• 2023年3月英语六级作文预测六级:个人信用

    距离2023年3月英语六级考试越来越近了,大家准备的如何?为了帮助大家更好地备考英语六级,@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家整理了六级作文预测,希望对你有所帮助。 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:个人信用 A thought-provoking question is raised in the picture that how we handle the embarrassing question when our kids ask us about our credit score if we have a bad credit report. With the popularity

  • 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:社会六级老龄化

    距离2023年3月英语六级考试越来越近了,大家准备的如何?@沪江英语四六级 微信为大家准备了六级作文预测,希望对你有所帮助。 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:社会老龄化 写作要求: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the aging of the society. You should state your opinion and illustrate the impact of the aging of the society. You are required to explain

  • 2023年3月英语六级作文预测六级:理想

    2023年3月英语六级考试在即,@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家整理了六级写作干货,一起来看看吧。 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:理想 Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not.

  • 2023年12月英语六级作文预测六级:合作

    实中获得成功。 尽管这幅图画很简单,但它向我们表达了发人深思的含义。随着经济和社会的发展,竞争日渐激烈。任何人都无法完全独立完成一份工作。因此,越来越多的人开始重视团队合作。事实上,普遍公认合作的能力是想要获得成功的任何人都应该具备的最六级考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?六级作文重要的素质。 因此,我们迫切需要采取措施来提高人们的合作意识。有这样我们才能获得成功,而且只有这样社会才能变得更加六级考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?六级作文是很多同学比较难突破的一个板块,今天@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家整理了2023年12月英语六级作文预测:合作,希望对你有所帮助。 2023年12月英语六级和谐。

  • 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:准时(守时六级)的重要性​

    2023年3月英语六级考试将在3月12日下午举行,大家在考前一定要认真复习哦。今天为大家整理了2023年3月英语六级作文预测:准时(守时)的重要性​,一起来看看吧! 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:准时(守时)的重要性​ Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Nowadays more and more people realize the importance of punctuality.” You can make

  • 2023年3月英语六级作文预测六级:交通堵塞

    理了六级作文预测,希望对你有所帮助。 2023年3月英语六级作文预测:交通堵塞 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to the mayor of the city where you live, making suggestions to tackle the problem of traffic congestion. 参考范文: Dear mayor,    As a citizen who has been living in this city, I am writing to make suggestions to address the problem of traffic jams.   Admittedly, in our city, it is a common phenomenon for people to enjoy a wealthier life and a growing number of families find it not difficult to afford a private car. Thus, the number of private cars increased a lot in recent years and it is too many cars that cause more serious traffic congestion. To tackle this problem, I deem that firstly, it is of great necessity to restrict the number of vehicles on the road each day. Then, it is advisable to enhance the public transportation system, which can bring citizens more convenience, arouse their desire to take the bus or the subway, and help to reduce traffic jams. Based on a survey, a majority of people admit that they prefer taking the bus or the subway, if it is comfortable, fast and convenient enough.    To conclude, I am convinced that with our shared efforts, the traffic congestion in our city will be alleviated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 参考译文: 尊敬的市长:     作为一个一直生活在这个城市的公民,我写信是为了提出解决交通堵塞问题的建议。     诚然,在我们的城市,人们享受更富裕的生活是一种普遍现象,越来越多的家庭发现买得起私家车并不困难。因此,近年来私家车的数量增加了很多,而太多的私家车导致了更严重的交通拥堵。为了解决这个问题,我认为首先,非常有必要限制每天路上的车辆数量。然后,建议加强公共交通系统,这六级考试越来越近了,大家准备的如何?为了帮助大家更好地备考英语六级可以给市民带来更多便利,激发他们乘坐公共汽车或地铁的欲望,并有助于减少交通堵塞。根据一项调查,大多数人承认,如果乘公共汽车或地铁舒适、快捷、方便的话,他们更喜欢乘公共汽车或地铁。     最后,我相信,通过我们的共同努力,我们城市的交通拥堵将得到缓解。 谨上六级考试越来越近了,大家准备的如何?为了帮助大家更好地备考英语六级,@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家整理了六级作文预测,希望对你有所帮助。 2023年3月英语六级,李明

  • 大学英语六级作文押题六级作文押题预测

      英语六级马上就要考试了,考生们比较关心英语六级的作文是什么,下面为大家整理了六级作文押题预测,一起来了解一下。   2020年12月英语六级作文押题及范文   英语教育改革   Reform of English Education   1.目前要求改革大学英语教育的呼声很髙   2. 产生这一现象的原因   3. 你认为应如何改革英语教育   Reform of English Education   As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global

  • 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理六级的建议

    理了2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议,希望对你有所帮助。 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议 A Proposal on Improving Dormitory Management (改进宿舍管理的建议) To whom it may concern, Dormitory is the place where most students spend the longest time in the four years of college. Dormitory environment directly affects students' sleep quality and life happiness. Next, I will put forward some suggestions to improve the existing problems in the dormitory. First of all, many students considered that during lunch break and after lights out at night, they could still hear laughing and gossiping in the corridor or the dormitory next door, which seriously affected their sleep. Therefore, it is hoped that the dormitory administrator can post the notice of discipline rules in the corridor of the dormitory. Secondly, due to the restriction of electricity consumption, students cannot use some slightly larger electric appliances like the hair dryer in the dormitory, which brings a lot of inconvenience to students' life. Therefore, it is recommended to install shared hair dryers on each floor for students to use. I would appreciate it if you could consider my suggestions and make improvements on these two points. Sincerely yours, Zhang Ming 改进宿舍管理的建议 敬启者: 宿舍是大多数学生在大学四年里生活时间最长的地方,宿舍环境直接影响学生的睡眠质量及生活幸福感。接下来,我将就宿舍楼里存在问题提出一些改进建议。 首先,有许多学生反映在中午午休时间,以及晚上熄灯以后,仍能听到楼道里,或者隔壁宿舍嬉笑打闹以及闲聊声,严重影响了睡眠。因此,希望宿舍管理员可以在宿舍楼道里张贴纪律规范宣传语。其次,由于学校用电的限制,宿舍内无法使用吹风机等功率略大一点的电器,给学生们的生活带来了诸多不便。所以建议在各楼层安装共享吹风机共六级学生们使用。 如果您能够考虑我的建议,并在这两点做出改进,我将不胜感激。 真诚地, 李明 以上就是关于2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议的学习内容啦,小编祝大家六级考试高分六级考试将在9月17日下午举行,大家在考前一定要认真复习哦。今天小编为大家整理了2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议,希望对你有所帮助。 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议 A Proposal on Improving Dormitory Management (改进宿舍管理的建议) To whom it may concern, Dormitory is the place where most students spend the longest time in the four years of college. Dormitory environment directly affects students' sleep quality and life happiness. Next, I will put forward some suggestions to improve the existing problems in the dormitory. First of all, many students considered that during lunch break and after lights out at night, they could still hear laughing and gossiping in the corridor or the dormitory next door, which seriously affected their sleep. Therefore, it is hoped that the dormitory administrator can post the notice of discipline rules in the corridor of the dormitory. Secondly, due to the restriction of electricity consumption, students cannot use some slightly larger electric appliances like the hair dryer in the dormitory, which brings a lot of inconvenience to students' life. Therefore, it is recommended to install shared hair dryers on each floor for students to use. I would appreciate it if you could consider my suggestions and make improvements on these two points. Sincerely yours, Zhang Ming 改进宿舍管理的建议 敬启者: 宿舍是大多数学生在大学四年里生活时间最长的地方,宿舍环境直接影响学生的睡眠质量及生活幸福感。接下来,我将就宿舍楼里存在问题提出一些改进建议。 首先,有许多学生反映在中午午休时间,以及晚上熄灯以后,仍能听到楼道里,或者隔壁宿舍嬉笑打闹以及闲聊声,严重影响了睡眠。因此,希望宿舍管理员可以在宿舍楼道里张贴纪律规范宣传语。其次,由于学校用电的限制,宿舍内无法使用吹风机等功率略大一点的电器,给学生们的生活带来了诸多不便。所以建议在各楼层安装共享吹风机共学生们使用。 如果您能够考虑我的建议,并在这两点做出改进,我将不胜感激。 真诚地, 李明 以上就是关于2022年9月英语六级作文预测:改进宿舍管理的建议的学习内容啦,小编祝大家六级飘过!

  • 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:汉字六级书写的重要性

    距离2022年9月英语六级考试没有几天了,大家在考前一定要多进行模考练习,熟悉六级考试流程。今天小编为大家分享的学习内容是2022年9月英语六级作文预测:汉字书写的重要性,希望对你有所帮助。 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:汉字书写的重要性 The Importance of Writing Chinese Characters (汉字书写的重要性) Recently, it has been a common phenomenon that a number of people, especially youngsters, are accustomed to using

  • 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务六级的建议

    距离2022年9月英语六级不到一周的复习时间啦,大家准备的如何?很多同学表示自己在写六级作文的时候无从下手,小编建议大家在备考过程中多背一些作文范文,多练一些作文模拟题。今天小编为大家带来2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议,一起来看看吧! 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议 A Proposal on Improving Canteen Service (关于改进食堂服务的建议) To whom it may concern, In universities, the school canteens provide three meals a day for teachers and students, which are related to the health of them. Therefore, it is very important to do the job well in the canteen. I have some suggestions to improve the canteen service. First of all, contemporary college students generally pay more attention to body shape management, and some students should attempt to lose weight by dieting. In view of this phenomenon, I suggest that the canteen can launch light dishes to help students lose weight scientifically on the premise of ensuring nutritional intake. Secondly, the crowding of canteen Windows during the peak period is also a problem. It is suggested to create online reservation function for the canteen through technology, so as to reduce the time for students to wander in front of various Windows. I would appreciate it if you could consider my suggestions and make improvements on these two points. Sincerely yours, Zhang Ming 参考译文 关于改进食堂服务的建议 敬启者: 在大学中,学校食堂供应校内师生一日三餐,关系着师生的身体健康。因此做好食堂工作至关重要。我有一些建议希望能够优化食堂服务。: 首先,当代大学生普遍重视身材管理,有些学生甚至会通过节食来减肥,针六级不到一周的复习时间啦,大家准备的如何?很多同学表示自己在写六级作文对此现象,我建议食堂能够推出轻食,帮助学生在保证营养摄入的前提下,科学减肥。其次,用餐高峰期食堂窗口的拥挤也是一个问题。建议通过技术为食堂打造线上预订功能,减少学生在各个窗口前徘徊的时间。 如果您能够考虑我的建议,并在这两点做出改进,我将不胜感激。 真诚地, 李明 以上就是关于2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议的所有内容啦,预祝大家六级考试六级不到一周的复习时间啦,大家准备的如何?很多同学表示自己在写六级作文的时候无从下手,小编建议大家在备考过程中多背一些作文范文,多练一些作文模拟题。今天小编为大家带来2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议,一起来看看吧! 2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议 A Proposal on Improving Canteen Service (关于改进食堂服务的建议) To whom it may concern, In universities, the school canteens provide three meals a day for teachers and students, which are related to the health of them. Therefore, it is very important to do the job well in the canteen. I have some suggestions to improve the canteen service. First of all, contemporary college students generally pay more attention to body shape management, and some students should attempt to lose weight by dieting. In view of this phenomenon, I suggest that the canteen can launch light dishes to help students lose weight scientifically on the premise of ensuring nutritional intake. Secondly, the crowding of canteen Windows during the peak period is also a problem. It is suggested to create online reservation function for the canteen through technology, so as to reduce the time for students to wander in front of various Windows. I would appreciate it if you could consider my suggestions and make improvements on these two points. Sincerely yours, Zhang Ming 参考译文 关于改进食堂服务的建议 敬启者: 在大学中,学校食堂供应校内师生一日三餐,关系着师生的身体健康。因此做好食堂工作至关重要。我有一些建议希望能够优化食堂服务。: 首先,当代大学生普遍重视身材管理,有些学生甚至会通过节食来减肥,针对此现象,我建议食堂能够推出轻食,帮助学生在保证营养摄入的前提下,科学减肥。其次,用餐高峰期食堂窗口的拥挤也是一个问题。建议通过技术为食堂打造线上预订功能,减少学生在各个窗口前徘徊的时间。 如果您能够考虑我的建议,并在这两点做出改进,我将不胜感激。 真诚地, 李明 以上就是关于2022年9月英语六级作文预测:关于改进食堂服务的建议的所有内容啦,预祝大家六级顺利!