童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint crabs fire-spitting darts gnats The strong wings of the eagles gave way, the wind roared round the prince's head, and the clouds
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint milkmaid lane May Day My first tale is of a milkmaid. Only yesterday, I looked down and caught sight of her–I did not fail
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint the North Wind torment bluster And my last story features a truly radiant character. This, if you will permit me, is a story
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint Peacock emerald azure indisputably Juno Emperor Dear Goddess My next story is about the Peacock. He is the most royal of birds
有的国家,恐吓人民。 他让他们的国家经历了战火和刀剑的摧残,他的士兵践踏田地里的庄稼并且烧毁农庄。 火焰吞噬树枝上的绿叶,果实枯死在烧焦的黑色树上。很多贫苦的母亲逃跑,她们抱着衣不蔽体的小孩子们。在后面她们的村庄还冒着浓烟,然而那些士兵也追赶着她们。当他们找到她,她就成为了他们恶魔式的消遣品! 王子认为这童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话一切都理所当然,这只是事情的自然变化。他的权力与日俱增。 他的名字被大家惧怕。 与之而来的是他的财富。 ——译文来自: senyoungliu 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint haughtiness barrel At last the prince had his own statue erected on the public places and fixed on the royal palaces; nay, he
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint Juno pretentious the Peacock tapestry patronise riff-raff eagle Good Morning Juno looked at the dull and ordinary bird
少儿英语童话故事:野天鹅(下) When the sun set, they became her brothers again. This is where we live now. It is not as nice as the castle, but we like it. There are berries and fruit trees in the forest. You should get some sleep now. Yes, I am tired. I hope I can find how to save you. Maybe you will dream it.
少儿英语童话故事:野天鹅(上) Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a king. He has eleven handsome sons and one beautiful daughter. The daughter’s name was Elise. One day, he called all his children together. Children, three years ago, your mother died. We all love her very much. But the kingdom needs a queen. I
少儿英语童话故事: 三只小猪 (下)
少儿英语童话故事: 三只小猪 (下) The next morning at five o’clock, the third little pig got up, so he could get to the carrot field before the wolf. Hey guys, come on! Aren’t you coming with me? No way! It’s too early, and we’re scared. Okay, I will go by myself then. The third little pig was not worried at all.