[en]The Vampire Diaries [w]executive[/w] producer Kevin Williamson wants to make something clear: Damon and Elena’s growing closeness in the absence of Stefan won’t necessarily lead where viewers think it will this coming season.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日记》执行制片人Kevin Williamson想让观众们明白:虽然《吸血鬼日记》第三季中Stefan不会像之前一样陪在Elena身边,而Elena和Damon的关系也变得更加亲密,但是这并不意味着剧情就会向着观众们想的方向发展(DE不会轻易在一起)。[/cn] [en]“Just because we’re putting her with Damon doesn’t mean they’re going to [w]end up[/w] together. ” Williamson told TVLine at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour, when we pressed him about how anxious he plans to make Elena/Stefan fans.[/en][cn]“虽然我们让Elena和Damon在一起的时间变多了,但是这不意味着他们俩最后就会在一起。”在周日电视影评人协会新闻发布会上,当记者问道剧情会不会让SE党很担心时,Williamson这样回答。[/cn] [en]While Damon and Elena will “bond” as they search for Stefan — their journey will be “more about friendship” than romance, says Williamson. [/en][cn]《吸血鬼日记》第三季中Damon和Elena会一起去寻找Stefan——他们这一路上相较于爱情,更多的则会是友情,Williamson说。[/cn] [en]“It’s not so much about, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to fall madly in love and live happily ever after?’” says Williamson. “It’s, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to be able to find the man they both love?’ … It’s going to be fun to watch Damon and Elena form this relationship that at its [w]core[/w] is about a search for the man they both care about.”[/en][cn]“相对于‘Damon和Elena会不会坠入爱河并永远幸福快乐的在一起,剧情更多的是在描述Damon和Elena是否能找到他们都深爱的另一个男人。’”Williamson说。看着Elena和Damon之间的关系核心却是为了寻找另一个他们共同关心的男人很有意思。[/cn] [en]“Damon is not good at being a hero, so I can’t imagine he’s ever going to do it right,” observes Williamson, adding, “It’s always go to be one step forward, two steps back. ‘OK, so I’m the hero — I’m going to kill three people.’ And that is not OK with Elena.”[/en][cn]“Damon在做英雄这方面也一直不上手,所以不要指望他什么事都能做对。”Williamson还说,“事情也一直都处在向前一步后退两步的状态。‘好吧,其实我才是英雄——这一季里我会杀死3个角色。’这对Elena又是一大打击。”[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries returns Sept. 15 at 8/7c on The CW.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日记》第三季将吸血鬼日记会在CW电视网当地时间9月15号晚播出。[/cn] 沪江小编:明知会被虐,还是忍不住要看...这就是好片的魅力啊~小编总觉得Caroline第三季有危险呢~
会是在Rebekah的闪回片段里。这一次我们将会时光倒流——回到一千多年之前——看到原始吸血鬼还是人类的时候。当然像吸血鬼日记我们之前报道的那样,我们还会看到原始吸血鬼家庭中由Alice Evans扮演的母亲的角色。[/cn] [en]Most importantly, though, we're going to get to see what Elijah's [w]hair[/w] looked like before he was turned. [/en][cn]最重要的是我们可以看看Elijah在变成吸血鬼之前的发型。[/cn]
件事,韦斯莱说: “坦白地说,我不接受。编剧可能要对我发飙了!虽然我不接受,但事实就是事实,所以我们要接受它。” 他对所发生的一切有什么不满吗? “我个人认为斯特凡会继续自己的方式,‘我不在乎你必须要说的东西’,而且只会抓住 她-但这只是个故事,是生活中和故事里所发生的令人沮丧的事情。” 在第四季中,韦斯莱觉得斯特凡和埃琳娜会顺利发展下去吗?不完全是。 “我不认为会这样。‘我正在努力寻回斯特凡的本性,而且我们将会挺开心的。”他说到。“这节目将会彻底改变”。 我们到了10月11日就会确切知道了。
就是神秘瀑布镇,事情永远不会到达高潮。”这一季中Elena会升到高中三年级,但是这一季结束的时候不会毕业。[/cn] 在这一段中大家要记住一个短语:bank on(upon)指望、依赖、依靠 [en]Now that she's 18, "Elena and Jeremy technically don't need a parent living in their house [following Aunt Jenna's death]," says Plec. "She will be taking care of herself."[/en][cn]Elena已经18岁了,“(Jenna阿姨死后)Elena和Jeremy已经到年龄不用监护人和他们同住一起了,”Plec说。“她会自己照顾自己。”[/cn] [en]On the romantic front, might the show now [w]capitalize[/w] on the real-life romance of Nina and Ian Somerhalder (Damon) and have their characters hook up? While Plec stresses she would never [w]exploit[/w] her actors' personal lives, she hints that "over the course of the season, Elena will be struggling with a deep, deep attraction toward Damon. That's going to be a big problem for her."[/en][cn]在现实生活中Nina和Ian Somerhalder已经谈起了恋爱,那么他们扮演的角色呢?Plec强调演员的私人生活将不会影响到剧情的发展,她暗示说“在这一季中,Elena将会努力不让自己抵挡住Damon的魅力。这对她来说会是一大难题。”[/cn] 沪江小编:小编居然忘了Elena才高中...恭喜Elena要上高三了...= =上高三的年纪...总觉得有点穿越...
will flashback yet again on the 13th episode of season three (scheduled for January 26), this time to 1491, where we'll meet another member of the Original family.[/en][cn]Michael Ausiello(美剧剧透达人)率先放出消息,《吸血鬼日记》第3季13集将会再次闪回,这一次将会闪回到1491年,到时候我们会看到吸血鬼祖先家族的另外一个成员。[/cn] [en]Klaus and Rebekah's brother, his name
上了他。[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries [w=stake]stakes[/w] out its new season starting Thursday, Sept. 15, at 8/7c.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日记》第三季将会在9月15号(北京时间9月16号)首播。[/cn] 插播《吸血鬼日记》剧透一条:我们都知道《吸血鬼日记》第三季一开始就是Elena的18岁生日,那么Damon会送什么礼物给Elena呢? 答案就是:[en]Nothing. This is Vampire Diaries. Don’t count on there being any cake and goody bags, if you catch my drift. Besides, Elena isn’t really in the partying mood. She’s got more important things on her mind.[/en][cn]什么也没送。这是《吸血鬼日记》。生日蛋糕、生日礼物什么的都木有。而且Elena也没吸血鬼日记心情搞什么生日派对,她有更重要的事情要想。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日记》第三季:首张宣传照曝光 换了风格?
[en]For a show that [w=thrive]thrives[/w] on showcasing the dark sides of their characters (Klaus be crazy), seeing the three stars looking so angelic is a bit of a change for us.[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日记》玩惯了展示角色黑暗面,这次的宣传照似乎换了个风格,有点走天使路线了。[/cn] [en]Not that we're complaining, because Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, and Paul Wesley look absolutely gorgeous in our exclusive first look at this Vampire Diaries season three [w]promo[/w] shot. But the light clothes and sunshine-filled room is the opposite of the TVD atmosphere were used to, no? Perhaps season three will be more about happiness and high school fun and less about hearts being [w=rip]ripped[/w] out (physically and emotionally). [/en][cn]Ian Somerhalder、Nina Dobrev和Paul Wesley在这张《吸血鬼日记》首张剧照里看起来相当美。淡色的衣服加上从窗口洒入的阳光,这似乎不是《吸血鬼日记》的一贯风格吧?或许《吸血鬼日记》第三季会多说些令人高兴的事、美妙的高中生活,少吸血鬼日记说些让人心痛的剧情呢。[/cn] 沪江小编:Stefan边边站,Damon上位了.....作为中间党赶脚很奇怪...不论怎样对中间党来说都是折磨嗷~送大家最新预告一枚~
抱了。[/cn] [en]Roche will appear in a [w]recurring[/w] role as “a very mysterious man who appears to be hunting vampires, most [w]specifically[/w] Klaus,” reports .[/en][cn]Roche将会成为《吸血鬼日记》的常规演员,他扮演“一个非常神秘的吸血鬼猎人,主要目的就是猎杀Klaus。”《娱乐周刊》报道说。[/cn] [en]Roche’s character will be a source of concern for the powerful Klaus.[/en][cn]在第三季中,Roche扮演的角色会引起Klaus的不安和关注。[/cn] [en]Roche’s Supernatural character, Balthazar, met a bloody end at the hands of Castiel last season. Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries [w=premiere]premieres[/w] Sept. 15.[/en][cn]Roche在《邪恶力量》中扮演的天使Balthazar死在了Castiel的手上。《吸血鬼日记》第三季将会在今年9月15号首播。[/cn]
《吸血鬼日记》第三季:曝光首张剧照 预告片大汇总
吸血鬼日记》第三季题为“生日”。Elena18岁了,虽然过去的一年里Elena承受了许多不幸,但是Caroline仍然坚持要为她办一个生日小派对。[/cn] [en]This first photo shows Alaric (Matt Davis), Elena, and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) taking a quiet moment outside the house to talk, complete with the bottle of bourbon that's never far from Alaric's reach.[/en][cn]在第一张剧照上我们看到Alaric