• 少儿英语童话故事: 三只小猪 (上)

    少儿英语童话故事: 三只小猪 (上) Chapter 1 Once there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. She was so poor, however, that she could no longer take care of the young pigs. So she decided to send them away. It is time for you to go out into the world now. You are old enough to live on your own. Remember

  • 童话故事:笨人一家亲(6/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint rake broom pitchfork tumble Then the gentleman went on his travels again; and he came to a village, and outside the village

  • 童话故事:笨人一家亲(5/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint trousers But in the morning, when they were both getting up, the gentleman was surprised to see the other hang his trousers

  • 童话故事:笨人一家亲(2/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint "Oh, mother!" says she, "look at that horrible axe! Suppose we was to be married, and was to have a son, and he was to grow up

  • 童话故事:笨人一家亲(4/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint lookye chimney tumble soot "Why, lookye," she said, "look at all that beautiful grass. I'm going to get my cow onto the top

  • 英语童话故事:群蚁观鳌




  • 童话故事:笨人一家亲(3/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint axe cellar durst Then he said: "Whatever are you three doing, sitting there crying, and letting the beer run all over the floor

  • 童话故事:美丽的仙鹤(2/4)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint gorgeous brink But he was utterly unready for the face of a beautiful girl. In fact, she was so lovely that he was quite

  • 童话故事:美丽的仙鹤(1/4)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint thicket hovel apparition specter It was winter. The fields were covered with snow, and the winding river was frozen so thickly

  • 童话故事:美丽的仙鹤(3/4)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint embroidered But instead she smiled and said: "Dear husband, do not worry or fret. I will weave a cloth, and you shall take