• 一句话的英文怎么说

    一句话的英文: in a word Suffice it to say that参考例句: There is a common saying in China that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. 我们中国常说一句话

  • 【外教课堂】名人一句话:巾帼不让须眉

    宰了全球流行文化的喜怒哀乐,超越四分之一世纪的音乐女神;她在全球的专辑累积销量,早已轻松突破两亿大关成为全球销量最高女歌手;也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。 [en]7. Someone told me that each [w]equation[/w] I included in the book would [w]halve[/w] the sales. I therefore [w=resolve]resolved[/w] not to have any equations at all. —Stephen William Hawking[/en][cn]有人告诉我,我每在书中写进一条方程式,我的书的销量便会减少一半。因此,我决定再也不在书里写入方程式了。—斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金[/cn] 英国剑桥大学应用数学及理论物理学系教授,当代最重要的广义相对论和宇宙论家,是当今享有国际盛誉的伟人之一;他提出宇宙大爆炸自奇点开始,时间由此刻开始,黑洞最终会蒸发,被誉为是继阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦之后最杰出的理论物理学家之一;他一个人、一句话、一因为在21岁时不幸患上了会使肌肉萎缩的卢伽雷氏症,所以被禁锢在轮椅上;他的魅力不仅在于他是一个充满传奇色彩的物理天才,也因为他是一个令人折服的生活强者。 了解一位名人,教你一句名言,短短一分钟让你认识世界! 更多外教节目,请进入一句英语外教课堂>>

  • 9月3日 一句话英语新闻

    [en]Retired seven-time All-Star Tracy McGrady worked out with Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant late this summer in a Southern California gymnasium, testing the preparedness of his body for a possible NBA comeback attempt.[/en][cn]今年夏末,参加过7次全明星赛的退役球星麦克格雷迪和湖人球星科比布莱恩特在南加州的体育馆里一起训练,想要检验自己的身体条件是否能在NBA复出[/cn] comeback 复出?回击?咩? comeback有3种意思。 1 回归。可以指娱乐体育明星等名人的复出,也可以指某种潮流的复兴。 2 回击。对别人批评的回击,也可以指球队扳平或反超比分。 3 澳洲的一种羊。   [en]Li Na's agent Max Eisenbud denied on Wednesday rumors that the Chinese star would retire during the upcoming Asian season. [/en][cn]周三,经纪人否认李娜将在即将到来的亚洲赛季退役的传闻。[/cn] 退役 看完复出,我们来说说退役。retire是最常用的说法。足球运动员退役时,还可以说挂靴,hang up the boots;网球选手可以说挂拍,hang up the racket。

  • 睡衣女侠一句话劝退劫匪成传奇 猜猜女侠说的啥?

    要有智慧,让我们为这位有勇有谋、见义勇为的女侠鼓掌! 所谓魔高一尺道高一丈,现在的小偷作案起来也是很滑头的呢! [en]A napkin helped a thief steal money at several ATMs, police said.According to the San Francisco Police Department, the thief was [w=tamper]tampering[/w] with several area ATMs by stuffing napkins into the slots where money is released. In [w]hindsight[/w], the [w]scam[/w] was simple. The napkins would trap the money beyond sight of the slot where consumers awaited their funds. Perhaps thinking the machine was [w]malfunctioning[/w], they would simply walk away from the ATM. The thief would simply go to the machine, pull out the napkins and walk away with the money.[/en] [cn]旧金山警署曾侦破一场自动取款机的偷一个劫匪钻进一窃案,而小偷的作案工具竟然是“纸巾”!小偷用纸巾堵住自动取款机的取钱口,当有人来取钱时发现机器无法吐出纸币,就会以为是机器故障而离开,这时小偷便伺机拿出纸巾,并将前者没有取出的钱占为己有。[/cn] 除了丢了东西要找警察叔叔外,高科技也可以帮你抓住小偷。 [en]Paul Sheldon was enjoying the concert at Annie's Lane at Clare on Saturday night when his iPhone was stolen.But the thief had another thing coming. Using the `Find my iPhone' [w]application[/w], Mr Sheldon could see his stolen phone making its way to Port Augusta.When his attempts to contact the thief by calling his phone failed, he reported the theft to police. Port Augusta police were able to use the data gathered by the application to track the phone to the thief's home.Police busted the unsuspecting thief and recovered the iPhone, which is now being sent back to Mr Sheldon.[/en] [cn]保罗·谢尔顿在看演唱会时iPhone手机被偷,但是他利用手机上安装的“寻找我的iPhone” 软件成功锁定了手机的位置,并帮助警察将小偷抓获。[/cn]

  • 英语一句话的几种译法你掌握了多少

    报考英语四六级考试,大家都想取得好成绩吧。面对英语翻译提醒大家又是怎么做的呢?正确的方法+认真刷真题就是拿高分的不二法门。而利用真题的一个好方法就是,去研究同一句话的不同译法。文中这几种翻译方法你掌握了多少? 我们以四级翻译真题中的一句话为例: 大熊猫是熊科中最稀有的成员,主要生活在中国西南部的森林里。 01 直译,用and连接两个并列谓语 The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and mainly lives in the forests of southwestern China. 02 添加主语,拆成两个单句

  • Quora精选:这辈子让你思考最多的一句话

    句话一直是我读过的最有影响力的一句话,它解释了关于创造你一直想拥有的生活方式和事业所需要知道的一切。[/cn]   获得37.8k好评的回答@Susan Kaveny: [en]I was working in a car shop while I was in college. One Friday evening, we had just finished up there and the guys wanted to go to the bar across the side street. I wanted to go too, and I wanted to go get cleaned up first. The guy who owned the garage, Bob, said, “If they don’t like you dirty, they don’t like you clean either.”[/en][cn]大学时我正在一家汽车店工作,一个周五的晚上我们刚忙完,朋友们想去小巷对面的酒吧,我也想去,我想先把自己身上弄干净。开修话车厂的Bob说:“如果他们不喜欢你脏的样子,那他们也不会喜欢你干净的样子。”[/cn] [en]That applies to a lot of areas of life. If they don’t like you how you are, the people in question probably just don’t like you and won’t even if you change.[/en][cn]这句话适用于生活很多方面,如果他们不喜欢你本来的样子,那他们可能就是不喜欢你,即使你做出改变也不会喜欢你。[/cn]   (翻译:菲菲)

  • 有声双语美文:巴菲特最睿智的一句话

    来了什么?[/cn] [en]They only brought me poverty.[/en][cn]它们给我带来了贫穷。[/cn] [en]And the people who are behind these businesses have made money through my stupidity.[/en][cn]而那些在背后经营这些生意的人,则从我的愚蠢中赚到了钱。[/cn]   (翻译:能一句猫)

  • 英语每日一句:不管发生什么事,他都不会一句:不管发生什么事,他都不会说一句话。

    No matter what happened, he would not say a word. 不管发生什么事,他都不会说一句话。 语言点:say a word (about sth.): to tell other people (about sth.) 跟别人说(某事) 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>



  • 英语每日一句:虽然是简短的一句话,却包含着深刻的人一句生真理。

    Although the sentence is short, it contains a profound truth about life. 虽然是简短的一句话,却包含着深刻的人生真理。 语言点:profound a. 深刻的,深度的 深远的影响:a profound effect/influence/impact 深深的罪恶感:a profound sense of guilt 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

