索金解雇了该剧的所有编剧,只有一人例外:科琳-金斯伯里(Corine Kinsbury),他的前女友。但在你把这个消息当真之前,它又好像不是事实。 E!News的消息来源称,还有不少编剧仍属于《新闻编辑室》剧组,而不仅仅只有金斯伯里。 就这个人事改组而言,HBO的一位代表告诉我们:"每年每部剧都要重新评估对编剧的要求。这是个再正常不过的程序。“ 评论家对这部剧并不看好,称它“蹩脚“,”不能更糟糕“。但这可是开了他们自己的玩笑。《新闻编辑室》的首集就以210万观众获得了有线电视网络的电视剧首播收视率第三,(位于《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire)和《权力的游戏)(Game of Thrones)之后)。 你觉得新的编剧会给下一季带来什么样的影响?在评论里说出意见吧!
别的这季一定会让大家印象深刻。”[/cn] [en]Rumors about The Newsroom’s season 3 renewal started last September when lead star Jeff Daniels said it was official, but HBO quickly denied the tweet held water. Until today we didn’t know that the channel was considering making the third outing the show’s last.[/en][cn]《新闻编辑室》第三季预定的传言去年九月就传新闻编辑室》第三季获预订。[/cn] [en]Bad news: The Newsroom season 3 is the show’s last.[/en][cn]坏消息是:第三季开了,当时主演杰夫-丹尼尔在官方推特上公开宣布第三季获得预订,但是HBO很快就否认了这一消息
《新闻编辑室》第二季众主创剧透>>> [en]HBO released the first teaser trailer for season 2 of "The Newsroom" ahead of last night's much-talked about episode of "Game of Thrones." [/en][cn]HBO电视台在昨晚放出了《新闻编辑室》第二季的首个宣传预告,该预告播放于《权力的游戏》第三季第九集之前,该集的剧情也在昨晚引新闻编辑室》第二季起了非常多的讨论。[/cn] [en]Jeff Daniels returns as ACN news anchor Will McAvoy and he's clearly torn over his past relationship with co-worker MacKenzie McHale (Emily Mortimer). [/en][cn]杰夫·丹尼尔斯继续饰演ACN电视台的新闻主播Will McAvoy,从预告中可以看出,他和同事MacKenzie McHale 的过往感情仍让他非常纠结。[/cn] 相关精华资料推荐: 《新闻编辑室》第一季原创学习笔记>>> 还不是注册沪友?1分钟完成注册,海量资料供你下载! [en]Scored by Tom Odell’s “Can’t Pretend,” the teaser finds Jeff Daniels’ [w]stalwart[/w] news anchor touring a desert plain, where he encounters, one by one, other members of the ACN cable news family.[/en][cn]预告片的背景音乐为英国年轻的创作歌手汤姆·奥德尔的歌曲《Can’t Pretend》,坚定的新闻主播杰夫·丹尼尔斯在一片荒原游荡,他的ACN新闻团队成员也一个个出现与他相遇。[/cn] Tom Odell “Can’t Pretend” [en]The video closes with the group standing before a television set, with the [w]tagline[/w], “Together, They Stand Alone.”[/en][cn]在视频的结尾处,这群新闻人站在一台电视机前,宣传语则是:“他们在一起,他们很孤立。” [/cn] [en]"The Newsroom" returns to HBO July 14.[/en][cn]《新闻编辑室》第二季将于7月14日回归HBO。[/cn]
《新闻编辑室》第二季7月回归 众主创剧透新故事
新闻编辑室》第一季学习笔记>>> [en]The "Newsroom" cast is part of the 2013 Paleyfest, which is an annual program of various television shows being [w=showcase]showcased[/w] at the Paley Media center in Hollywood. [/en][cn]热门美剧《新闻编辑室
新闻编辑室S01E06 MJE美剧笔记:别跟我作对
新闻编辑室S01E05 MJE美剧笔记:你放我鸽子