• 2018专八写作话题:90后的标签

    话题: 我国大多数90后大学生自认为具有社会意识、财务上较为负责,颠覆了他们在人们心中自私自利、挥霍浪费的刻板印象。那么,你心中的90后是什么标签呢?今天小编为大家整理专八写作话题:90后的标签,供大家阅读与参考。 参考范文: The majority of "post-1990s" Chinese college students see themselves as socially conscious and financially responsible, a new survey by Fudan University and Shanghai Open University suggests, challenging the common stereotype of them being self-centered and prodigal. The survey pressed more than 6,300 students from 39 universities and colleges about their attitudes toward society, money and employment. Of all respondents, 61.9 percent said they discussed social issues on the Internet. The corruption crackdown (75.7 percent) and public security (57.3 percent) were among the issues they were most content with, while food safety (37.3 percent) and the wealth gap (32.4 percent) did not fare so well. When asked what they would do with "spare money," 72.1% of the surveyed students opted for saving. Fewer than 10% said they would borrow to spend. Foreign firms (23.4%) and being self-employed (21.1%) were the most favored career paths, while only 8.6% of respondents voiced a preference for being a civil servant, according to the survey. Moreover, 35.3 percent of students named career development as the top concern during a job hunt, about 10 percent chose income, and fewer than 7 percent went for stability, light workload or networking. 好了,以上就是2018年专八写作话题90后的标签的相关介绍,参考例文有些短可通过范文的写法掌握充实的逻辑性以及准确的语法,希望以上的内容可以帮助大家知道知道自己复习方向是什么,平时备考时多加练习,在考试当中就能从容写作,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 2018专八写作话题:暑期学车

    话题: 暑假期间,有的学生选择去登山,有的投身志愿者活动,也有人认为学会开车是关系到未来的一项重要技能。然而,面对恶劣的天气,严厉的教练以及越来越高的驾照门槛,学生们不仅是在学习一门技能,更是经历一次人生的历练。你学车是在暑假期间学会的吗?对于学车你有什么样的看法呢?今天小编为大家整理专八写作话题:暑假学车 ,供大家阅读与参考。 参考范文一:Vital checks Wei Ruolin, 22, a senior majoring in law at Sun Yat-sen University, was one of the manystudents at the driving school this summer waiting patiently for her lesson to begin. But whenWei finally got behind the wheel next to the instructor, she almost caused an accident. “I forgot to check the position of the rear- and side-view mirrors before I started driving. Icouldn’t see anything on both sides as the mirrors were folded in. I tried to adjust them whiledriving, but I nearly lost control of the car as I was distracted. It was very dangerous, ” Weisays. When you get into the driving seat, don’t hurry to start the engine, but check everything andmake any necessary adjustments before moving off 参考范文二:Difficult rules Huang Shunlin, 22, a senior majoring in management at Central China Normal University,failed the test for traffic rules three times, even though the majority of the test is based oncommon sense. But then Huang thought of how many points he would lose on his drivinglicense and the money he would be fined if he kept violating the traffic rules and didn’t learnthem well. “I didn’t pay much attention to the test at first and failed it several times, ” says Huang. “WhenI finally treated it like a real test and prepared with my friend’s help, it was easy and I learnedmany things to keep me safe on the road.” 好了,以上就是2018年专八写作话题;暑期学车的相关介绍,参考例文有些短可通过范文的写法掌握充实的逻辑性以及准确的语法,希望以上的内容可以帮助大家知道知道自己复习方向是什么,平时备考时多加练习,在考试当中就能从容写作,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 2016改革后专八真题:写作

    更多精品课程推荐: 英语专业四级(TEM4)备考【随到随学】   英语专业八级(TEM8)备考【随到随学】   CATTI笔译三级长线备考(张曦老师)   CATTI笔译二级长线备考(韩刚)   BEC商务英语中、高级连读【随到随学】   总有一款适合你哦!专四专八考试加油↖(^ω^)↗

  • 2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响

    现代科技的发展对我们的生活产生了巨大的影响,不仅改变了我们的工作方式、生活方式、学习方式,更重要的是能够利用这些资源获得更深入的知识。今天我们推荐一篇关于2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响,供大家参考。 参考范文: The Effects of Technology on Learning The technological advances of the last few years have been amazing. Never before have students had such a wide variety of resources to help them in their studies. Those who can take advantage of these resources have the opportunity to learn about more subjects and to acquire more in-depth knowledge. In my opinion, students can indeed learn more and learn more quickly with the help of modern technology. The piece of technology most important as a learning tool must be the  computer. Paired with the Internet, it allows students to research topics more quickly and thoroughly and to write up their findings more rapidly as well. Furthermore, advances in many fields are being made so fast these days that it is impossible four textbooks to keep up. Technology allows students to keep abreast of the latest developments. Also, it cannot be denied that many students enjoy using such resources in their studies. Because of this, they are more likely to pursue subjects in greater depth. For all these reasons, I believe that technology is of great benefit to today's students. Of course, it is still possible to learn without the aid of such devices, but I believe that those students who are fortunate enough to have access to technological resources should take every advantage of them. 好了,以上就是备战2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响的相关介绍,希望大家在日常的写作练习中多积累词汇与句子,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 备战2018专八写作模拟范文:考试作弊

    作弊现象很普遍 ,不过普遍并不意味着理所当然 。作弊既是对自己的不尊重 ,也是对别人的不尊敬。今天我们推荐一篇关于考试作弊 的专八写作范文,供大家参考。 参考范文: "The writing topic for this year's CET6 was revealed again before the day of testing." "A student has been expelled due to misbehavior in final examinations." This kind of titles has been very popular these days, and all these lead to a public secret: cheating on exams. This behavior, which was denounced by almost all, is spreading at high rate, and this puzzled not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons. (namely unscientific testing, competition for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting. Some students cheat on exams to pretest against the improper testing format. / The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems, therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve same problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so they just cheat in order to get a decent figure, which in their mind, means nothing. / Dr. Wang, who specializes in education assessment, supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat. More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. 'This money of course is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores, students willing to get the money will by every means possible./In a recent survey, some goad students admit that they cheat on exams because "if most students are cheating, it is unfair when you choose not to." This probably represents a breach of traditional ethics, and is a more important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests. The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years tile situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their report more attractive, one way to which is cheating. / As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cast of being caught, Gut the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just ”go ahead". Maybe it is not unreasonable to say that it is the society that makes students cheaters. To sum up, the desires to get a good job, a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, these have forced us students to copy in exams. / It is undeniable that same suffer from weak moral principles, bin it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restart the tradition criticism against cheating. 好了,以上就是备战2018专八写作模拟范文:考试作弊的相关介绍,希望大家在日常的写作练习中多积累词汇与句子,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 2021 专八写作范文:为何读大学

    here for a good job, for more knowledge, and most importantly, far better contribution. I am sure with the knowledge I learn here, I will achieve the other two purposes. And I am also sure that other people will also find university education rewarding to their life. 以上就是今天为大家分享的专八写作范文啦。希望各位小伙伴认真备考,早日通过考试!

  • 2020 专八写作范文:强制退休

    As the society is attaching more importance to freedom and personal values, people should be allowed to make their own decisions as to when to retire. 以上就是今天为大家分享的专八写作预测范文啦。希望各位小伙伴认真备考,早日通过考试!

  • 专八考试写作容易失分的地方有哪些

    英语专业八级写作考试是整个英语考试中最重要的一个考试科目,它与四级写作考试不同,它非常讲究用词准确而且正式。同时,英语的词汇非常丰富,一个词语通常都有许多同义词和近义词。考生如果平时注意积累并加以练习,就能够在考试中熟练地加以运用。那么我们想要拿高分必须要注意以下五点小细节,通常是专八考生容易失分的地方: 1、尽量少用缩写形式。如don't, can't, won't应写为do not, cannot, will not等。 2、用更加正式的否定形式。 例如:He did not say any words。 He said no words There are not many chances available。 There are few chances available。 3、尽量少用"etc.", "and so on"等表达方式。 例如:Activities include dancing, singing, etc. Activities include dancing, singing, and other fun stuff. 4、尽量把副词和动词放在一起。 例如:Consequently we may arrive at the conclusion that… We may consequently arrive at the conclusion that… 5、标点 (1) 英语中没有顿号,在汉语需要顿号的情况下可以用逗号。 (2) 汉语中的引言通常都是:“”的格式,而英语中不用冒号,用逗号,如, " "。 (3) 书名、文章名等出版物名称用下划线或者斜体字表示(手写时用下划线)。 (4) 破折号可以用于在一个句子的前面或后面加入额外的注释,灵活地运用破折号可以使长句子变得更加生动,增加文章的文采。 好了,以上就是专八考生容易失分的地方有哪些的相关介绍,希望大家能够在上文当中找到一些技巧和方法,运八级写作考试是整个英语考试中最重要的一个考试科目,它与四级写作用到自己的考试当中,让自己的作文获得高分,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 英语专八写作历年考题汇总

    2025年专四专八报名已陆续开启。温馨提示:有的院校即将或已截止报名,请及时报名,切勿错过!以下是2016~2024年英语专业八级考试中的写作考题,一起来看看吧。 2024年专八写作 2023年专八写作 2022年专八写作 2021年专八写作 2019年专八写作 2018年专八写作 2017年专八写作 2016年专八写作 【特别说明】 2016年专八考试改革,写作题改为了材料作文这种新的考试题型。 2015年及之前年份的专八写作考题,考的是旧题型,此处就不列出来了。

  • 英语专八写作高分句式
