少儿英语童话故事: 金鹅(下)
少儿英语童话故事: 金鹅(下) Chapter 3 Finally, they came to the city gates. The [w]gatekeeper[/w] laughed and laughed at the people following simpleton. Ha, ha, ha! I don’t need to ask. I know why you want to come to the city. Oh? What are you talking about? Don’t you know? The king has a beautiful daughter
少儿英语童话故事:皇帝的新装(上) Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a rich Emperor. He lived in a big castle and had many servants. The emperor loved good music and good food. But most of all, he loved good clothes. He had different clothes for every day of the week, and different clothes for every hour
少儿英语童话故事:皇帝的新装(下) Chapter 3 A few more days passed, and the emperor decided that he wanted to see the new clothes himself. He told all his advisors to come with him. He wanted to see if any of them could not see the clothes. Then he would know if they were stupid or lazy advisors. Good morning
少儿英语童话故事:穿靴子的猫(下) Chapter 3 When the miller’s son heard puss’ clever story, he thought to himself. Hmm. My puss is very smart. He might really make me a rich man. Puss was very happy and pleased when he saw the young princess admiring the miller’s son. The king sent his servants immediately back
少儿英语童话故事: 金鹅(上)
少儿英语童话故事: 金鹅(上) Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a man, his wife, and their three sons. The oldest sons were named Hans and Franz. They were big and strong. The youngest son was named simpleton. He was not big and strong like his brothers. But he was honest and kind. Hans and Franz always
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint the Ducks and the Geese squawked Hmmm Who could doubt that the eagle was the most royal of all the birds? Not the Ducks
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint plough furrow hailstones Hundreds of eagles were attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint brandished gnat ferocious They buzzed round the prince and stung his face and hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint one-liners smooth-talking She smiled, as she thought of the witty one-liners that she would deliver to all the smooth-talking
童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本篇材料转载自沪江部落节目单【童话的色彩】 http://bulo.hjenglish.com/app/menu/1311/list Hint débris morsel chariot He brought enormous wealth home from the conquered towns, and gradually accumulated in his residence