• 专八真题:2011年interview(1/7)

    2011年专八听力包括 mini-lecture、interview还有news,别漏哦,通通都要听写。 HINTS Harley urmm Good morning, Dr. Harley. Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk. We know that you are an applied linguist specializing in second language acquisition. Right. So, today, urmm… we'll look at this issue. Now, first, Dr.

  • 2019年英语专八真题答案解析:讲座听力


  • 专八真题:2005年NEWS BROADCAST(1/4)

    距离专八的日纸越来越近啦,从今天开始,模拟啥的都不发了,就开始专心听写真题吧。真题才是王道啊!其实真题比模拟简单很多的哦~ 大家一起加油!专八~,任重而道远! Scientists in Brazil claim they've come to with a new way of treating burns. That is, with frog skin. Researchers say it is cheap and effective. The frog skin has components that diminish the growth of bacteria, making



  • 2010年专八真题参考答案


  • 【汇总】2011年英语专八真题+答案汇总(整理更新中)

    2011年英语专业八级考试落下帷幕。沪江英语将已有的部分答案以及网友回忆版答案汇总于此,并附上真题试卷影印版。不全部分正在更新整理中。请各位考生耐心等待。 2011年英语专八考试真题: 2011年专八考试真题试卷——影印完整版>> 2011年英语专八考试真题参考答案: 2011年专八真题参考答案:英译汉部分>> 2011年专八真题参考答案:汉译英部分>> 2011年专八真题参考答案:改错部分>> 2011年专八真题参考答案(网友回忆版)>> 专八高分保过课程特惠中>>

  • 专八真题:2004年 interview (3/6)

    考专八的少年少女们,加油啊!! Well, the whole world has moved away from elite education in universities to meet the needs of mass education, and entering universities is no longer a privilege for the few. And universities today are more concerned with providing jobs for their graduates in a way that universities

  • 专八真题:2009年mini-lecture(7/8)

    离专八的日纸越来越近啦,模拟啥的都不发了,就开始专心听写真题吧。真题才是王道啊!其实真题比模拟简单很多的哦~ 大家一起加油!专八~,任重而道远! At this early stage, you will be expected mainly to show that you understand what you did in your report and its implications, together with evidence that you have, at least a basic grasp of the demands of the report's format.



  • 2018年英语专八参考答案

    Part I  Listening Comprehension Section A  Mini-lecture Section B  Interview Part II  Reading Comprehension Section A Section B Part III  Language Usage 注:答案以阅卷答案为准,以上仅供参考   专八考试题型及分值比例 英语专业八级考试总共有五大题型,分别是听力理解、阅读理解、语言知识、翻译、写作。其中,听力理解包含讲座(MINI-LECTURE)和会话(INTERVIEW)这两种题型;阅读理解包含选择题(MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS)和简答题(SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS)这两种题型。 注:语言知识题其实就是改错题,不是人文知识。 来源:华研外语   如涉权属,请联系处理

  • 专八真题:2009年mini-lecture(4/8)

    离专八的日纸越来越近啦,模拟啥的都不发了,就开始专心听写真题吧。真题才是王道啊!其实真题比模拟简单很多的哦~ 大家一起加油!专八~,任重而道远! Hints: INTRODUCTION METHOD RESULT DISCUSSION What you did and why you did it appear in the section called INTRODUCTION. How you did it is in the METHOD section. And what you found out is in the RESULT section. And, finally



  • 专八真题:2005年Interview(3/5)

    距离专八的日纸越来越近啦,从今天开始,模拟啥的都不发了,就开始专心听写真题吧。真题才是王道啊!其实真题比模拟简单很多的哦~ 大家一起加油!专八~,任重而道远! Do you find that young people these days are not as concerned about their parents as their parents were about theirs? We have found nothing that suggests that family feeling is either dying or dead. There do not appear

