• 冰河世纪其实很温暖(有声)

    本期节目音频下载 Peter Huybers: 'Ice ages are the outstanding mystery in Earth sciences' Today we’re speaking with climate scientist Peter Huybers of Harvard. Dr. Huybers received a 2009 genius grant from the MacArthur Foundation. He spoke with EarthSky about why the last ice age ended 12,000 years ago. Peter Huybers: I think ice ages are really the outstanding mystery in Earth sciences presently. Scientists have scrutinized(详细检查) the evidence for ice ages in Earth’s past. Dr. Huyber’s recent research focused on one possible factor triggering the end of an ice age – [w]volcanic activity[/w]. Peter Huybers: The major finding was that there was a dramatic [w]uptick[/w] in volcanic activity during the last deglaciation(冰川消退). Volcanoes can cause carbon dioxide, or CO2 – a greenhouse gas – to increase in Earth’s atmosphere. Twelve thousand years ago, volcanoes might have caused warming and melting ice. In some places on Earth, melting ice sheets might have taken a load off rock below. That might have increased volcanic activity even more – which means more CO2 – and more warming. Peter Huybers: In so much as volcanoes played an important role in providing a [w]feedback[/w]  in past climate, we can then contrast that with the even much stronger control of CO2, which humans are exerting. In other words, volcanoes at the end of the last ice age were releasing about three-tenths of a [w]gigaton[/w] of CO2 each year. Today, humans are releasing about a hundred times more. EarthSky is a clear voice for science. We’re at . 点击进入参与E&S>>>  声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。

  • 冰河世纪的英文怎么说

    冰河世纪的英文: n. interglacial epochinterglacial是什么意思: a. 间冰期的 These ice ages are also called glaciations and the periods of relative warmth between them are called interglacials 这些冰期也叫冰河

  • The Wanted - Chasing the sun:冰河世纪4主题曲

    【冰川MV】 歌词: I'm better So much better now I see the light, touch the light, We're together now I'm better So much better now Look to the skies, gives me life We're together now We've only just begun [w=Hypnotise]Hypnotised[/w] by drums Until forever comes You'll find us [w=chase]chasing[/w] the sun

  • 《冰河世纪3》搞怪小插曲:Walk the Dinosaur

      沪江英乐讯  卡通片《冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明》(Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)即冰河世纪将在7月1日于北美上映,一支被命名为《Walk the Dinosaur》的MV于近日正式推出。 这首单曲奎因·拉蒂法(Queen Latifah)演唱,而她也会担任这部卡通片其中一个角色Ellie的配音。这支MV主要是由《冰河世纪3》的电影片段所组成。这部卡通片的粉丝可以先在这支MV中预先窥探一下电影的剧情。 据悉《Walk the Dinosaur》是由Was (Not Was)乐队在1987年首次推出的一首单曲,这首单曲在推出之时就获得了巨大的成功。而这首单曲也曾经被1993年的一部电影《Super Mario Bros》选中作为电影的原声。歌曲充满童真与想象力,描述的是一个想象中能与恐龙一起散步的时间与空间。(编译/Azure)

  • 看《冰河世纪3》学地道口语:疯的没救了


  • 冰河世纪经典插曲:You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine

      还记得冰河世纪里这只万年的“酱油”松鼠么?还有那颗它倾其全力去追逐的松子和它心中那个美丽的女纸。 一听到这首经典的插曲就会想起这只呆萌的小松鼠还有它的爱情。 艺人: Lou Rawls 语种:英语 唱片公司:Capitol 专辑类别:个人专辑 【视频】 歌词: You'll never find, as long as you live Someone who loves you tender like I do You'll never find, no matter where you search Someone who cares about you the way I do

  • Keke Palmer - We Are Family:冰河世纪4中文版主题曲

    沪江英乐:詹妮弗-洛佩兹、Drake、麻辣鸡、Queen Latifah等众星联手,献唱动画片《冰川时代4》片尾曲《We Are Family》。 这冰几位大腕都是这一系列动画片的粉丝,录制过程中这他们还时不时的卖萌。 【MV】 歌词: We are, we are Not your ordinary fami-mily But we can all agree that We are, we are Close as close can be So it don’t matter what it looks like We look perfect to me We got every

  • 【影视学习】《冰河世纪》2 part3 Manny的恋情?


  • 《冰河世纪》番外短片大集锦:看小松鼠如何耍宝

    到手的一颗橡果。 Scrat's Continental Crack-up is a computer-animated short film staring Scrat the saber-toothed squirrel. It is the fourth short film the Ice Age seires and serves as a [w]teaser[/w] for Ice Age: Continental Drift. 冰河世纪:猛犸圣诞节(Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas) 【导演】Karen Disher 【上映日期】2011年11月24日 【剧情简介】 这部时长26分钟的短片在2011年11月24日感恩节晚8点播出,并于26日发行影碟,而前作中的各主要角色都将回归。与此同时,一支全新的宣传片也随之曝光,主角仍然是雷打不动的Scrat和桃子,这一次他又为我们带

  • 《冰河世纪》专题:众萌物全新大陆冒险启程!

    《冰河世纪》系列电影已经陪伴我们走过了整整十个年头,影片以一群生活在地球冰川期的动物的冒险为冰河世纪》系列电影已经陪伴我们走过了整整十个年头,影片以一群生活在地球冰主线,塑造了猛犸象曼尼、巨爪地懒希德、剑齿虎迪亚哥以及松鼠斯克莱特等性格鲜明的角色,赢得了观众们的喜爱。 在最新的第四部中还有许多新角色登场亮相。那么在这些生动形象的人物里到底哪个是你的菜捏?来这里参与讨论吧>> 在27日上映的《冰河世纪4》当中,众萌物将在全新大陆开启冒险之旅,让我们与《冰河世纪》专题一同回顾过去前三部,展望第四部吧!点击进入专题>> 《冰河世纪》专题精彩导航: 【《冰河世纪》相关资讯】 《冰河世纪4》史前巨星云集齐搞笑 冰河英雄海上大冒险 《冰河世纪4》冒险升级 新角色纷纷登场 《冰河世纪》番外短片大集锦:看小松鼠如何耍宝 《冰河世纪4》27日内地上映 中文终极预告曝光 更多内容>> 【冰河世纪》音乐欣赏】 冰河世纪4:跟小可爱Sid一起来扭一扭 Keke Palmer - We Are Family:冰河世纪4中文版主题曲 The Wanted - Chasing the sun:冰河世纪4主题曲 冰河世纪4 - Master of the seas:“黑心肝船长”之歌 更多内容>> 【冰河世纪》系列学习笔记】 看《冰河世纪3》学地道口语:疯的没救了 看《冰河世纪3》学地道口语:走开! 看《冰河世纪3》学地道口语:吐出来 看《冰河世纪1》学地道口语1(有声) 更多内容>> 点击进入《冰河世纪》专题>>>