• 商务英语对话听力材料精选

    见你,旅程如何? A: Everything was fine and the plane arrived on time. A:一路上都很顺利,飞机也是准点到达。 B: Shall we go? I've got a car waiting outside to take us to your hotel. B:我们可以走

  • 英语专业四级考试听力原文

    对于英语专业的同学来说,在大学期间是需要面对专四考试的,而想要顺利的通过专四考试,听说读写都必须要有很好的提升。今天我们为大家整理了英语专业四级考试听力原文,欢迎大家阅读。 Part I Dictation The Wristwatch It is generally believed that wristwatches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man's jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women

  • 2019年12月英语六级听力原文:试卷二长对话1

    听到爵士乐了。 Not like they used to be. But here you're trying to promote this great music genre. 不像以前了。但是在这里,你正努力推广这种伟大的音乐流派。 Yes. Indeed, nowadays most people like to listen to pop and rock music. 是的,确实如此,现在大多数人都喜欢听流行乐和摇滚乐。 Hip hop music from America is also getting more and more popular. 源于美国的嘻哈乐也越来越受欢迎。 So as a result, there are fewer listeners of Jazz, which is a great shame because it's an incredibly rich genre. 所以,爵士乐的听众少了,这真的很遗憾,因为爵士乐是一个极具价值的音乐流派。 But that's not to say there isn't any good new Jazz music being made out there anymore. 不过并不是说不会再有新的好的爵士乐被制作出来。 Far from it. It's just a much smaller market today. 远非如此,只是现在爵士乐的市场小了很多。 So how would you define Jazz? 那么您是如何定义爵士乐的呢? Interestingly enough, there's no agreed upon definition of Jazz. 很有趣的是,对于爵士乐并没有统一的定义。 Indeed, there are many different styles of Jazz, some have singing, but most don't. 的确,爵士乐有很多种不同类型的风格,有些带唱,不过大多数都不带唱。 Some are electric and some aren't. Some contain live experimentation, but not always. 有些是电气爵士,有些则不是。有些带现场演唱,但并不全是如此。 While there's no simple definition for it. Allow, there are many different styles of Jazz. 爵士乐虽然没有一个简单的定义,但是却允许其有多种不同的风格。 You simply know it when you hear it. Honestly. The only way to know what Jazz is, listen to it yourself. 你听的时候自然就知道了。说白了,想要知道什么是爵士乐,唯一的方法就是你自己去听。 As the great trumpet player. Louis Armstrong said, if you've got to ask, you'll never know. 伟大的小号演奏家路易斯·阿姆斯特朗曾经说过:如果你一定要问,那么你永远都不会知道。 1. What do we learn about the woman's store? 关于这位女士的商店我们知道什么? 2. What does the man say about Jazz music? 关于爵士乐这位男士说了什么? 3. What does the woman say about Jazz? 关于爵士乐这位女士说了什么? 4. What should you do to appreciate different styles of Jazz according to the woman? 根据这位女士的话,应该怎样去欣赏不同类型的爵士乐? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家旗开得胜!

  • 2019年12月英语六级听力原文:试卷一长对话2

    成了对比。 The show has been running for over ten years, and some of the actors are practically global super stars. Now that they are such famous celebrities. 这部剧已经上映了十多年了,里面的一些演员其实都是全球巨星,现在他们都是名人。 5. What does the man think of the satire Frankie he recently watched? 5. 男士对他最近看的讽刺剧《弗兰基》有什么看法? 6. What does the man say especial about the satire Frankie? 6. 关于讽刺剧《弗兰基》,男士说了什么特别的? 7. What does the woman say she is going to do with the satire Frankie? 7. 女士说她将如何对待讽刺剧《弗兰基》? 8. What does the woman say about the comedy The Big Bang Theory? 8. 关于喜剧《生活大爆炸》,女士说了什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家旗开得胜!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一长对话1(沪江网校)

    不同? Question 10. Who will be the intended audience of the TV show Science Nation? 问题10:谁将是电视节目《Science Nation》的目标受众? Question 11. What does the woman want the man to do for the TV show? 问题11:为成功举办这个电视节目,这位女士想让这位男士做什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 托福听力对话解题技巧

    听力住了这些关键点,就能轻松地回答问题,托福听力分数也不会太低。 二、托福听力常见问题 1、慢热 做题时精力不够集中,不够紧张,导致听力已经开始自己还没反应过来,丢分。 2、连错(连续错4个以上) 听到某个内容一下没听懂,心里便开始琢磨,开始研究自己刚才到底听到了什么,不愿意放弃,怎么着也想把内容听出来。最后导致后面的信息点接连GET不到,最后做题时只能接连猜答案的情况循环出现,丢分。 3、走神 没睡好 、没压力、懒散 、心思不定、做练习时想的东西太多 、对自己没自信,老觉得自己不行,题目太难。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以扫以下二维码,定制沪江网校精品课程,高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学 。 为了帮助考生们更好地备战托福考试,以上就是“托福听力对话解题技巧“希望能够对大家有帮助。想要访问了解更多相关话题,欢迎关注沪江网。

  • 2019年12月英语六级听力原文:试卷二长对话2

    能把钱贷给我,他们担心我会拖欠他们发放给我的商业贷款。 That doesn't sound fair. Your business idea is amazing. Did you show them your business plan? What did they say? 听起来不公平啊,你的商业想法这么棒,你给他们看你的商业计划书了吗?他们怎么说的? They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan. 对于实际的商业计划,他们并没有明确表达自己的立场。 They simply looked at my credit history and determined it was not good enough. 他们只是看了我的信用记录,然后就认定我的信用记录不够好。 They said the bank has strict guidelines and requirements as to who they can lend money to. 他们说,银行对贷款对象有严格的准则和要求。 And I simply don't meet their financial threshold. 我在财务上根本达不到他们的标准。 What if you ask for a smaller amount? Maybe you could gather capital from other sources, smaller loans from more lenders. 如果你贷少一点的金额呢?或许可以从其他渠道筹集资金,从更多的贷款人那里获取小额贷款。 You don't get it. It doesn't matter the size of the loan I ask for, or the type of business I propose. That's all inconsequential. 你不明白,问题不在于我要求贷款的规模、或者我要办理的业务类型,这些都不是重点。 The first thing every bank will do is study how much money I have and how much debt I have before they decide whether or not to lend me any more money. 每家银行要做的第一件事情就是要弄清楚我有多少钱以及我有多少债务,然后再来决定是否贷给我更多的钱。 If I want to continue ahead with this dream of only my own business, I have no other choice. 如果我想继续自己的事业,继续这个梦想,那么没有其他选择, But to build up my own finances, I need around 20% more in personal savings and 50% less debt. That's all there is to it. 只能先把我自己的财务状况搞好,个人存款再提高20%,债务再减少50%,这样就没有问题了。 I see now it's a huge pity that they rejected your request, but don't lose hope. 我现在明白了,他们拒绝了你的申请真的很遗憾,但不要失去希望。 I still think that your idea is great and that you would turn it into a phenomenal success. 我还是认为你的想法很好,你会取得很大的成功的。 5. What did the woman do this morning? 这位女士今天早上做了什么? 6. Why was the woman's proposal rejected? 这位女士的申请为什么会被拒绝? 7. What is the woman planning to do? 这位女士打算怎么办? 8. What does the man suggest the woman do? 这位男士建议这位女士怎么做? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家旗开得胜!

  • 2019年12月英语六级听力原文:试卷一长对话1

    曾经克服过什么困难吗?又是怎么克服的呢? I had to be really persistent and it was very hard work. 我必须努力坚持下去,因为这个工作是相当艰苦的。 After three years of working in a petrol station and doing unpaid work I still hadn't managed to get an entry level job. 我在加油站干了三年的无偿工作之后,仍然没有找到一份入门级的工作。 I was lucky that my last desperate attempt led to a job. 我很幸运,在最后一次绝望的尝试中找到了一份工作。 I told myself that all experiences make you a better journalist in the long run and luckily, I was right. 我告诉自己,从长远来看所有的经历都会让你成为一名更优秀的记者。幸运的是,我是对的。 1. What is the woman's profession? 1. 这位女士的职业是什么? 2. What is one of the woman's main responsibilities? 2. 这位女士的主要职责是什么? 3. What do many people think about the woman's job? 3. 很多人对这位女士的工作是怎么看的? 4. What helped the woman to get her current position? 4. 是什么帮助这位女士取得了如今的成就? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家旗开得胜!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一长对话1(沪江网校)

    20191214四级听力长对话1原文 Section B Conversation 1 Woman: The name of the TV show we wish to produce is Science Nation.  Man: Please tell us more. What will Science Nation be about? Woman: It will be about science, all sorts of science. Each episode will focus on a different area of science, and tell us

  • 2022年6月英语六级听力原文:长对话2(沪江网校)
