• 专八开考在即:你的人文知识过关吗?

    2013年英语专业八级考试即八将在3月23日开考。还有一个月的复习时间,正在忙于写论文、找工作的你是不是已经顾不上专八了呢?专八过来人的经验告诉你:千万不要裸考!即使真的忙得焦头烂额,也至少要做几套真题,背几篇人文知识,练几天听力磨耳朵,不然考不出专八,你对得起大学四年的时光吗? 以下十道专八人文知识题,是从《振宇英语专八模拟题》中精选的。凡是认真答对6题及以上者,就有机会获得振宇英语提供的《2013英语专业8级真题-全译文超精解与考点解密》一套。 参与答题>> 31. The “New Deal” was advanced by President _______. A. Franklin D. Roosevelt B. Theodore Roosevelt C. William McKinley D. Thomas Woodrom Wilson 32. The highest mountain in Britain is _________. A. the Rocky mountains B. Scafell C. the Alps D. Ben Nevis 33. Australia is located between ______ and the Indian Ocean. A. the South Pacific Ocean B. the Atlantic C. the North Sea D. the Arctic 34. The original New Zealand residents are ________. A. Eskimos B. Maoris C. Indians D. Inuits 35. This line “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is quoted from . A. Don Juan B. Kubla Khan C. To Autumn D. Ode to the West Wind 36. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War? A. Fennimore Cooper B. Nathaniel Hawthorn C. Walt Whitman D. Washington Irving 37. Hester is a character in . A. Gone with the Wind B. The Fall of the House of Usher C. Babbitt D. The Scarlet Letter 38. examines how meaning is encoded in a language. A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Morphology 39. We can refer to Confucius, even though he has been dead for over 2500 years. This feature of language is called ______. A. duality B. creativity C. arbitrariness D. displacement 40. investigates the interrelation of language and mind. A. Psycholinguistics B. Sociolinguistics C. Anthropological linguistics D. Computational linguistics 参与答题&参考答案请戳此前往>>> 振宇英语《2013英语专业8级真题-全译文超精解与考点解密》包含: 8套真题+2套预测+1000词精讲长难句+1人文知识精华+10套听力+15篇作文 试题、选项、篇章全翻译的真题经典 超值附赠:5大名人名校演讲原声音频,96篇原声英语新闻等 参与团购本书>>>

  • 英语专八人文知识(英国)9:黑死病与农民起义

    变了欧洲的社会结构,动摇了当时支配欧洲的罗马天主教教会的地位,并因此使得一些少数族群受到迫害,例如犹太人、穆斯林、外国人、乞丐以及麻风病患。生存与否的不确定性,使得人们产生了“活在当下”的一种情绪,如同薄伽丘在《十日谈》(The Decameron)之中所描绘的一般。 另外据考证,黑死病的大爆发也与中世纪欧洲大量的屠杀所谓女巫有关,因为当时的普遍信仰宗教欧洲人认为猫是女巫的宠物和助手,所以猫被大量的消灭,以至于在当时相当长的一段时间内猫在欧洲绝迹。黑死病重要的传播媒介老鼠则在这条断裂的生物链中以几倍数量增长,为黑死病的爆发创造了最重要的条件。 农民起义 黑死病和百年战争对英国的经济发展产生着影响,政府颁布《劳工法案》强迫劳动者接受黑死病流行前的较低工资,在1377年开征人头税(head money),并且于1380年第三次征收时,税额增加了2倍。这

  • 2014年英语专八考试人文知识答案(网友回忆版)

    2014年英语专八考试刚刚落下帷幕,小编在此搜集整理了网友回忆的英语专八考试人文知识部分的答案,仅供参考和借鉴,欢迎大家一起来回忆真题,交流感想。点击进入论坛参与讨论>> 2014年英语专八考试人文部分答案(网友回忆版) 31.Montreal 32.Maoris 33. Anglicanism 34.1776 35.Ernest Hemingway 36.George Bernard Shaw  37.Geoffrey Chaucer 38.bare 39.Mary  40.Lion

  • 英语专八人文知识(英国)7:诺曼底征服

    到了长足发展。同时英国的教会与罗马教会的联系变得更为密切。 诺曼底征服之后,封建制度在英国建立了。 威廉一世之后,英国的每一个国王都是他的直系后代子孙。英国开始了世袭的君主制度。 诺曼底征服之后,1066-1087的威廉一世统治期间,英国的封建制度得到完全确立。根据这个制度,国王拥有全国所有土地,再把这些土地分给答应 服役交租的贵族([w]baron[/w]),贵族们又把土地分配给小贵族、骑士和自由民(nobles, knights and freemen),同样换取货物和服役。 亨利二世(Henry II )统治期间,采取了一些措施巩固君主制,迫使弗兰德斯雇佣军(Flemish [w=mercenary]mercenaries[/w])离开英国,拆除几十座史蒂芬森时造(Stephen's time)的割据城堡;加强并扩大了他的行政长官们的权力,依靠由英国自由民组成的民兵获取军事支持。 亨利二世还大大加强了王家法院,扩展了其司法工作的职权范围。在他统治时期,逐渐建立起超越地方领主法律(previous laws)的普通法(common law)。另外,他用陪审员制度代替了旧的残酷的审判制度(ordeal-based trial system)。

  • 英语专八人文知识(英国)4:早期定居者和凯尔特人

    要是由许多整块的 青石组成,每块约重50吨,多是从遥远的威尔士运来的。但至于史前人类如何运输这样的庞然大物?这仍是一个谜。 公元前2000年左右,宽口陶器人(the [w=beaker]Beaker[/w] Folk)从荷兰和莱茵兰地区来到了不列颠。宽口陶器人因他们墓穴中陪葬的宽口陶制容器而得名,他们带来了陶器制造工艺。 凯尔特人 公元前700年,凯尔特人(Celts)抵达了不列颠。凯尔特人比之前来到不列颠的种族都要来得高大和白皙,他们多是来自于东欧或中欧地区,即是现在的法国、比利时和德国南部附近。 凯尔特人来到不列颠有三次高潮。第一次高潮是约公元前600年盖尔人(Gaels)来临,第二次则是公元前400年布立吞(Brythons)抵达

  • 大学生英语专八考试全真模拟试题

    marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-one [B] 直到21岁,人们才可以在不得到父母的情况下结婚 [C] one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver’s license [C] 获得驾照的人就可以算是成人了 [D] one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join the army [D] 直到参军后才可以不受反童工法的限制 以上就是为大家整理的大学生英语专八考试全真模拟试题,希望能够对大家有所帮助。专八考试的难度比较大,在做真题的时候要慎重,掌握考点和答题技巧,可以帮助大家顺利的通过考试。

  • 英语专八听力模拟试题练习


  • 2014年英语专八考试人文知识答案(周玉亮版)

    2014年英语专八考试已经落下帷幕,小编专八考试已经落下帷幕,小编在此搜集整理了周玉亮老师微博提供的英语专八考试人文知识部分答案,仅供参考和借鉴,欢迎大家一起来回忆真题,交流感想。点击进入论坛参与讨论>> 2014年英语专八考试人文部分答案(周玉亮版) 1. 加拿大法语区城市:Montreal 2. 新西兰土著:Maoris 3. 英国国教:Anglicanism 4. 北美十三殖民地独立:1776 5. Ernest Hemingway 6. George Bernard Shaw 7. Geoffrey Chaucer 8. 同音词:bare / bear 9. SVO结构: Marry enjoyed parties. 10. the lion’s share  声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。

  • 2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响

    现代科技的发展对我们的生活产生了巨大的影响,不仅改变了我们的工作方式、生活方式、学习方式,更重要的是能够利用这些资源获得更深入的知识。今天我们推荐一篇关于2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响,供大家参考。 参考范文: The Effects of Technology on Learning The technological advances of the last few years have been amazing. Never before have students had such a wide variety of resources to help them in their studies. Those who can take advantage of these resources have the opportunity to learn about more subjects and to acquire more in-depth knowledge. In my opinion, students can indeed learn more and learn more quickly with the help of modern technology. The piece of technology most important as a learning tool must be the  computer. Paired with the Internet, it allows students to research topics more quickly and thoroughly and to write up their findings more rapidly as well. Furthermore, advances in many fields are being made so fast these days that it is impossible four textbooks to keep up. Technology allows students to keep abreast of the latest developments. Also, it cannot be denied that many students enjoy using such resources in their studies. Because of this, they are more likely to pursue subjects in greater depth. For all these reasons, I believe that technology is of great benefit to today's students. Of course, it is still possible to learn without the aid of such devices, but I believe that those students who are fortunate enough to have access to technological resources should take every advantage of them. 好了,以上就是备战2018专八写作模拟范文:科技对学习的影响的相关介绍,希望大家在日常的写作练习中多积累词汇与句子,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 备战2018专八写作模拟范文:考试作弊

    作弊现象很普遍 ,不过普遍并不意味着理所当然 。作弊既是对自己的不尊重 ,也是对别人的不尊敬。今天我们推荐一篇关于考试作弊 的专八写作范文,供大家参考。 参考范文: "The writing topic for this year's CET6 was revealed again before the day of testing." "A student has been expelled due to misbehavior in final examinations." This kind of titles has been very popular these days, and all these lead to a public secret: cheating on exams. This behavior, which was denounced by almost all, is spreading at high rate, and this puzzled not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons. (namely unscientific testing, competition for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting. Some students cheat on exams to pretest against the improper testing format. / The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems, therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve same problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so they just cheat in order to get a decent figure, which in their mind, means nothing. / Dr. Wang, who specializes in education assessment, supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat. More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. 'This money of course is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores, students willing to get the money will by every means possible./In a recent survey, some goad students admit that they cheat on exams because "if most students are cheating, it is unfair when you choose not to." This probably represents a breach of traditional ethics, and is a more important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests. The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years tile situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their report more attractive, one way to which is cheating. / As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cast of being caught, Gut the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just ”go ahead". Maybe it is not unreasonable to say that it is the society that makes students cheaters. To sum up, the desires to get a good job, a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, these have forced us students to copy in exams. / It is undeniable that same suffer from weak moral principles, bin it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restart the tradition criticism against cheating. 好了,以上就是备战2018专八写作模拟范文:考试作弊的相关介绍,希望大家在日常的写作练习中多积累词汇与句子,最后,预祝大家英语写作考试顺利! 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。

