• 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四章

    大不相同,彼此之间友谊却始终如一。达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚、坦白直爽,尽管个性方面和他自己极端相反,而他自己也从来不曾觉得自己的个性有什么不完美的地方。达西很器重彬格莱,因此彬格莱对他极其信赖,对他的见解也推崇备至。在智力方面讲,达西比他强──这并不是说彬格莱笨,而是说达西聪明些。达西为人兼有傲慢、含蓄和爱挑剔的性子,他虽说受过良好的教养,可是他的风度总不受人欢迎。从这一方面讲,他的朋友可比他高明了。彬格莱无论走到哪儿,一定都会讨人喜欢,达西却始终得罪人。[/cn] [en]The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第五十四章

    那时候,大家都会看出,我和他不过是无所谓的普通朋友。”[/cn] [en]"Yes, very indifferent indeed," said Elizabeth, laughingly. "Oh, Jane, take care."[/en][cn]伊丽莎白笑着说:“好一个无所谓的朋友!吉英,还是当心点儿好!”[/cn] [en]"My dear Lizzy, you cannot think me so weak, as to be in danger now?"[/en][cn]“亲爱的丽萃,你可别以为我那么软弱,到现在还会招来什么危险。”[/cn] [en]"I think you are in very great danger of making him as much in love with you as ever."[/en][cn]“我看你有极大的危险,会叫他如醉如痴地爱你。”[/cn] [en]They did not see the gentlemen again till Tuesday; and Mrs. Bennet, in the meanwhile, was giving way to all the happy schemes, which the good humour and common [w]politeness[/w] of Bingley, in half an hour's visit, had [w=revive]revived[/w].[/en][cn]直到星期二,她们方才又见到那两位贵客。班纳特太太因为上次看到彬格莱先生在那短短的半小时访问过程中,竟然兴致极高,礼貌又好,因此这几天来便一直在打着如意算盘。[/cn] [en]On Tuesday there was a large party [w=assemble]assembled[/w] at Longbourn; and the two who were most [w]anxiously[/w] expected, to the credit of their punctuality as sportsmen, were in very good time. When they repaired to the dining-room, Elizabeth eagerly watched to see whether Bingley would take the place, which, in all their former parties, had belonged to him, by her sister. Her prudent mother, occupied by the same ideas, [w=forbear]forbore[/w] to invite him to sit by herself. On entering the room, he seemed to [w]hesitate[/w]; but Jane happened to look round, and happened to smile: it was decided. He placed himself by her.[/en][cn]且说那天浪搏恩来了许多客人;主人家最渴盼的两位嘉宾都准时而到,游猎家果然是严守时刻,名不虚传。两人一走进饭厅,伊丽莎白连忙注意彬格莱先生,看他是不是在吉英身旁坐下,因为从前每逢有宴会,他都是坐在那个位子上。她那精明的母亲也有同感,因此并没有请他坐到她自己身边去。他刚

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第五十九章(下)

    要你真正喜欢他,这也无关紧要。”[/cn] [en]"I do, I do like him," she replied, with tears in her eyes, "I love him. Indeed he has no [w]improper[/w] pride. He is perfectly [w]amiable[/w]. You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms."[/en][cn]女儿含泪回答道:“我实在喜欢他,我爱他。他并不是傲慢得

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四十三章(上)

    with energy on his many merits, as they proceeded together up the great staircase.[/en][cn]伊丽莎白一直听下去,先是奇怪,继而怀疑,最后又极想再多听一些,可是雷诺奶奶再也想不出别的话来引起她的兴趣。她谈到画像,谈到房间大小,谈到家具的价格,可是她都不爱听。嘉丁纳先生觉得,这个管家奶奶所以要过甚其辞地夸奖她自己的主人,无非是出于家人的偏见,这倒也使他听得很有趣,于是马上又谈到这个话题上来了。她一面起劲地谈到他的许多优点,一面领着他们走上大楼梯。[/cn] [en]"He is the best landlord

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第五十五章(下)

    friend; for, though Jane had the most generous and forgiving heart in the world, she knew it was a circumstance which must [w]prejudice[/w] her against him.[/en][cn]吉英听了这话,自然又赞美起他的虚心来,赞美他虽然具有了许多优美的品质,可并不自以为了不起。伊丽莎白高兴的是,彬格莱并没有把他朋友阻挡这件事的经过泄露出来,因为吉英虽然宽宏大量,不记仇隙,可是这件事如果让她知道了,她一定会对达西有成见。[/cn] [en]"I am

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四十五章

    两声,也总算难得。[/cn] [en]Elizabeth soon saw that she was herself closely watched by Miss Bingley, and that she could not speak a word, especially to Miss Darcy, without calling her attention. This observation would not have prevented her from trying to talk to the latter, had they not been seated at an inconvenient distance; but she was not sorry to be spared the necessity of saying much. Her own thoughts were employing her. She expected every moment that some of the gentlemen would enter the room. She wished, she feared, that the master of the house might be amongst them; and whether she wished or feared it most, she could scarcely determine. After sitting in this manner a quarter of an hour without hearing Miss Bingley's voice, Elizabeth was roused by receiving from her a cold enquiry after the health of her family. She answered with equal indifference and [w]brevity[/w], and the other said no more.[/en][cn]伊丽莎白立刻发觉彬格莱小姐在仔细地看着她,注意她的一言一语,特别注意她跟达西小姐攀谈。如果伊丽莎白跟达西小姐座位隔得很近,攀谈起来很方便,她决不会因为畏忌彬格莱小姐而就不和达西小姐攀谈,可是既然毋须多谈,再加她自己也正心思重重,所以也并不觉得遗憾。她时时刻刻都盼望着男客们一同进来,可是她虽然盼望,却又害怕,她究竟是盼望得迫切,还是害

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第四十九章(下)

    ]violence[/w] of these transports, by leading her thoughts to the obligations which Mr. Gardiner's behaviour laid them all under.[/en][cn]大女儿见她这样得意忘形,便谈起她们全家应该怎样感激嘉丁纳先生,以便让她分分心,让她精神上轻松一下。[/cn] [en]"Well," cried her mother, "it is all very right; who should do it but her own uncle? If he had not had a

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第三十四章

    住了。请允许我告诉你,我多么敬慕你,多么爱你。”[/cn] [en]Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression. She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement, and the[w] avowal[/w] of all that he felt and had long felt for her immediately followed. He spoke well, but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more [w]eloquent[/w] on the subject of tenderness than of pride. His sense of her [w]inferiority[/w] -- of its being a degradation -- of the family obstacles which judgment had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.[/en][cn]伊丽莎白真是说不出的惊奇。她瞪着眼,红着脸,满腹狐疑,闭口不响。他看这情形,便认为她是在怂恿他讲下去,于是立刻把目前和以往对她的种种好感全都和盘托出。他说得很动听,除了倾诉爱情以外,又把其他种种感想也源源本本说出来了。他一方面千言万语地

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第二十四章

    was that Mr. Bingley must be down again in the summer.[/en][cn]班纳特太太见他一去不回,仍然不断地纳闷,不断地抱怨,尽管伊丽莎白几乎没有哪一天不给她解释个清楚明白,然而始终无法使她减少些忧烦。女儿尽力说她,尽说一些连她自己也不相信的话给母亲听,说是彬格莱先生对于吉英的钟情,只不过是出于一时高兴,根本算不上什么,一旦她不在他眼前,也就置诸度外了。虽然班纳特太太当时也相信这些话不假,可是事后她又每天旧事重提,最后只有想出了一个聊以自慰的办法,指望彬格莱先生来年夏天一定会回到这儿来。[/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet treated

  • 【经典名著阅读】《傲慢与偏见》第三十三章

    后上牧师家来拜望。你还要往前走吗?”[/cn] [en]"No, I should have turned in a moment."[/en][cn]“不,我马上就要回去了。”[/cn] [en]And accordingly she did turn, and they walked towards the Parsonage together.[/en][cn]于是她果真转过身来,两人一同朝着牧师住宅走去。[/cn] [en]"Do you certainly leave Kent on Saturday?" said she.[/en][cn]“你真的星期六就要离开肯特吗?”她问。[/cn] [en]"Yes -- if Darcy does not put it off again. But I am at his disposal. He arranges the business just as he pleases."[/en][cn]“是的,只要达西不再拖延。不过我得听他调遣。他办