• 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一短篇新闻四级3

    2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天小编为大家带来2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一短篇新闻3,希望对你有所帮助~ Six birds have just been trained to pick up rubbish at a French historical theme park. According to the park's manager, Mr. Villiers, the goal is not just to clear up the park. He says visitors are already good at keeping things clean. Instead, he wants to show that nature itself can teach us to take care of the environment. He says that rooks, the chosen birds, are considered to be particularly intelligent. In the right circumstances, they even like to communicate with humans and establish a relationship through play. The birds will be encouraged to clean the park through the use of a small box that delivers a small amount of bird food. Each time, the rook deposits a cigarette end or a small piece of rubbish. So far, visitors to the theme park have been excited to see the birds in action. However, some parents are concerned that it encourages their children to drop litter so they can watch the birds to pick it up. Villiers is not concerned about this criticism. He maintains most of the feedback he has received has been overwhelmingly positive. He hopes now to train more birds. 在法国的一个历史主题公园里,六只鸟已经被训练去捡垃圾。据公园经理维利尔先生所言,这样做目的不仅仅是清理公园。他说,游客们已经很擅长保持环境清洁。相反,他想证明大自然本身就能教会我们如何保护环境。他说,秃鼻乌鸦被选中了,因为这种鸟类是特别聪明的。在适当的情况下,它们甚至喜欢与人类交流,通过玩耍建立关系。鼓励它们通过使用一个提供少量鸟食的小盒子来清洁公园。秃鼻乌鸦每次都会存储一个烟头或一小片垃圾到小盒子里。到目前为止,来到主题公园的游客们在目睹鸟儿们的行为后都很兴奋。然而,一些家长担心这会鼓励他们的孩子扔垃圾,这样他们就可以看着鸟儿捡垃圾了。维利尔并不关心这种批评。他坚持认为他收到的大部分反馈都是非常积极的。现级在他希望能训练更多的鸟。 Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的新闻报道回答5-7题。 Question 5: What have six birds been trained to do at a French historical theme park? 问题5:在法国历史主题公园里,这六只鸟被训练来做什么? Question 6: Why were rooks chosen by the park manager? 问题6:为什么公园经理要选秃鼻乌鸦? Question 7: What is the concern of some parents? 问题7:有些家长担心的是什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家四级旗开得胜!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一短篇新闻四级2

    2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天小编为大家带来2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一短篇新闻2(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ Starting April 28 of this year, the National Museum of Natural History will begin renovating its fossil hall. The fossil hall, which displays some of the world's oldest and largest fossil specimens, receives more than 2 million visitors each year. It's one of the museum's most famous attractions. As a result, the museum plans to expand the hall, as well as add to its ancient birds collection. Bird lovers, both young and old, have already responded with excitement at the news. The museum's social media account has been flooded with messages of support. In the meantime, the current collection will be closed. However, visitors will be compensated during the closure. Museum's special exhibition area will now be free of charge. This week, the resident exhibition is a display of ancient wall paintings on loan from Australia. They celebrate the cultural heritage of the country and will be available to view until Sunday. Next week, the exhibition will be taken over by the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. The winner of this year's competition will be awarded a preview of the new fossil hall, as well as a cash prize. 从今年4月28日起,相关人员将开始对国家自然历史博物馆里的化石馆进行修复。这个化石馆展示了一些世界上最古老和最大的化石标本,每年接待200多万游客。这是博物馆最著名的景点之一。因此,博物馆计划扩建这个大厅,并增加古代鸟类收藏品。无论老少,爱鸟人士都对这一消息感到兴奋。博物馆的社交媒体账户上有众多对此支持的回应。同时,当前的收藏品将不对公众开放。但是,游客将在闭馆期间得到补偿。博物馆的特别展区现在是对公众免费开放的。本周,驻地展览是一个从澳大利亚借来的古代壁画展览。他们庆祝该国的文化遗产,并将提供观赏,直到周日。下周,这个展览将由年度野生动物摄影师大赛接管。今年竞赛的获胜者将获得新化石馆的预展和现金奖励。 Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的新闻报道回答3-4题。 Question 3. What does the news report say about the fossil hall of the National Museum of Natural History? 问题3:关于国家自然历史博物馆的化石馆,新闻报道说了些什么? Question 4. What is on display this week in the museum's exhibition hall? 问题4:这个星期博物馆的展览厅里展出的是什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家四级旗开得胜!

  • 英语四级听力考试过程中听四级不懂怎么办

    题中,就能够猜到这个听力大概是什么样的语境和内容,通过这些内容语境,就可以更好地掌握英语听力的内容。 增加日常词汇量堆积 日常的词汇量的积累,对于四级英语听力的提升也是非常有帮助的,让自己不断地提升自己的词汇量,这样就能够更好地在听力中找到正确的答案。 加强听力材料跟读习惯 在日常锻炼自己的听力时候,一定要加强个人听力材料跟读的习惯,不断地跟读对话,这样才能够更好地创造价值,也才能够更多的提升听力水平。 对于很多四级考试生来说,虽然英语听力分数比例很大,但是也不能够就这样因为难度轻易放弃,日常的训练和方法的掌握,都能够帮助自己轻松地创造高分。 英语四级考试注意事项 进入英语四级考试的考场前考生必须主动出示准考证、学生证、身份证,三证缺一者不得进入考场。 考生只准携带必要的文具进入英语四级考场,禁止携带手表、纸巾、书籍、笔记、资料、报刊、垫板、草稿纸以及各种无线通信工具(如BP机、手机)、录放音机、电子记事本等物品,一经发现,取消英语四级考试资格。 如已将BP机、手机等通讯设备带入英语四级考场的,必须立即关闭电源,并交监考人员代为保管。考场内不得擅自相互借用文具。 英语四级考试开始前务必检查自己的耳机,确保其可以正常使用,并准备好足量备用电池。考场不四级听力考试是同学们在备考过程中认为最难的,这也是四级考试第一项。下面是英语四级听力提供无线耳机和电池。 提高英语听力最有效的方法就是在意平时的积累和练习,以上就是针对英语听力考试的相关内容,希望可以给大家带来四级听力考试是同学们在备考过程中认为最难的,这也是四级考试第一项。下面是英语四级听力技巧,大家可以作为学习的参考。 英语四级听力听不懂怎么办 从选项中猜语境 一般在英语的选项和问题中,就能够猜到这个听力大概是什么样的语境和内容,通过这些内容语境,就可以更好地掌握英语听力的内容。 增加日常词汇量堆积 日常的词汇量的积累,对于四级英语听力的提升也是非常有帮助的,让自己不断地提升自己的词汇量,这样就能够更好地在听力中找到正确的答案。 加强听力材料跟读习惯 在日常锻炼自己的听力时候,一定要加强个人听力材料跟读的习惯,不断地跟读对话,这样才能够更好地创造价值,也才能够更多的提升听力水平。 对于很多四级考试生来说,虽然英语听力分数比例很大,但是也不能够就这样因为难度轻易放弃,日常的训练和方法的掌握,都能够帮助自己轻松地创造高分。 英语四级考试注意事项 进入英语四级考试的考场前考生必须主动出示准考证、学生证、身份证,三证缺一者不得进入考场。 考生只准携带必要的文具进入英语四级考场,禁止携带手表、纸巾、书籍、笔记、资料、报刊、垫板、草稿纸以及各种无线通信工具(如BP机、手机)、录放音机、电子记事本等物品,一经发现,取消英语四级考试资格。 如已将BP机、手机等通讯设备带入英语四级考场的,必须立即关闭电源,并交监考人员代为保管。考场内不得擅自相互借用文具。 英语四级帮助。

  • 干货建议收藏!四级听力5个蒙题四级技巧!

    有的题目,只要选项里没有数字,你就不用听数字; 2.四级除了新闻题以外的题目,只要选项里没有数字,你就不用听数字。 3.四级新闻题,不管选项有没有数字,都要听数字。 05 杜绝联想 当你听到任何一个选项的跟原文一致的时候,不四级的弱势单项是听力, 听力满分248.5分,占据四六级总分的35% 一定要重视呀! 话不多说,上干货! 「四级要去选择过度联想的那一个。 // 举个栗子🌰 题干信息:每天下班都和朋友去打牌。 选项A信息:每天打牌。 选项B信息:喜欢赌博。 这里要选A而不选B,B就属于过度联想(看似很有道理)。听力和阅读同样适用,阅读可以适当推理,听力不要去推理。 ◽屠皓民领衔 四六级通关神器◽ 🙋‍🙋‍基础班·冲刺押题班·白金班 直播录播相结合,基础强化冲刺全包括 🔍不同水平,灵活选择班型 $课程限时优惠6折起$ 【基础班】:380-424分,语法词汇基础薄弱 【冲刺班】:有一定基础,四六级做题技巧欠缺,刷分必选 【白金班】:380

  • 英语四级听力涨四级分指南

    听力题,而且不知道要如何去提高自己的听力水平。 有些考生抱怨,听力听懂录音在说什么了。 有的考生虽然有练听力,但因为练习量不够,还是无法达到质的飞跃。 一分耕耘,一分收获。想要得到,必须付出。 你凭什么不努力又什么都想要?! 建议考生: 至少要听够80篇,如果条件和时间允许,还可以加大训练量。 练习材料,优先选择历年听力考题。可精练,反复练。 结合之前提到的一周至少练5次,每次练至少30分钟。 听力练习的步骤:做题→ 对答案→ 看解析→ 对应原文→ 查看选项及对应原文的生词→ 确认看懂→ 开始跟读→ 直至听懂。注意,跟读时,可先看着原文逐句跟读,之后裸听并逐句跟读。 考生在熟知答题技巧、答题步骤、常见丢分原因等重要信息后,再进行一定强度的训练,听力能力肯定会更上一层楼!向着听力高分前进吧四级听力如何提分呢? 首先,考生需要了解以下这些重要信息: 听力怎么考? 怎样答题更科学? 答题技巧有哪些? 常见丢分原因有哪些? 听力常见词汇有哪些? …… 接下来,考生需要去练习听力,一定要多听多练。在练习四六级听力的时候,要遵循"恒、序、量"三大原则: 1. 要持之以恒 "天下无难事,只怕有心人。"  "只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。"  "锲而不舍, 金石可镂。" 这些道理,大家都懂。做事情要有恒心,有毅力,坚持不懈。 英语四级!加油!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章四级1

    助你完善你的分析技巧,使你能更好地表达自己。任何鼓励思想自由交流和追求知识的社会团体都是对社会有用的。它帮级助你积极地发展你的分析技能。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16. What kind of ability do analytical skills refer to in the passage? 问题16:根据这篇文章,分析能力指的是什么样的能力? Question 17. What does the passage say is an entertaining way of enhancing one's analytical skills? 问题17:根据这篇文章,什么是增强分析能力的有趣方法? Question 18. What else does the speaker advise people to do to improve their analytical skills? 问题18:作者还建议人们做些什么来提高他们的分析能力? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章1,希望对你有所帮助~ Analytical skills are our ability to understand and solve problems using information we have available. These skills are extremely important for our professional, social, and intellectual lives. What are the best ways to improve them? One way is to expand your world view. Unfortunately, this takes time. Ultimately, it will help you better evaluate information and analyze different ideas and outcomes. Traveling is a great way to expand your world view, although it can be expensive. An entertaining way of enhancing your analytical skills is to engage them by playing brain games. These are games that challenge you to think deeply and to develop your analytical skills. These games will get you used to thinking in a certain way. As a result, they will help improve your ability to think. However, opinions vary on whether video games are effective. The general consensus is that the best ones avoid mindless violence, and instead focus on strategy and challenge us to solve problems and achieve broad goals. Joining a debate or reading club or group is also a good idea. This provides people with the opportunity to come together and discuss ideas, literature and problems. Groups like these will help you refine your analytical skills and enable you to express yourself better. Any social group that encourages free exchange of ideas and pursuit of knowledge is beneficial. It helps you to actively develop your analytical skills. 分析技能是我们利用现有信息理解和解决问题的能力。这些技能对我们的职业、社交和智力生活极其重要。改善这些技能的最佳方法是什么?一种方法是扩大你的世界观。不幸的是,这需要时间。最终,它将帮助你更好地评估信息和分析不同的想法和结果。虽然旅行成本是昂贵的,但是旅行是一个可以扩大世界观的不错的方法。增强分析能力的一个有趣的方法是通过玩智力游戏,尽力理解这种能力。这些游戏能够挑战你的深度思考能力和开发你的分析能力。这些游戏会让你习惯以某种方式思考。因此,它们将有助于提高你的思维能力。然而,对于电子游戏是否有效,人们众说纷纭。普遍的共识是,最好的游戏就是避免盲目的暴力,而是把重点放在策略上,向我们提出挑战,以解决问题,实现广泛的目标。参加一场辩论或加入阅读俱乐部或小组也是一个好主意。这为人们提供了聚在一起讨论思想、文学和问题的机会。像这样的小组会帮助你完善你的分析技巧,使你能更好地表达自己。任何鼓励思想自由交流和追求知识的社会团体都是对社会有用的。它帮助你积极地发展你的分析技能。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16. What kind of ability do analytical skills refer to in the passage? 问题16:根据这篇文章,分析能力指的是什么样的能力? Question 17. What does the passage say is an entertaining way of enhancing one's analytical skills? 问题17:根据这篇文章,什么是增强分析能力的有趣方法? Question 18. What else does the speaker advise people to do to improve their analytical skills? 问题18:作者还建议人们做些什么来提高他们的分析能力? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章四级1

    学习的女学生获得更高的分数。在规模上,所级有的女子学校往往都比男女同校的学校小,这意味着教师可以根据女学生的个人学习风格和兴趣定制教材。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16: What advantage does the speaker say girls from single-sex schools have over those from coeducational schools? 问题16:根据作者所言,男女分校的女学生和男女同校的女学生相比较有什么优势? Question 17: What do teachers tend to do in coeducational settings? 问题17:在男女同校的环境下,老师倾向于做什么? Question 18: What are teachers more likely to do in an all-girls' school? 问题18:在女子学校,老师们更可能做什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章1,希望对你有所帮助~ Single-sex education can have enormous benefits for female students. Numerous studies have shown that women who attend single-sex schools tend to have stronger self-confidence, better study habits and more ambitious career goals than women who attend coeducational schools. Girls who graduate from single-sex schools are three times more likely to become engineers than those who attend coeducational schools. The reason is that all-girls schools encourage women to enter fields traditionally dominated by men such as science, technology and engineering. In coeducational schools, girls are often expected to succeed only in humanities or the art. Research has also shown that in coeducational settings, teachers are more likely to praise and give in-depth responses to boys'comments in class. In contrast, they might only respond to a girl's comments with a nod. They are also more likely to encourage boys to work through problems on their own, while they tend to step in and help girls who struggle with a problem. In an all girls setting, girls are more likely to speak up frequently and make significant contributions to class than in a coeducational setting. Girls studying in a single-sex setting also earn higher scores on their College Board and advanced placement exams than girls who study in coeducational settings. All girls schools tend to be smaller than coeducational schools, which means teachers would be able to tailor the materials to girl students' personal learning styles and interest. 男女分校的教育可以给女学生带来很多好处。大量研究表明,上过男女分校的女学生往往自信心更强,相比男女同校的女学生而言,她们有更好的学习习惯和更远大的职业目标。从男女分校毕业的女学生成为工程师的可能性是那些男女同校的女学生的三倍。原因是女子学校鼓励女学生进入传统上由男学生主导的领域,如科学、技术和工程。在男女同校的学校里,女学生往往只能在人文或艺术方面取得成功。研究还表明,在男女同校的情况下,老师更有可能表扬男学生,并对男学生在课堂上的评论做出深入的回应。相反,老师可能只会点头回应女学生的评论。老师还更有可能鼓励男学生自己解决问题,而往往倾向于介入并帮助那些陷入问题而无法独自解决的女学生。在全是女学生的环境中,女学生比在男女同校的环境中更有可能经常发言,并为班级做出重大贡献。在男女分校的环境中学习的女学生在大学委员会和高级入学考试中也比在男女同校环境中学习的女学生获得更高的分数。在规模上,所有的女子学校往往都比男女同校的学校小,这意味着教师可以根据女学生的个人学习风格和兴趣定制教材。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16: What advantage does the speaker say girls from single-sex schools have over those from coeducational schools? 问题16:根据作者所言,男女分校的女学生和男女同校的女学生相比较有什么优势? Question 17: What do teachers tend to do in coeducational settings? 问题17:在男女同校的环境下,老师倾向于做什么? Question 18: What are teachers more likely to do in an all-girls' school? 问题18:在女子学校,老师们更可能做什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章四级2

    2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天小编为大家带来2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章2,希望对你有所帮助~ There's an endless amount of scientific data proving that dogs can develop strong bonds with their owners. People aren't kidding when they say they love their dog or their dog loves them, but were rather ignorant about the nature of the relationships that form between dogs. In an effort to understand the matter further, I spoke with doctors Mark Beckhoff, a researcher and former professor of animal behavior. The doctors'response to the question of whether or not dogs can fall in love like humans do was a straight "Of course!" He went on to say that if love is defined as a long-term commitment, meaning dogs seek one another out when they're apart, they're happy when they're reunited, they protect one another, they feed one another, they raise their children together. Then, of course, dogs love each other. Now our furry friends don't really experience romantic love, like in the movies, but they can form deep and lasting bonds with their fellow dogs as well as humans. In fact, evidence shows almost dogs stay with one partner their whole lives. In actuality, love between dogs can be even more intimate than human relationships. When they interact, they aren't afraid to smell each other and will express themselves clearly and honestly. Once again, it seems we have a lot to learn from dogs. 有无数的科学数据证明狗能与主人建立牢固的关系。当他们说爱自己的狗或者他们的狗爱自己时,他们并不是在开玩笑,但是对于形成狗与狗之间的本质关系却一无所知。为了进一步了解这一问题,我采访了研究员、前动物行为教授马克·贝克霍夫博士。对于狗是否能像人类一样坠入爱河的问题,这位博士的回答直截了当,“狗当然可以了!”他接着说,如果爱被定义为一种长期的承诺,那就意味着狗在分开的时候会互相寻找,它们在团聚的时候会很高兴,它们会相互保护,互相喂食,它们会一起抚养孩子。当然,狗也会彼此相爱。现在,我们毛茸茸的朋友并不像电影里那样,真正体验到浪漫的爱情,但是它们可以和同类以及人类形成深厚而持久的联系。事实上,证据显示几乎所有的狗一生只和一个伴侣在一起。事实上,狗与狗之间的爱甚至比人与人之间的关系更亲密。当它们互动时,它们不怕闻到对方的气味,会清楚而诚实地表达自己。再次看来,我们有很多东西要向狗学习。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19. What does the passage say we don't know much about? 问题19:根据这篇文章,我们不太了解的是什么? Question 20. What does Dr. Mark Beckhoff say about dogs? 问题20:关于狗,马克·贝克霍夫博士说了些什么? Question 21. What does the speaker say about most dogs? 问题21:关于大多数狗,作者都级说了些什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章2,希望对你有所帮助~ There's an endless amount of scientific data proving that dogs can develop strong bonds with their owners. People aren't kidding when they say they love their dog or their dog loves them, but were rather ignorant about the nature of the relationships that form between dogs. In an effort to understand the matter further, I spoke with doctors Mark Beckhoff, a researcher and former professor of animal behavior. The doctors'response to the question of whether or not dogs can fall in love like humans do was a straight "Of course!" He went on to say that if love is defined as a long-term commitment, meaning dogs seek one another out when they're apart, they're happy when they're reunited, they protect one another, they feed one another, they raise their children together. Then, of course, dogs love each other. Now our furry friends don't really experience romantic love, like in the movies, but they can form deep and lasting bonds with their fellow dogs as well as humans. In fact, evidence shows almost dogs stay with one partner their whole lives. In actuality, love between dogs can be even more intimate than human relationships. When they interact, they aren't afraid to smell each other and will express themselves clearly and honestly. Once again, it seems we have a lot to learn from dogs. 有无数的科学数据证明狗能与主人建立牢固的关系。当他们说爱自己的狗或者他们的狗爱自己时,他们并不是在开玩笑,但是对于形成狗与狗之间的本质关系却一无所知。为了进一步了解这一问题,我采访了研究员、前动物行为教授马克·贝克霍夫博士。对于狗是否能像人类一样坠入爱河的问题,这位博士的回答直截了当,“狗当然可以了!”他接着说,如果爱被定义为一种长期的承诺,那就意味着狗在分开的时候会互相寻找,它们在团聚的时候会很高兴,它们会相互保护,互相喂食,它们会一起抚养孩子。当然,狗也会彼此相爱。现在,我们毛茸茸的朋友并不像电影里那样,真正体验到浪漫的爱情,但是它们可以和同类以及人类形成深厚而持久的联系。事实上,证据显示几乎所有的狗一生只和一个伴侣在一起。事实上,狗与狗之间的爱甚至比人与人之间的关系更亲密。当它们互动时,它们不怕闻到对方的气味,会清楚而诚实地表达自己。再次看来,我们有很多东西要向狗学习。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19. What does the passage say we don't know much about? 问题19:根据这篇文章,我们不太了解的是什么? Question 20. What does Dr. Mark Beckhoff say about dogs? 问题20:关于狗,马克·贝克霍夫博士说了些什么? Question 21. What does the speaker say about most dogs? 问题21:关于大多数狗,作者都说了些什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章四级3

    就是为什么与肌肉酸痛相关的延迟最级常见的原因。受损细胞的修复需要大约两天,然后疼痛消失。不幸的是,几乎没有什么东西可以减轻肌肉酸痛。止痛膏不起作用,但冲个热水澡或泡个温水浴可以缓解疼痛。 Questions 22-25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听文章回答22-25题。 Question 22. What does the German professor say about muscle soreness? 问题22:关于肌肉酸痛,这位德国教授说了什么? Question 23. What happens when muscles are damaged according to the passage? 问题23:根据这篇文章,当肌肉受损时会发生什么? Question 24. How long does it take for damaged cells to heal? 问题24:受损细胞需要多长时间才能愈合? Question 25. What does the speaker suggest one do to relieve muscle soreness? 问题25:作者建议人们做些什么来缓解肌肉酸痛? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章3(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ After tough workout or a day full of physical activity, it's common to find your muscles aching, but where do these pains come from? According to a German professor, the soreness comes from straining your muscles in an uncommon way, for example, jumping on a bicycle for a ride, because you haven't ridden in a long time. Soreness occurs since your leg muscles aren't used to that movement. When muscles perform an activity they aren't regularly expose to, the tiny fibers that are inside them are being torn apart. As muscle soreness develops, the body has to work to repair the muscle tears, but this doesn't happen immediately. First, the body must realize the muscles are damaged. When the body realizes the muscles are hurt, the response is to increase blood flow to the area and increase body heat, damaged cells are then cleaned up and the body sends cells specially designed to break down the large muscle fiber fragments. Healing can take place after this. It takes about a day until these cells make it to your aching muscles. That's why there is most often a delay associated with muscle soreness. Repair of damaged cells takes about two days, and afterwards the soreness disappears. Unfortunately, there is little that can be down to relieve muscle soreness. Pain relieving creams don't work, but a hot shower, or warm bath can provide some relief. 在经过艰苦的锻炼或一天的体力活动后,你经常会发现肌肉疼痛,但这些疼痛从何而来呢?据一位德国教授说,疼痛来自于非同寻常的肌肉拉伤,例如,骑自行车去兜风,因为你已经很长时间没骑了。疼痛的发生是因为你的腿部肌肉不习惯这种运动。当肌肉进行某种偶然的活动时,肌肉内的细小纤维就会被撕裂。随着肌肉酸痛的发展,身体必须努力修复肌肉撕裂,但这个修复过程不会马上就发生。首先,身体必须意识到肌肉受损。当身体意识到肌肉受伤时,对此的反应是增加流向该区域的血流并增加体温,然后,受损的细胞被清理干净,身体派出专门针对于此的细胞来分解大的肌纤维碎片。愈合可以发生在这之后。这些细胞到达你患处大约需要一天的时间。这就是为什么与肌肉酸痛相关的延迟最常见的原因。受损细胞的修复需要大约两天,然后疼痛消失。不幸的是,几乎没有什么东西可以减轻肌肉酸痛。止痛膏不起作用,但冲个热水澡或泡个温水浴可以缓解疼痛。 Questions 22-25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听文章回答22-25题。 Question 22. What does the German professor say about muscle soreness? 问题22:关于肌肉酸痛,这位德国教授说了什么? Question 23. What happens when muscles are damaged according to the passage? 问题23:根据这篇文章,当肌肉受损时会发生什么? Question 24. How long does it take for damaged cells to heal? 问题24:受损细胞需要多长时间才能愈合? Question 25. What does the speaker suggest one do to relieve muscle soreness? 问题25:作者建议人们做些什么来缓解肌肉酸痛? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年12月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章四级2

    重要的是,西雅图也从来没有过真正意义上的狂风暴雨。西雅图平均每年只有7天的雷电天气。总之,如果你喜欢晴朗但不太热的夏天,气候温和但多云的冬天,西雅图是你的理想之地。不管怎样,如果你去西雅图,不级要带伞。要不然别人会看着你,觉得你很奇葩。 Questions 19-21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19. What does the speaker find out about Seattle? 问题19:作者对西雅图有什么了解? Question 20. Why do local people in Seattle seldom carry an umbrella? 问题20:为什么西雅图的当地人出门很少带伞? Question 21. Why does the speaker say 'Seattle is a good place to be'? 问题21:为什么作者说“西雅图是你的理想之地”? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章2,希望对你有所帮助~ Today I found out that Seattle doesn't really get that much rain compared with most US cities. In fact, Seattle ranks 44th among major US cities in average annual rainfall. Cities that get more rainfall than Seattle include Huston, Memphis, Nashville, and pretty much every major city on the eastern coast, such as New York, Boston, and Miami. So, why does everyone think of Seattle as a rainy city? The primary root of this misconception lies in that Seattle has a relatively large number of days per year with rainfall compared with New York and Boston, which get an average of about 16% more rain per year than Seattle, but also average between them about 36 fewer days a year of rainfall. So it rains a lot less in Seattle. And the rain is spread out over more days than those cities. This is why few locals in Seattle carry an umbrella generally. When it does rain, it tends to be a very light rain that isn't troublesome. It almost never really rains as most people think. On top of that, it never really storms in Seattle, either. Seattle gets an average of a mere 7 days a year with thunder. So in short, if you like sunny but not too hot summers, mild winters but with lots of cloudy days, Seattle's the place to be. Anyway, if you visit Seattle, don't bring an umbrella. People will look at you, thinking you are funny. 今天我发现,相比大多数美国城市,西雅图的降雨量不是很充沛。事实上,西雅图的年平均降雨量在美国主要城市中排名第44位。降雨量超过西雅图的城市包括休斯顿、孟菲斯、纳什维尔,以及东海岸几乎所有主要城市,如纽约、波士顿和迈阿密。那么,为什么每个人都认为西雅图是一个降雨量多的城市呢?这种误解的主要根源在于,与纽约和波士顿相比,西雅图每年降雨的天数相对较多。这两个城市每年的平均降雨量比西雅图多约16%,而且平均每年少降雨36天左右。所以西雅图的降雨量要少得多,而且比那些城市要多下几天雨。这也就明白西雅图的当地人出门为什么很少带伞了。当下雨的时候,往往是毛毛细雨,这并不是什么麻烦事。几乎从来没有像大多数人想的那样真的会下雨。最重要的是,西雅图也从来没有过真正意义上的狂风暴雨。西雅图平均每年只有7天的雷电天气。总之,如果你喜欢晴朗但不太热的夏天,气候温和但多云的冬天,西雅图是你的理想之地。不管怎样,如果你去西雅图,不要带伞。要不然别人会看着你,觉得你很奇葩。 Questions 19-21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19. What does the speaker find out about Seattle? 问题19:作者对西雅图有什么了解? Question 20. Why do local people in Seattle seldom carry an umbrella? 问题20:为什么西雅图的当地人出门很少带伞? Question 21. Why does the speaker say 'Seattle is a good place to be'? 问题21:为什么作者说“西雅图是你的理想之地”? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!