• 法律英语基础句子:Judge 法官

    was not laying down guideline for sentencing.[/en][cn]大法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准。[/cn] [en]29.The judge [w=consent]consented[/w] to the request of the [w]prosecution[/w] counsel.[/en][cn]法官同意控方律师的请求。[/cn] [en]30.The practiced of the judge is the interpreter of law.[/en][cn]法官的通常工作是解释法律。[/cn]

  • 法律英语术语的分类及其特点

    坏了准确性,结果往往造成理解上的极大困难,这不能不说是一大缺憾。据此,逐步使法律术语释义统一、精确、明晰是整理审订术语应语  法律英语常用术语有两种概念: 第一,不明确表示特定的法律概念,语域比较广,既常用于法律语加以解决的首要问题。专门法律术语所表达的概念严格分化表明,这类术语不包含感情色彩,一般只适用于法律或与其有密切联系的语域中。严肃的法律要用严肃的语体,严肃的语体要用严谨精密的专门法律术语体现,法律英语语体严肃庄重的特点很大程度上取决于此。 4.借用术语  随着政治、经济和科技的发展,法律调整的内容越来越多,门类的划分也日趋细密,目前已发展成为一个体系庞大、门类众多、结构严密的学科。一些新的法律分支学科和边缘学科应运而生,相关领域内的专门术语大量涌入法律英语专门术语, 其中许多术语已站稳脚跟,占有非常

  • 法律英语基础句子:Lawyer 律师

      Lawyer 律师 [en]1.A [w]barrister[/w] has right of audience in any court in England and Wales.[/en][cn]律师有权在英格兰和威尔士的任何法院出庭。[/cn] [en]2.A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case.[/en][cn]律师不得在同一案件中,为双方当事人担任代理。[/cn] [en]3.A lawyer should assist in maintaining the [w]integrity[/w] and [w]competence[/w] of the legal profession.[/en][cn]律师应该帮助维护律师界的正直和业务能力。[/cn] [en]4.A lawyer should assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of law.[/en][cn]律师应当帮助防止非法执业。[/cn] [en]5.A lawyer should assist the legal profession in fulfilling its duty to make legal counsel available.[/en][cn]律师应帮助律师界履行其提供法律顾问的义务。[/cn] [en]6.A lawyer should avoid even the appearance of professional [w]impropriety[/w].[/en][cn]律师应避免出现不正当业务现象。[/cn] [en]7.A lawyer should exercise independent professional judgment on behalf of a client.[/en][cn]律师应代表当事人独立进行法律转移判断。[/cn] [en]8.A lawyer should preserve the confidences and secrets of client.[/en][cn]律师应当为当事人保密。[/cn] [en]9.A lawyer should represent a client competently.[/en][cn]律师应当称职的担任当事人的代理。[/cn] [en]10.A lawyer should represent a client [w]zealously[/w] within the bounds of the law.[/en][cn]律师应当在法律范围内热忱的为当事人代理。[/cn] [en]11.Can you contact the [w]solicitor[/w]s representing the [w]vendor[/w]s?[/en][cn]你能与代表卖方的律师联系吗?[/cn] [en]12.Counsel is instructed to settle the defense.[/en][cn]律师接受指示处理辩护事项。[/cn] [en]13.Counsel for the [w]plaintiff[/w] opposed the defendant's application for an [w]adjournment[/w].[/en][cn]原告律师反对被告的休庭申请。[/cn] [en]14.Counsel for the prosecution opened with a description of the accused's family.[/en][cn]起诉方律师开始发言时对被告的家庭背景做了描述。[/cn] [en]15.Counsel must not lead the witness.[/en][cn]律师不得诱导证人。[/cn] [en]16.Counsel [w]plead[/w]ed the accused's age in [w]extenuation[/w] of his actions.[/en][cn]律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错。[/cn] [en]17.Counsel [w]prevail[/w]ed upon the judge to grant an adjournment.[/en][cn]律师劝说法官休庭。[/cn] [en]18.Counsel questioned the reliability of the witness evidence.[/en][cn]律师对证人证词的可靠性表示怀疑。[/cn] [en]19.Counsel raised a point of law.[/en][cn]辩护人提律师 [en]1.A [w]barrister[/w] has right of audience in any court in England and Wales.[/en][cn]律出了一个法律问题。[/cn] [en]20.Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge [w]demur[/w]red.[/en][cn]律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。[/cn] [en]21.Defense counsel made a speech in [w]mitigation[/w].[/en][cn]为获减刑被告律师做了发言。[/cn] [en]22.Defense counsel put his case.[/en][cn]辩护律师提出他的论点。[/cn] [en]23.He has set up in practice as a [w]solicitor[/w].[/en][cn]他已是一个开业“初级律师”。[/cn] [en]24.He is a partner in a law firm.[/en][cn]他是律师事务所的合伙人。[/cn] [en]25.He was denied the right to see his lawyer.[/en][cn]他被剥夺了会见律师的权利。[/cn] [en]26.Sound legal advice depends upon the lawyer being fully informed by the client.[/en][cn]好的法律咨询意见取决于律师是否能从当事人处获得充分信息。[/cn] [en]27.The accused decided to dispense with the services of a lawyer.[/en][cn]被告决定不要律师的服务。[/cn] [en]28.The solicitor attempted to have the charge dropped.[/en][cn]初级律师试图使原告撤诉。[/cn] [en]29.The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client.[/en][cn]初级律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款。[/cn] [en]30.The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds.[/en][cn]初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本。[/cn]

  • 法律定义的英文

    法律定义的英文: legal definitionlegal是什么意思: adj. 法律的;合法的;法定的 Their legal challenge was unsuccessful. 他们的法律质疑未获成功。 To grant in a legal will;bequeath. 遗赠在遗嘱里言明送给;遗留给 legal deeds are rewarded By happiness. 善行会有幸福酬报。 legal guarding position 合法的防守位置 You must be in legal register age. 你必须达到法定的登记年龄。definition是什么

  • 学法律英语:保险(带翻译)




  • 学法律英语:传票(带翻译)




  • 学法律英语: 法官 (带翻译)上

    法律围绕着我们的生活,法律维护着我们的权益。感觉用专业的法律语言与别人对话是很困难的事情?现在不用担心了,这里将为大家提供各类法律英语基础句子!今天我们来学习关于“ 法官 ”的句子吧。



  • 法律的英文怎么说

    法律的英文: law参考例句: Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up. 反对虐童的法律应该严格执行。 empirical laws. 约定俗成的法律 An emasculated law 被削弱了的法律. refer it to the law;Go to the law 诉诸法律 Every law has a loophole. 每种法律皆有漏洞。 Of or relating to law or legality. (有关)法律的,(有关)合法性的 Update a dictionary,file,law 修订词典、档案、法律

  • 学法律英语:不动产(带翻译)




  • 法律英语基础句子:Trial 审判
