• 英语口语的练习素材


  • 提高雅思写作的技巧分享

    写作单项是很多同学目标分数的绊脚石。所以,如何冲刺雅思写作助你更好地组织文章结构和语言表达。 8. 合理规划时间,控制篇幅 写作考试时间有限,需要合理规划时间。控制篇幅可以保证文章结构严谨,表达清晰。 二、雅思写作基本练习方法 1. 大量补充语料:很多同学在练习中最大的问题是自己没有足够的词汇和观点。所以,在正式写作之前,建议同学们先做一些语料的补充和积累。这里可以通过上培训课程或者自己在网上查找资料,针对要写的话题先积累一些词汇和观点,再以模仿和内化的形式产出。 2. 反复修改文章:许多考生在平时练习中,只知道一味地写作文,而不关注反思,这是很多同学努力却得不到满意效果的原因。所以,建议同学们一定要将自己练习的作文交给专业老师或者机构进行批改,得到详细的反馈建议,再根据反馈重新修改文章,可以反复多次,达到满意的程度。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以扫以下二维码,定制沪江网校精品课程,高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。 以上小编分享的提高雅思写作技巧都是非常实用的,可以帮助考生提高雅思成绩,但是要想取得好成绩还需要付出更多的努力和时间。希望考生能够坚持学习,充分发挥自己的潜力,取得优异的成绩。

  • 托福写作素材:关于娱乐


  • 雅思写作8.5分备考方法整理

    坚持反复,不仅要完成计划,还要自己动手寻找新的素材和写作练习,扩充题材题目,义不容辞。 5、审阅自己的作文 写完作文后,考生需要反复查看自己的作品,发现并纠正自己的问题。审阅包括语言框架、逻辑推理以及统一格式。但是,有时候自己审阅时无法看出问题,此时需要寻求他人的帮助。写完后,考生可以请求教师、朋友、家人等帮助审阅,以使自己的作文更加完美。 二 、雅思英语写作实用句型 提出观点 Now there is a growing awareness that... It is time we explore the truth of... The first factor is... The most

  • 托福写作素材:关于科技传媒

    托福写作的题材涉及面很广,不过很多都是跟我们的生活息息相关的事物和现象,所以我们可以在托福写作备考的时候抓住一些易考点搜集托福写作素材,一旦考到类似的作文题目,也有话可谈,下面,我们就来积累一写“科技传媒类”的托福写作素材。 1.广告所造成的影响: 正面影响 A. For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service. B. For business, advertising facilitates

  • 英语六级写作高级句型整理


  • ppt素材分享:经典商务小人




  • 托福写作素材:关于健康

    托福写作的题材涉及面很广,不过很多都是跟我们的生活息息相关的事物和现象,所以我们可以在托福写作备考的时候抓住一些易考点搜集托福写作素材,一旦考到类似的作文题目,也有话可谈,下面,我们就来积累一些“关于健康”的托福写作素材。 1.运动 In contemporary society, a multitude of people are increasingly aware of the fundamentality of maintaining health, so as to enjoying better life quality and longevity. In order

  • 雅思考试作文高频素材

      在备考雅思写作的时候,积累素材是非常关键的,因为不管大家的词汇量有多大,对素材知识了解的不够,也是会影响到写作的内容的。今天我们就为大家整理了雅思考试作文高频素材的相关内容,希望能够对大家的雅思备考有所帮助。   1. 犯罪   1). Crimes can be prevented. 可以防止犯罪   A: It is believed that with the rising level of education there will be a decrease in the rate of crimes, as educated adults have more choices to make a living, reducing the possibility of illegal activities. Besides, by raising severity of punishment, would-be criminals can be deterred and give up their plan of breaking laws.   B: In fact, there are some occasions when crimes are committed emotionally and impulsively, which means that such kind of offence can by no means be prevented in advance.   2). Causes of anti-social behavior 反社会行为的原因   Antisocial behavior refers to acts that cause physical or psychological harm on people or property. Some examples of antisocial behavior include lying and being cruel to others, stealing from others and physical assaulting others.   Another theory states that drug use, smoking, alcoholism and poor nutrition during pregnancy are antecedents of child antisocial behavior. This theory hypothesizes that it is poor health that is the cause and effect of antisocial behavior. Scientists who believe this also believe that parenting style, child characteristics and personality traits and quality of life at home and at school are all contributing factors to antisocial behavior. Scientists therefore believe that antisocial values and behavior develop later in life.   Psychologists and sociologists believe that peer pressure may play a role in a child developing antisocial behavior: if a child's friends are likely to engage in antisocial behavior and later brag about it, then the child is far more likely to engage in such behaviors later in life. The child and his friends begin mutually reinforcing such antisocial behavior and values. This also may go hand in hand with the belief that a poor or inattentive parenting style often influences such behavior and beliefs.   The other reason for the increase in the amount of such behavior is due to the rising jobless rate.   2. 教育   1). Major subjects Vs Minor subjects   A: It is quite understandable that some educators attach great importance to science subjects, as they believe that knowledge related to these subjects is the foundation of the world, from everyday basic calculation to sophisticated biology experiments.   B: In fact, so-called minor subjects provide students with an escape from their brain-consuming thinking and calculating. Interest in science and technology is not universal, which means that students who are gifted in art or sport should be given the chance to maximize their potentials.   以上就是为大家整理的雅思考试作文高频素材的相关内容,作文虽然很难写,但是在平时备考的过程中如果掌握了足写作的时候,积累素材是非常关键的,因为不管大家的词汇量有多大,对素材知识了解的不够,也是会影响到写作够多的素材,在考试的时候也是会下笔如有神的,也是能够写出好的作文的。