《冰雪奇缘》有望出续集 2018年上映
《冰雪奇缘》热映 主题曲Let It Go引全球翻唱
《冰雪奇缘》主题曲25种语言版 沪江英语:迪士尼新片《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)日前正在全球热映中,电影围绕两位公主——性格开朗的妹妹Anna(安娜)和天生就拥有冰雪神力的姐姐Elsa(艾尔莎)的成长展开。精雕细琢的冰雪场景、温暖人心的感动力量,这部温馨的动画你看了么? 《冰雪奇缘》获得第71届金球奖最佳动画片奖项和第86届奥斯卡的提名,主题曲《Let it go》则引发全球翻唱热潮,25种语言版主题曲是不是很好听? 主题曲《Let it go》英文版歌词: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint
成了恐怖片。在这个暗黑阴森版的预告片中,艾莎被禁闭的童年生活与原影冰片中基本相同——只是加上了一股毛骨悚然的杀戮氛围。[/cn] [en]The phrase "Do you
加入艾丽莎这个角色。[/cn] [en]Her real-life sister Lexie often accompanies her dressed as Elsa's sister Princess Anna from the movie, and her best friend steps in when Lexie isn't available.[/en][cn]她的亲妹妹莱克西经常装扮成电影中艾丽莎的妹妹、安娜公主,和姐姐一起同台演出,当莱克西抽不出时间的时候,她的好朋友们也会来帮忙。[/cn] [en]The work suits Carlson who has been into singing and musical theater her whole life. [/en][cn]卡尔森一向热衷于歌唱事业和歌剧事业,因而这样的工作对她再合适不过了。[/cn] [en]Right now, she's focusing on her modeling career, but also hopes to branch out into acting. [/en][cn]现在,她主要在模特行业发展,但是她也很希望跻身演绎圈。[/cn]
[en]A woman has reportedly asked to divorce her husband of six years because he doesn’t share her love of the movie Frozen.[/en][cn]据报道,有一名女子向结婚6年的丈夫提出离婚,只因他不喜欢自己热爱的电影《冰雪奇缘》。[/cn] [en]An unnamed 31-year-old man wrote on the Japanese marriage advice forum Kikonsha no Hakaba (”The Gravesite
会在ABC电视台播出一集长达1小时的幕后制作特辑。[/cn] [en]It will premiere on Sept. 2 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. The special will look inside Walt Disney Animation Studios and allow audiences to hear from directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee and producers behind the project.[/en][cn]这集特别节目将
冰雪奇缘新短片 冬季公主3月重返荧幕
剧照让我们迫不及待要堆个雪人了有木有![/cn] [en]‘Frozen Fever': Anna & Elsa Return For ‘Frozen’ Short[/en][cn]《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》:安娜和艾尔莎回归《冰雪奇缘》短片[/cn] [en]Following the massive– seriously massive– success of the frosty classic, Frozen, Disney is taking advantage of its popularity. Debuting prior to the live action Cinderella, in theaters March 13, Frozen Fever will see all our favorite characters from the original film back together again.[/en][cn]跟随这部获得巨大——真的是巨大的——成功冬季寒霜经典之作《冰雪奇缘》,迪士尼好好的利用了它的人气。在新真人电影《灰姑娘》之前在影院放送(3月13日)。《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》将会再次带回我们原作电影里最最喜欢的人儿。[/cn] [en]In other words, Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel), Princess Anna (Kristen Bell), Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) and Olaf (Josh Gad) will all reprise their roles for the seven-minute short.[/en][cn]换句话说,艾尔莎皇后(伊迪娜·门泽尔饰),安娜公主(克里斯汀·贝尔)饰,克里斯托弗(乔纳森·格罗夫饰)和奥拉夫(乔什·盖德饰)会全数在新短片里回归。[/cn] [en]‘Frozen’ [w]Sequel[/w] In The Works?[/en][cn]《冰雪奇缘》续作正在拍摄?[/cn] [en]While a short film is eminent, fans are obviously dying to know whether a feature-length sequel is in the works.[/en][cn]虽然短片如此出名了,粉丝明显很渴望知道是否长片续集正在制作中。[/cn] [en]Though she may be riding high following a flawless Super Bowl performance, Idina got herself into a bit of hot water in November when she said a sequel was happening– despite any word from Disney![/en][cn]虽然伊迪娜在“超级碗”完美无瑕的表演之后可能得意洋洋起来,她在11月给自己挖了个坑,因为她说续集已经在筹划了——尽管迪士尼一个字都没说过![/cn] [en]She clarified later, though, saying on Today that, “I just assumed that, because it’s so successful.”[/en][cn]虽然之后她澄清了,在《今日》上说道,“我就是猜猜罢了,因为它这么成功嘛。”[/cn] 小编剧透:该片将在3月和《灰姑娘》一起在内地上映哦!大家有木有翘首期待!! >>>想听25国语言版本的《Let it Go》?看这里!
迪士尼敲定冰雪奇缘2: 脑洞大开的续集名