• 英语中级口译报名条件

    应有较深的造诣;否则会造成理解上的困惑和措辞上困难。 译者应知识渊博,广泛涉猎。这样笔译时才能得心应手,游刃有余。 笔译是文字工作,差之毫厘,失之千里。下笔应慎之又慎,切忌马虎懈怠。 三)口语能力和水平 1.具有口头交际手段的能力。 2.具有良好的口语能力,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译、国际研讨会翻译 以及外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。 四)口译能力和水平 1.具有基本口译技能,可口译考试,从事英语口译工作,英语中级口译考试旨在测试考生的“英译汉”和“汉译从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译、国际研讨会翻译以及外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。 2.英语中级口译考试旨在测试考生的“英译汉”和“汉译英”的口译能力以及对口译基本技巧的掌握程度。考生在口译时应能准确传达原话意思,语音、语调正确,表达流畅、通顺,句法规范,语气恰当,用词妥切。 3.考生应具有口译短篇演讲文的能力。 4.考生应具有良好的听译能力。即逐句听事先录制好的原文,然后逐句将原文的内容准确而又流利地从来源语口译成目标语。 特别提醒:如果大家想要了解更多英语方面知识,或者想要深入学习英语的,可以了解一下沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学。感兴趣的可以扫一扫下图定制专属课程。 以上就是小编为大家整理的英语中级口译考试基本要求有哪些的具体内容介绍,有想要参加英语口译考试的考生可以来做个相关的学习了解,在学习过程中可以结合以上内容进行学习安排,希望对大家的学习有一定的帮助,想要了解更多英语口译学习相关的知识可以继续关注沪江网。

  • 【考前关注】中级口译考试评分标准详解


  • 2014年3月中级口译听力真题Statement 含解析

    2014年春季上海中高级口译考试于今日3月16日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2014年3月中级口译听力真题Statement 部分,由沪江网校提供。 Statement: 1: I hope you won't mind my mentioning that it’s past five o'clock and we've still got tomorrow morning to talk things over. 2: It's a real scorching day today and the forecasters are saying that there is no ending side. It seems we'd better stay indoors for the next few days. 3: Peter often has a lot of good ideas and starts to implement them, but he rarely follows them through to completion. 4: If you go to Europe, you'll find that many city centers have been turned into pedestrian precincts and the cars been almost banned. 5: Statistics show that lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of death among lawyers. 6: Although it may feel like it, a headache is most often not a pain in your brain. Your brain quickly tells you when other parts of your body hurt. 7: The Internet environment is not necessarily friendly for language learners, because they have to use their language appropriately in so many different real-life social situations. 8: More people live by themselves. And more women work. And more money is available. These are the reasons why one of every three American food dollars now goes to restaurants or fast-food shops. 9: Just because someone has been your best friend since elementary school, it doesn't mean he or she will make a great roommate. Often living together can destroy even a close friendship. 10: Young mothers who sacrifice their jobs to care for small children often complain about the loneliness of their new lifestyles, since they have thus lost their form of adults’ social interaction. 【解析】 纵观十个statements,整体难度不大,主要还是和人们息息相关的工作、学习和生活内容,比如,Statement 1就是常用生活口语的典型例子;Statement 9主要讲朋友友谊话题;Statement 10陈述年轻妈妈的生活等。但该部分仍需特别注意一些难词或短语,比如scorching,pedestrian precincts,sacrifice等,理解了这些生难单词对把握整个statement的意思是大有裨益的,建议考生平时多积累常用单词或表达。

  • 2014年3月中级口译听力答案Passage Translation


  • 2014年3月中级口译听力答案Sentence Translation

    2014年春季上海中高级口译考试于今日3月16日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2014年3月中级口译听力答案Sentence Translation 部分,由沪江网校提供。 Sentence Translation [en]1. According to some research, men visit the doctor less frequently over their life times than women. And they have a shorter life expectancy. [/en][cn]研究表明,和女性相比,男性一生中看医生的次数较少,所以他们的寿命也较短。[/cn] [en]2. This is the age of more. We have more choice, more consumption, more fun, more competition and more anxiety. We have entered a world of excess and age of over abundance.[/en][cn]这是一个什么都变得更多的时代。我们有更多的选择,更多消耗,更多乐趣,更激烈的竞争和更多的焦虑。我们进级口译考试于今日3月16日开考,沪江英语在考入了一个“超额”的世界和“过量”的时代。[/cn] [en]3. Television has been called a source of information, a means of entertainment, and is especially by its severest critics, a plug-in and an electronic drug. [/en][cn]电视被认为是一种信息源,一种娱乐方式,也被最严厉的批评家认为是一个插座和电子毒药。[/cn] [en]4. Nearly half of the houses in Britain are owned by the people who live in them. About 1/3 are owned by the local authorities and the rest are rented from private owners. [/en][cn]在英国,几乎一半的房子由房屋所有者居住,大约1/3由当地政府居住,其余的由私人房主出租。[/cn] [en]5. We live longer lives now. In fact, by 2036, it is estimated that older people 65 years and older will account for 1/5 of the population. [/en][cn]如今,我们寿命更长。事实是,预计到2036年,达到并超过65岁的老人会占到总人口的1/5。[/cn]

  • 英语口译培训:什么是中级口译

    须要确保翻对其中的十一小段。即最多只能错五小段。如只翻对十小段,错六小段,虽然只差一小段,但结果仍然是不过。所以口试是相对来说比较残酷的。这也是口试通过率特别低的主要原因,中口一般为不超过30%,高口一般不超过20%。如一个考场一天有二十名考生,中口最口译岗位资格证书》培训与考试多过六到七人,高口最多过三到四人。 具体到每小段的时候,考官会遵循三分之二正确率的原则。即如一小段中有六个关键信息,考生必须正确翻出至少三分之二的内容才算这小段通过,如翻对二分之一,则算不及格。

  • 【中级口译】英译汉模拟题(3)(双语)


  • 【沪江网校】2012年3月中级口译考试真题+答案+解析(汇总版)

    in no way and that it is a curse to others as well as to he himself, he will be determined to resist the temptation of tobacco. To quit smoking requires persistence and so long as one persists, he’ll be rewarded. 点评: 这篇文章的主题是大家都很熟悉的“戒烟”。开篇的一些比较文言化的词如“之”,“矣”,以及后面的习语“有百害而无一利”,“于人于己”等完全是“纸老 虎”,大家根本不用害怕,只要将句子的大意弄懂,然后用白话文译出即可化解难题。另外如“世界卫生组织”这样的专有名词,切记不要译错,这种平时常见而考 试常考的高频词,必须牢记。

  • 【中级口译】汉译英模拟题(2)(双语)


  • 【考前关注】中级口译考试流程详解

    正所谓不打无准备之仗,那我们参加考试前,自然要对考试的具体流程有一个清楚的了解,这样在考试中才能避免焦虑和担心,做到胸有成竹,今天我们就一起来看一下中口考试的具体流程是怎么样的。 英语中级口译资格证书 第一阶段笔试的考试时间为: 14:00 - 16:30   全程考试时间为 150 分钟,中间不收试卷,其中: 听力部分考试时间为 45 分钟(Section 1); 阅读部分时间为 45 分钟(Section 2); 翻译部分时间为 60 分钟( Section 3&Section 4 )。 以下为中级口译资格证书考试详细流程,仅供参考,希望大家有效把握做题时间。 考试流程 考试各部分详细流程 点击查看高级口译考试流程详解>> 本周日沪江网会举行线上考前答疑专场,9月5日当天,大家可以登陆考前答疑会专题,提出你的疑问。 *****************************************************************