• 法律专业英语必备词汇(一)

    [cn]1.草拟股权转让协议 [/cn][en]ng agreement of assignment of equity interests [/en] [cn]2.查阅法条 [/cn][en] legal provisions[/en] [cn]3.产权转让 [/cn][en]ancing [/en] [cn]4.出差 [/cn][en] on errand; go on a business trip [/en] [cn]5.出国深造 [/cn][en]r study abroad [/en] [cn]6.出具律



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(十五)

    [cn]1.法律法规[/cn][en] and regulations[/en] [cn]2.犯罪动机 [/cn][en]al motive[/en] [cn]3.犯罪构成 [/cn][en]tution of a crime; constitutive elements of a crime[/en] [cn]4.犯罪构成要件 [/cn][en]l constitutive elements of crime[/en] [cn]5.犯罪实行终了[/cn][en]tion of a criminal act[/en



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(五)

    [cn]1.律师见证书 [/cn][en] certification/authentication/witness [/en] [cn]2.律师卷宗 [/cn][en]’s docile; file [/en] [cn]3.律师刊物 [/cn][en]’s journal [/en] [cn]4.律师联系电话 [/cn][en]t phone number of a lawyer [/en] [cn]5.律师事务所 [/cn][en] office; law firm [/en] [cn]6.律师收费 [/cn



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(四)

    人 [/cn][en]sted party; party in interest [/en] [cn]14.律管处处长 [/cn][en]or of lawyer control department [/en] [cn]15.律师 [/cn][en] attorney; attorney at law [/en] [cn]16.律师惩戒 [/cn][en] discipline [/en] [cn]17.律师法 [/cn][en]17.Lawyer Law [/en] [cn]18.律师费 [/cn][en] fee [/en] [cn]19.律师函 [/cn][en]’s letter [/en] [cn]20.律师见证 [/cn][en] attestation/authentication [/en]



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(六)

    [/cn][en]ation; indictment [/en] [cn]6.取消律师资格 [/cn][en] [/en] [cn]7.全国律师代表大会 [/cn][en]7.National Lawyer Congress [/en] [cn]8.缺席宣判 [/cn][en]nce judgment or determination by default [/en] [cn]9.人民法院 [/cn][en]9.People’s Court [/en] [cn]10.人民检察院 [/cn][en]10.People’s Procuratorates



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(三)

    [cn]1.非合伙律师 [/cn][en]ate lawyer[/en] [cn]2.非诉讼业务 [/cn][en]-litigation practice[/en] [cn]3.高级合伙人 [/cn][en] partner[/en] [cn]4.高级律师 [/cn][en] lawyer[/en] [cn]5.各类协议和合同 [/cn][en]ents and contracts[/en] [cn]6.公安局 [/cn][en]6.Public Security Bureau[/en] [cn]7.公司上市



  • 学法律英语: 法官 (带翻译)下

    公开审理该案。 The judge must not hear the evidence or the representations from one side behind the back of the other. 法官不得背着一方当事人去听取另一方的证据或者陈述。 The judge ordered the actions to be consolidated. 法官命令将诉讼合并审理。 The judge refused the application, on the ground that he had a judicial discretion to examine inadmissible evidence. 法官拒绝了申请,根据是他有审查不被采信证据的司法裁量权。 The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法官判原告胜诉。 The judge disallowed the defense evidence. 法官没有采信辩方证据。 The judge revised his earlier decision not to consider a submission from defense counsel. 法官修正了他早先不考虑被告方律师意见的决定。 The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness. 法官告诫律师不得诱导证人。 The judge was of the opinion that if the evidence was doubtful the claim should be dismissed. 法官认为,如果证据有疑,应当驳回主张。 The justices were ordered to rehear the information. 法官被命令重新审理起诉。 The Lord justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing. 大法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准。 The judge consented to the request of the prosecution9 counsel. 法官同意控方律师的请求。 The practiced of the judge is the interpreter of law. 法官的通常工作是解释法律。 声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。



  • 学法律英语:法理 (带翻译)下

    具有守法之神圣义务。 She who comes to equity come with clean hands. 自身清白者方能获得衡平救济。 The rules must not be constantly changing. 规则不得朝令夕改。 The same transaction give rise to both a civil and a criminal action. 同一活动可能会导致民事和刑事诉讼。 Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words. 没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话。 Wrong laws makes short government. 法制不健全,统治也短命。 声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。



  • 学法律英语:法理 (带翻译)上

    正和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的。 It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China's justice reforms. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。 It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. 与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。 Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done. 正义不仅应得到实现,而且还应以人们看得见的方式得到实现。 Let right be done, though the heavens fall. 秉公办事,何惧天塌下来。 Like reason makes like law. 相似的理由导致相似的规则。 No man should benefit from his own injustice. 没有人应当从自己的过错中获益。   声明:沪江网高度重视知识产权保护,发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将做相应处理。



  • 法律专业英语必备词汇(十三)

    [cn]1.法律效力[/cn][en] effect[/en] [cn]2.法庭调查 [/cn][en] investigation [/en] [cn]3.法庭审理笔录[/cn][en]3. court record [/en] [cn]4.法庭审理方式[/cn][en]4. mode of court trial [/en] [cn]5.法庭庭长 [/cn][en] judge of a tribunal [/en] [cn]6.支票  [/cn][en]; [/en] [cn]7.空头支票 [/cn][en]

