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活动简介 2013年寒假, “后奥林匹克时期”的英国仍然动感十足,今年的 “魅力英伦”之旅,让你深入体验英国当地学生的校园生活,走访历史课本中的二战战争遗址,探寻电影《大侦探福尔斯》、《哈利波特》和《爱丽丝仙境》拍摄现场的真实感受,游遍旧都布莱顿、锡福德等英国著名城市,报社还特邀牛津大学及伦敦大学玛丽女王学院优秀师生,带你走进名校课堂听课,解读名校“面试经”,为你成就未来的求学之梦! 报名须知: 1.报名费用:人民币31500元。* 以上费用包含机票、签证、交通、住宿、导游小费、餐饮、学校课程和参访等全部费用,不含护照、零用钱与行李超重费。 2.报名时间:2012年11月20日(以缴费和护照为准,名额限30人,额满即止) 3.报名地点:上海市闵行区都市路4855号解放日报大厦2号楼708室。 4.缴费方式: 1)现金支付:赴报社签署游学协议书后,当场缴纳现金报名。 2)转账支付:确认并签署游学协议书后,可汇款至报社账户。 单位名称:上海解放教育传媒有限公司 开户行及帐号:招商银行上海分行南西支行096916-121907675810803 (注:根据银联规定,如刷银行卡缴费,需增收300元刷卡手续费,敬请谅解!) 5.咨询电话:021-24175764 余老师 解放日报报业集团 《上海学生英文报》 2012.9 您学生可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载 活动行程 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
Flash mob—the pop culture “快闪”——新时代的流行文化! If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you don’t need to feel surprised. They are [w=flash mobber]flash mobbers[/w] (快闪族). Who are they? Are they [w]mob[/w]s? Don’t be confused by their name. Actually, like a mob, they are a large group of people, but they have a good [w]purpose[/w]. They usually gather in a place, perform some simple action, and then quickly [w]disappear[/w]. Flash mob is now becoming more and more popluar. People use it to do many things. For example, in 2009, Michael Jackson’s fans took part in a flash mob to remember him. Hundreds of his fans [w=organize]organized[/w] through Facebook and gathered outside the railway station in [w]Liverpool[/w] . They were singing and dancing Michael’s famous song Beat it (《避开》) together. And in another[w] instance[/w], some people took part in a flash mob to tell more people not to use[w] negative[/w] words. Flash mobs give people from all walks of life and all [w=background]backgrounds[/w] with an [w]opportunity[/w] to come together to create a memory. 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 >> 沪江中小学新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
with proper words. Often we face __1__ in our day-to-day life. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams that seem __2__ can be realized with __3__, no matter what the __4__ are. 本期题目: How long did this bridge completed ? A 10 years B 13 years 想要知道答案的话,赶紧点击下面按钮,来订阅上海学生英文报(高中版)节目吧! 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
来自东伦敦和埃塞克斯郡的兄弟和朋友组成,一起追求名望和财富,这已经成为未来几代人的角色榜样。[/cn] [en]For Diversity, the [w]catalyst[/w] was entering for a television talent show, Britain’s Got Talent. For others the inspiration may be a local street dance club, led by a professional instructor, or a local group of friends who get together informally just for fun.[/en][cn]对于“Diversity”来说,催化剂是参加“英国达人秀”的电视选秀节目。对于其他人来说,可能是受了当地街舞俱乐部的鼓舞,他们由一个专业的教练领导,或是聚在一起跳舞只是为了娱乐。[/cn] [en]New kids on the block[/en][cn]街头新宠[/cn] [en]● Krumping(小丑舞)—Sometimes called clowning, this relatively new form of street dance involves high energy, moves and often physical contact with another dancer, [w]mimicking[/w] combat. It is often performed competitively on the streets with other dance groups.[/en][cn]小丑舞——有时候也叫“clowning”,这是一种相对新颖的街舞形式,高能量、多动作,并且经常需要与另一位舞者有身体接触,模仿战斗。它是经常在街头与其他舞蹈团队斗舞的表演形式。[/cn] [en]● Street jazz—Proving that dance is always evolving, this new dancing style blends modern hip-hop with more traditional jazz moves.[/en][cn]街头爵士——证明舞蹈总是不断发展的,这种新的舞蹈风格结合了现代的嘻哈和传动的爵士动作。[/cn] Activity Choose the best answer. 1. This article was written to: a. Inform people about street dancing. b. Explain the rules of street dancing. c. Encourage people to take part in street dancing. 2. Street dancing: a. Has very clear rules. b. Has no rules at all. c. Can be made up of any dance style. 3. People who street dance: a. All live in big cities. b. Are all teenagers. c. Are mostly young people in cities. 4. Street dancing styles: a. Have remained the same since it started. b. Are constantly changing. c. Are mostly made up of modem dance steps from New York and London. Answer:a, c, c, b 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 >> 沪江中小学新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
the author aim to illustrate with the story of the two Italians and a monkey? 本期题目: Do monkeys have the idea of weapons in their native state? A Yes B No 想要知道答案的话,赶紧点击下面按钮,来订阅上海学生英文报(高中版)节目吧! 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
of a boy was Harry? 2. What kind of life did Frisk probably live before he came to Milton? 3. How was Frisk admitted into the house? 4. What did little Harry learn from the day when Jane and William came to see him and Annie? 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
during the day and roars at night 想要知道答案的话,赶紧点击下面按钮,来订阅上海学生英文报(高中版)节目吧! 您可能还喜欢: >>《上海学生英文报》专题 >>《上海学生英文报》官方网站 >>《上海学生英文报》新浪微博 严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,报社地址:上海市闵行区都市路4855号2座708室,电话:021-24175764,如无授权,请勿转载
站起来,走到车子前面准备回家了。[/cn] 想要知道答案的话,赶紧点击下面按钮,来订阅上海学生英文报(初中版)节目吧! Questions: I. Choose the best meaning for the words in italics. 1. He sat in front of them, dressed in a plain suit, never moving, silent, his dusty face masking his age. A. covering, hiding B. pretending 2. I told her that I was going